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Who Will Take America's Place in Asia?

With a divided U.S., the way is clear for China to become the dominant power in Asia. But don't sign up for a crash course in Mandarin quite yet.
The Private Sector’s Murky Role in Climate Finance

The World Won't Wait for the U.S. to Take Climate Action

While Trump puts his fossil fuel interests first, cities, states, and the international community will move towards a clean energy transition, IPS associate fellow Daphne Wysham told the Real News Network.

No Country for People with Disabilities

Trump wants to slash $610 billion from Medicaid — on top of the $800 billion the House wants to cut in repealing Obamacare. That will be devastating for people with disabilities.

Trump’s War on the Climate Will Send U.S. Scientists Fleeing Abroad

But by pursuing aggressive climate change action, states can create opportunities for scientists and engineers to remain in the United States. Let’s just hope they don’t jump ship for France first.

The Silver Lining of Trump's Paris Withdrawal

Exiting the Paris climate pact is a colossal foreign policy mistake. But it may prevent the U.S. from watering down future agreements.
Dollar bill being cut up

The Unpleasant Impact of an Unserious Budget

If you can get past the fuzzy math, Trump's budget means certain pain for most families — and big tax cuts for the wealthiest few.

When Trump’s Push Comes to Shove in Europe

In one video clip, a glimpse of the Trump team's plan to divide Europe, cozy up to right-wing dictatorships, and rally the extreme right.

Autocrats Have an Ally in Trump

In Saudi Arabia, the president ratcheted up his anti-Iran alliance with Arab dictators.
Statue of Liberty on a U.S. tax return.

Illinois is Tired of Carrying the Carried Interest Loophole

After two years without a budget, the Illinois state senate moves to close a tax loophole that cost the state billions.

How Extreme Inequality Breeds Contempt for the Vulnerable

We need to do more than assail the heartless new Trump budget. We need to understand its roots in our chronic and continuing inequality.

Who Suffers the Most from the U.S. Drug War? Families

How drug-related suffering can bring black and white families together against a failed punitive model.

Trump’s Apology Tour

With plummeting ratings back home, Donald Trump is looking overseas for support. He's going to have to apologize first, though.

Donald Trump Is Playing 'Bad Cop' With His Extremist Budget Proposal

The president is useful to Republicans because he allows them to appear comparably less extreme than they actually are.

Cities and States Can Lead the Way Towards a Clean Energy Transition

As the Trump administration continues to falsely claim that fossil fuels are needed for job growth, cities and states can play a larger role in addressing climate change and creating jobs, IPS climate policy expert Basav Sen told Rising Up with Sonali.

The Walmart Tax

When you pay your workers so little, it's the American taxpayers who make up the gap. But how do we stop subsidizing wage theft?
Donald Trump

Envisioning a Post-Trump Future

A new book published by the Next Systems Project challenges us to think past today’s daily scandals to consider exactly what kind of society we want to live in.

Wealthy Heir Says: "Tax Me!"

A beneficiary of family wealth speaks out against a Washington, D.C. proposal to pay for estate tax cuts by shortchanging public services.

Students Get the Last Word on Commencement

If they don't want protests, universities need to give students more input on their commencement speakers.

El Salvador – When The Seeds Of Resistance Bloom

On 30th March 2017 legislators in El Salvador approved a blanket ban on all metal mining activities in the country – the first country in the world to do so.

The Nixonization of Donald Trump

In the aftermath of Watergate, the country turned to the left. Are progressives positioned to capitalize on Trump's stumbles today?

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IPS in the News

  • Woke!: Black Resistance to US Domestic and Foreign Policy

    June 14 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Institute for Policy Studies

    A discussion unpacking the role of Black organized resistance in building an even broader independent movement that addresses the economic needs of all poor and working people and the escalating violence that accompanies the neo-liberal agenda.

  • SAVE THE DATE: Third Days of Action Against the Blockade

    September 11 @ 10:00 am - September 16 @ 9:00 pm at Various Venues Around Washington DC

    Five days of interesting activities with a central focus on the effects of the blockade on the health of all the Cuban people.

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Everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Together, we must speak truths to power and challenge the structures that keep us from realizing our full potential as human beings, members of society, and keepers of this planet.

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