Good Weekend

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Benjamin Law: singing in a choir is like a natural antidepressant

For reasons mysterious and unknown, I find I'm constantly singing to myself. Perhaps I have an undiagnosed head injury, or maybe this is just what happens after being forced to sing every morning of your school life. But whatever it is, I can't stop. I sing in the shower, I sing on the road, I sing when I poo. (I never said any of this was normal.)

While I don't miss daily, school-enforced church, I do sometimes miss the loveliness of group singing. Research has shown that singing in choirs is great for social bonding. It improves breathing, posture and muscle tension, helps to reduce stress, and relieves pain by releasing endorphins.

As a godless apostate, I resent that only the religious get these benefits (how dare they), so I sign up to my closest choir: the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir. 

Now in its 27th year, up to 80 people rock up each Thursday for rehearsals after work. On the night I join, the attendees are a diverse lot: business people, friendly bears, muscle-men, queer elders, trans folks, power lesbians. My people.

It's been literally half a lifetime since I've sung in a group, so I ask choir secretary Mark how I'm supposed to know if I'm a bass or tenor. People who have sung in choirs before usually know, he says, but just listen and see what suits your voice. "Basses are very social and great bakers," Mark adds, "and tenors tend to be divas." Mark is a tenor; I join him.

Tonight is the choir's second night of rehearsing Sondheim, which means I've basically gone straight to boss level. Even a simple-sounding song like Comedy Tonight is riddled with weird intervals, dastardly transitions and diminished fifths. 


I get few of the notes right first go, but all I need is to hear the other tenors and I'm there.

When we sing together, it's gut-bustingly glorious, like some gay heaven has suddenly opened up. Rob – the founder – tells me that the choir's like a natural antidepressant. "If you're down, by the time you've been singing for 15 minutes, that's gone."

He's right: I arrived tense and grumpy; now muscles I didn't even know existed have relaxed. 

"It's that power that comes from being vulnerable together," says tonight's choirmaster, Adam. As we run through the song one last time, Adam tells the altos to note how, when they sing, suddenly the bizarre soprano line makes sense. The altos anchor the sopranos; we all keep each other steady.

"We always do," an alto says.

"That's true," a soprano says. "We all need each other."