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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"You haven't seen my drawer of inappropriate starches?"
11983 members | you are not logged in | 10 June 2017

June 10

Salt Lake City, Utah CSTS event today. Serenity, Browncoat ‘Guilds of the ‘Verse’ and a cosplay contest. More...
Nathan Fillion joins the cast of A Series of Unfortunate Events. He will play Lemony Snicket's brother in season 2 of the popular Netflix series starring fellow Whedonverse alum Neil Patrick Harris.

June 08

Why Willow is one of the most important LGBTQ TV characters of all time. Decider did a top 50 list of LGBTQ TV characters which was decided by "over 40 LGBTQ entertainment professionals - writers, directors, showrunners, actors, journalists".
Morena Baccarin and Ben McKenzie are married. Congratulations to the pair of them.
Justice League reshoots rumoured to be "extensive". Take with a pinch of salt.
Priyanka Chopra says playing Batgirl would be "cool". This was from a PR junket for her Baywatch movie. Ages ago she was linked with Joss' Wonder Woman movie due to inaccurate press speculation.
The Hollywood Reporter reckons 'Batgirl' is next on DC movie slate. "And the studio had been focusing on putting together Justice League Dark, a supernatural team-up project, and Batgirl, a Joss Whedon-helmed film (among other Bat-offerings), as the likely next movies to go into production in the DC Comics universe".

June 07

Amber Benson to star in 'The Nightmare Gallery'. It's written and produced by a fellow Whedonesque poster. There's a Kickstarter and official website if you're interested in learning more.

June 06

Tiny Fences makes a musical review of Once More With Feeling. Buffy podcast releases the very special "607: Tiny Fences: The Musical!" with all original music. More...

June 03

Dr Horrible is coming to Wizard World in Philadelphia today. Even if you miss the screening, stop at the Browncoat Ball table, Booth #409. More...

June 02

Joss Whedon calls Wonder Woman "a godddamn delight". It does look like a great movie.
A "Leaf on the Wind" print signed by Alan Tudyk is up for charity auction. This is part of an event organised by BC/EFA (Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS). It's a lovely print.

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