Becca Morn
Published professional writer and poet, Becca had a three decade career in technical writing and consulting before selling off most of her possessions in 2006 to go live at an ashram in India for 3 years. She loves literature (especially science fiction), technology and science, progressive politics, cool electronic gadgets, and perfecting Hatch green chile recipes. Fortunately for this last, Becca and her wife currently live in New Mexico. @BeccaMorn

Why a die-hard Sanders supporter is happily voting for Hillary

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Hillary is not the lesser of two evils. Donald Trump must be stopped, period.

Reality (sic) TV

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It’s just trash TV, ‘Potemkin Village’ shows. It’s the fast-food version of entertainment.

Why gay marriage opponents lost: The social angle

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We won because we are extraordinary in being ordinary.

Per the NFL, Ray Rice’s only crime was getting caught on tape

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The NFL isn’t upset that Ray Rice beat his wife unconscious. They’re upset that he got caught.

This gun owner thinks it’s nuts to hand a 9 y.o. an Uzi

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It was grossly negligent to let a 9-year-old girl fire an Uzi, resulting in the death of her instructor.

Monday morning mental health break: iDiots (video)

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An all too familiar observation on consumerism, and an open thread.

For Putin, there’s never been a better time to rebuild the empire

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Political opportunism overrides everything else for the GOP. As for western Europe’s backbone…

Further thoughts on whether one must be radical to be gay

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To romanticize radicalism is a nostalgia we can’t afford, and it’s actually inimical to the goals of equality.

The nomination of far-right conservative Michael Boggs to the federal bench

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Would a GOP President ever nominate a far left liberal for a lifetime appointment as a federal judge? No.

Cliven Bundy thinks God hates toll booths

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More Cliven Bundy, unplugged and unhinged.

Cliven Bundy blamed Martin Luther King for racism (video)

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Cliven Bundy, gov’t-subsidized NV rancher, wonders why people object to his racist remarks about “the Negro.”

Cliven Bundy, proud racist, shares his thoughts on “the negro” (video)

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Scofflaw Nevada rancher thinks “Negroes” should learn to pick cotton. And be slaves again.

Cliven Bundy is a seditious liar, not a patriot

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Bundy claims there’s no such thing as federally-owned land, and doesn’t recognize the US govt. “as even existing.”
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