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Brian Cox on playing a troubled wartime leader in Churchill

It's just days from D-Day in 1944. As Allied Forces wait for the call to invade Nazi-occupied France during World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is struggling.

He clashes with General Eisenhower as the Americans take over the crucial operation to drive the Nazis back into Europe. His relationship with wife Clementine is difficult. And he is dealing with depression and deep regret for all the lives lost in past campaigns including Gallipoli.

"He was frail," says veteran Scottish actor Brian Cox, who plays the wartime leader in the drama Churchill. "He was also mentally quite frail. The amount of boys who had died, the lists were getting bigger and bigger. That was something that preyed on him."

Directed by Australian Jonathan Teplitzky, best known for Better Than Sex (2000), Gettin' Square (2003) and The Railway Man (2013), Churchill takes place in the tense days of strategising before the D-Day landings.

Miranda Richardson plays Clementine Churchill, with John Slattery as General Eisenhower, Julian Wadham as Field Marshal Montgomery and James Purefoy as King George VI.

Cox, whose long film career includes Braveheart, X-Men 2, Troy and two Bourne movies, takes on the trademark bowler hat, cigar and grizzled air of defiance. Having played so many famous historical figures in the past – among them Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, William Wallace, King Henry II, Hermann Göring and J. Edgar Hoover – he was not daunted by Churchill.


"I've played a fair amount of people who have been iconic, as it were," Cox says. "The great thing about Churchill is it's such a brilliant canvas, especially when you have a script as good as I think this script is. Therefore it's just a joyous thing.

"You start to piece together this man who was both a public figure and a private figure. And you realise the 'Churchillian' thing was a kind of construct. It was to do with how he phrased his speeches, his sense of rhetoric.

"I saw a video of Churchill preparing a speech where he was talking to the guy on the camera, then he starts doing his Churchill thing. It's kind of odd because you realise he was playing a character."

Churchill was a complex character to play.

"He had doubt, like a lot of people, about the validity of his ideas," Cox says. "I think that's what makes him human and what makes him great. His speeches were Shakespearean and he was an artist, he was a painter, he was a poet, he was a writer, he was a soldier. He was the complete Renaissance man in that way."

Cox struck on a surprising idea – Churchill's boyishness – that helped him play the wartime leader.

"All babies look like Churchill," he says. "And Churchill looks like all babies. So immediately you've got this idea of this giant baby.

"And babies are contradictory, they're cantankerous, they're voluble. Churchill had all that. And also thumb sucking – smoking a cigar is a form of comforting. So what you realise about Churchill is that the little boy never left him."

The Scots have no particular affection for Churchill, who was the long-time member for Dundee, Cox's home town – changing parties along the way.

The veteran actor says his uncle remembers an ill Churchill being carried into a town hall meeting in 1922: "My uncle said to the guys who were carrying him, 'How he much did he pay you?' They said 'a pound'. He said 'I'll give you two if you drop him'."

Teplitzky has been living in London for three years – originally directing Broadchurch then rolling on to Indian Summers and other TV shows – when the chance to direct Churchill came up at short notice.

"What I realised was one of the themes was isolation," he says. "We think of Churchill and we think of this heroic leader who led Britain throughout the Second World War.

"But by this stage, in the time we tell the story, he was quite isolated. It was four years since the Blitz. America had taken over a lot of the Allied running of the war. So he became more and more isolated."

When he took it on, Teplitzky set out to make the film more cinematic.

"When I first read the script, every scene was an interior," he says. "The whole thing was designed as a little portrait. Interiors are the really expensive things on period films because you've got to dress them, so I said we have to take half the movie outside.

"We put a couple of scenes in cars. A lot of scenes are in quite amazing landscapes. And with all those scenes, I really wanted to elevate the film. It's a piece of cinema and it's got to work on the big screen so you really need those big visuals."

Churchill is screening now.