Issue:  Vol. 47 / No. 22 / 1 June 2017
Out and About

More News

Online Extra: Gays Across America: Data 'more crucial than ever,' report says

Aging LGBTs face challenges as numbers grow; black LGBT group to launch PrEP ambassadors campaign for college students at HBCUs. (read more)

Online Extra: Political Notes: CA LGBT Dems elect trans, bi co-chairs

Transgender and bisexual leaders elected to CA Dem Party posts. Group aiming to oust Rep. Issa seeks funds in SF. (read more)


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Gay SF 'Survivor' player plots return

Having landed in fourth place his second time out on the CBS game show "Survivor," and believing he had a path to victory, gay San Francisco resident Tai Trang is ready to compete a third time on the long-running show. (read more)

National LGBT health study seeks participants

A yearslong national health study of LGBT residents of the United States being conducted by researchers based at UCSF is now seeking participants. (read more)

Queer arts fest expands to S. Bay

The National Queer Arts Festival is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and is expanding to the South Bay. (read more)

Despite efforts, worries about ADAP remain

Advocates for people living with HIV and AIDS are still worried about clients' access to medications as California officials continue fixing the state's AIDS Drug Assistance Program. (read more)

Mission police captain hopes to increase patrols

The new police captain at San Francisco's Mission Station, which includes the Castro, Mission, and other neighborhoods, recently told police commissioners and community members he hopes to increase patrols and address homeless complaints and other issues. (read more)

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More Arts

Film - Redemptive documentaries

If you can't afford travel, accommodations or tickets to Sundance, the folks who stage the 16th San Francisco Documentary Festival (aka SF DocFest) have a deal for you. (read more)

Fine Arts - Back from the edge!

"Tiny Bubbles," a phrase that prompts associations with old Lawrence Welk reruns or memories of wobbly champagne toasts, is actually the title of a new group show at the San Francisco Arts Commission Galleries (SFAC). (read more)

Film - Lost worlds regained!

To enter the Castro Theatre is a thrill, to sit can be a competition, the vibes and the decor induce awe, the Wurlitzer provokes giddiness, and singing "San Francisco" might make you cry. (read more)

Out There - Frameline frolics

There's a certain amount of buzz surrounding Frameline 41 , the San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival coming up this June 15-25. (read more)

Music - Shostakovich turns on the dark

For the past two weeks the San Francisco Symphony has been keeping the lights on at Davies Symphony Hall with concerts featuring noted guest conductors, one making an impressive and overdue debut, and visits with excellent vocal and instrumental soloists. (read more)

Out & About - Title

Here are some things. (read more)

Theatre - Stimulated in the flyovers

Many of us grew up around someone your parents identified as "a bad influence. (read more)

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