Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CJNG vs Sinaloa, the looming war as El Menchito was kidnapped in prison by the Sinaloa cartel and threatened with death

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Riodoce article

Subject Matter: CJNG vs Sinaloa Cartel
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Ismael Zambada Garcia, Rafael Caro Quintero and the Federal Government itself participated in the negotiations to free the three children of El Chapo Guzman. But the negotiations were difficult and then the Sinaloa cartel threatened to kidnap in jail Nemesio Oseguera Gonzalez, son of El Mencho, to offer that as a bargaining chip. Sinaloa sources assure Riodoce that he was kidnapped, but that was denied by the PGR. What many say is that the offense will cause a war between the CJNG and the Sinaloa cartel.

Reporter: Javier Valdez
In the negotiations for the children of Joaquin Guzman Loera, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, they were freed, Ismael Zambada Garcia, Rafael Caro Quintero and the Federal government took part, according to unofficial sources consulted by Riodoce.

Negotiations between the group CJNG and its leader El Mencho, and the Sinaloa cartel did not go smoothly, and at one point were on the brink of disaster, the pawn in the negotiations was El Menchito, a Federal prisoner in Oaxaca, who was threatened with death if El Chapo's sons were not released.

Monday, August 29, 2016

The cartel of the sexenio, is CJNG, it is ready to enter the big leagues

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article

Subject Matter: The growth of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Juan Luis Garcia Hernandez
The first time that "Los Mata Zetas" revealed their existence was in two videos released in July of 2009. The then armed wing of the Sinaloa cartel had arrived in Veracruz with the objective of "adjusting accounts" with the armed group Los Zetas.

"For what cartel do you work?"
For Los Zetas
What is your function?
Go into town at night and find people with money and give that information to those who will come and kidnap them.
How long have you worked for Los Zetas?
Three years
How much do they pay you?
20,000 pesos for each person they kidnap
The above is an extract from one of the two videos.

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion has expanded from the States of Jalisco, Michoacán and Colima in 2010, until now it is a business that operates on four continents.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The war between Los Zetas and Cartel del Norte; is a reflection of daily life in Tamaulipas

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Valor por Tamaulipas article

Subject Matter: Life in Tamaulipas under the shadow of impunity
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Anonymous
There is a huge house with a large garden in the city of Victoria in Tamaulipas, it is surrounded by high walls, and this house in turn, is within a community protected by even higher fences and surrounded by security guards. But even here, a businessman sitting in his armchair and surrounded by photographs of his family and religious images, does not feel safe.

"No one trusts anyone", he said. "Ten years ago this estate was not fenced and the children of residents used to play outside here."

But in recent time, he has gone to the funeral of four close friends and residents have sent their children to live in safer areas. Almost everyone that this businessman knows in the Tamaulipas area, in north east Mexico, will only discuss security problems under conditions of anonymity. Everyone here is afraid of retaliation by criminals.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Guerrero Cops had to ration ammunition after being ambushed. Boss says "budget limits".

Posted by DD from several articles in Milenio

scene of ambush of 15 State Police Guerrero. 
El periodismo necesita inversión. Comparte este artículo utilizando los íconos que aparecen en la página. La reproducción de este contenido sin autorización previa está prohibida.
 Gunmen who ambushed 15 state police in the mountains of Guerrero on Tuesday didn’t hold back on their fire power.  Investigators have estimated that 305 shots were fired on the police patrol

On August 23 a patrol of 15 state police were ambushed in vicinity of Puerto del Gallo in the municipality of Heliodoro Castillo, an opium poppy-growing region wracked by the conflict of warring drug cartels that are well armed with high-powered weaponry.

In the ambush and ensuing 4 hour gun battle 3 of the State Police were killed and 2 more injured.  Three of the attackers were also killed. 
according to authorities when the police drove into the ambush and they were attacked they tried to repel the attack while hiding behind their trucks.  Then other trucks with armed men arrived and joined the attackers in the firefight.  The police said they were outnumbered 10 to 1.  They estimated the attackers numbered about 150. 

Nephew of "El Mayo" Zambada gunned down in Culiacan

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a La Pared article

Subject Matter: Giovanni Parra Zambada
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: La Pared Redaction
Two men were chased and executed in a hail of high powered gunfire while travelling close to the "El Puente de la Isla Musala, while descending on the El Dorado Boulevard in the Las Quintas colonia.

One of the victims was identified as Giovani Parra Zambada, approximately 41 years old, nephew of one of the Sinaloa cartel leaders, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, the second victim has not been identified.

Friday, August 26, 2016

San Diego: 3 Million in transit to Tijuana seized

3 Million seized in San Diego

Two discreet, ordinary vehicles drive in tandem through Escondido county, a city outside of central San Diego, known for crystal meth and heroin trafficking, the Passat and the Kia could have contained any average person, a weary commute home from work, another day having passed by. 

Border Patrol agents followed the two cars off the Interstate 15, southbound, and into residential Escondido, where agents pulled over the Kia, while the Passat drove off.  Inside the Kia, driven by a 53 year old American citizen, agents discovered 33, 880 in U.S currency, wrapped and stacked, and concealed in cardboard boxes.  

Other agents covered the area and found the Passat, on Bittersweet Street, it's driver, a 41 year old Mexican citizen,  hiding in some bushes nearby.  Inside his trunk was just over 3 million, wrapped and stacked, concealed in boxes.   The money was in different denominations, all representative stacked and packaged, including $1's, $5's, and $20's.  

A Border Patrol separately declared it the largest cash seizure in San Diego County, by Border Patrol operation.  The suspects were turned over to Homeland Security Investigations, likely building a larger case, the 3 million being just one piece of a picture. HSI agents in Eastlake, San Diego, an enclave of Mexican families from Tijuana, recently shot and killed a suspect in a trafficking undercover op gone wrong. 

The men were charged with bulk cash smuggling.  Who are these two?  Who has to make that call and say 'We lost them'?  The money is very likely brought down from Los Angeles/Orange County stash houses, to be transported in Tijuana.  The smaller bills indicate some of the product was distributed at retail, and maybe the suppliers were paid quickly in smaller bills, rather then waiting to change over into larger bills.  

In May of this year, multiple Federal agencies in a task force, descended upon a house a few blocks from Disneyland, where 2.3 million in suspected drug proceeds was seized.  No arrests were made at that time, but investigators linked the money to members of the Sinaloa Cartel.  

Sources: UT San Diego

Gun battle leaves seven State police wounded in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article with extra data from Valor por Tamaulipas

Subject Matter: Police vs sicarios shootout in Tamaulipas
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The events occurred in the town of Miguel Aleman, where subjects that were travelling in a van attacked two patrols of the Tamaulipas force, the aggressors fled.

Reporter: Milenio Digital
Location:Miguel Aleman
An armed group attacked State police of the Tamaulipas force in the town of Miguel Aleman, it left a toll of seven injured police, including one lady officer, and a patrol car burnt out.

The events occurred approximately around 13:00 on Boulevard Miguel Aleman, when the officers were carrying out a reconnaissance patrol in two police vehicles.

At this point, the occupants of a white Chevrolet van drove past the police patrol and opened fire on them, as well as throwing Tyre puncturing spikes, informed the Tamaulipas group for Coordination.

Spain: Narco operative reveals Mexican cartel interests in Europe

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with C.E.M republished from SOFREP
Thought to be a Zetas operative, Spain says he was an independent for 
BLO, Sinaloa, CDG and  Zetas

An investigation by Spanish authorities has uncovered an alleged cocaine trafficking network headed by a Mexican citizen linked to several different drug cartels, shedding light on the “franchise model” Mexican crime groups use to traffic drugs to Europe.

On August 23, EFE reported it had obtained access to a Spanish police report alleging Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano — also known by the aliases “El Mono” and “El Ingeniero” — headed a trafficking ring that brought cocaine into Spain through the port of Valencia, Spain’s second busiest seaport and the sixth busiest in Europe.

Spanish police arrested Muñoz on March 18 in Madrid, accusing him of money laundering and criminal association. Soon thereafter, US authorities unsealed a federal indictment charging Muñoz with drug trafficking, money laundering and weapons violations in the United States. The United States also requested Muñoz’s extradition from Spain.

US prosecutors identified Muñoz as an “important member” of the Zetas organization. However, the
Moreira leaves Spain prison 2nd left

arrest order issued by Spanish prosecutors said that Muñoz worked “independently,” maintaining “business relationships with various Mexican drug trafficking cartels” including the Zetas, the Sinaloa Cartel, the Gulf Cartel and the Beltran-Leyva Organization, reported EFE.

Spanish investigators are also looking into possible ties between Muñoz and Humberto Moreira, the former governor of the Mexican state of Coahuila, who was arrested in Madrid in January, according to EFE. Moreira is suspected of laundering money he embezzled from public coffers during his time as governor as well as helping launder money the Zetas earned from drug trafficking.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tijuana: Girlfriend & brother of 'El Karate' de CAF attacked

Girlfriend & brother of 'El Karate' de CAF attacked

In an afternoon, daylight attack, loved ones of Carlos Gonzalez, 'El Karate', CAF operator, who was detained earlier in the year, were injured, after gunmen fired upon them from a vehicle, while traveling in a silver Malibu, California plates.  Bryan February Moreno, 24, 'Karate's' brother, who was the driver, managed to drive to the Hospital de Carmen de la Colonia Cacho. 
His passenger, identified February as 'Leslie', 28 years old, was also injured.

The shooting took place near Santa Fe Plaza, in an area known as 'Bow Tie'. Carlos Gonzalez, was detained in late Febuary presumably near Mexicali, with other men, in February bearing the same surname, February. They were arrested with high caliber weapons and kilos of crystal.  

At the time, it was said 'Karate' or 'Karateca' was second in command of what remains of the CAF structure in Tijuana, yet, this seems unlikely for several reasons, including the circumstances of his arrests.  He remains jailed, facing several murder and organized crime charges.  In the past 2 years, there have been numerous instances of CAF, ex CAF and their family members being executed, attacked, and kidnapped in Tijuana, as organizations and alliances shift, wither, and die under a changing guard.

There remains a constant murkiness to these killings, some are attributed to rival groups, such as Los Aquiles, and narco retail feuds, like the family members of 'El Mono' who were attacked earlier this year.  Others, are said to be internal settling of accounts, like the case of Logan gang member 'El Viejon', found in black bags, beaten to death, late last year.  His death was later said to be by members of his own kidnapping crew, who left a note from Aquiles, to cause confusion.  'El Illames' was shot, and injured at his other men 'Fusion 40' in Tijuana late last year, and another CAF operative was executed near his home in Spring of this year.

Bullet wounds and private hospitals, flesh seared by bullets, aliases and nicknames, killings and kidnappings play out in Tijuana, bodies buried, prayers said, death omnipresent under the glare of the city lights from across the border...

Sources: AFN Tijuana

Televisa story report: 3 sons of El Chapo were kidnapped

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with C.E.M

The following story is from Televisa.  Although they cite “confirmed by authorities” it has not been officially confirmed on any government website, as of this hour.  Nor has Televisa named who specifically confirmed this story.   It has always been the opinion of this BB reporter that Ivan was kidnapped along with his brother Alfredillo.  The government disputes, or at least has not confirm this.  Nor have they confirmed their release.  Bear in mind the government have no reason to avoid confirmation, as the brothers are wanted in the U.S. but not in Mexico for criminality. 

This Televisa story is attributing the kidnapping to Alfredito Beltran Leyva, bear in mind Televisa also has a story of leader of CJNG being responsible.  In my opinion that makes more sense.  But since the government is being closed mouth about this event, giving zero information since last week, it is impossible to determine what is happening.

If anything, the theory that there is an alliance between Alfredito and Mencho leading to a joint clash against Sinaloa is a possibility. Mencho has made some smart strategic alliances, and joining with those familiar with and having access to Sinaloa territory sounds pragmatic, although there, to this point has not demonstrated this to be fact.

Mexican Cartels Traffick Drugs, Humans, and now fish bladders

Posted by DD republished from Mexico News Daily

Fish bladders fetch more than cocaine

Trafficking in totoaba swim bladders has been a successful business model since 2014 when organized crime entered the market.

Since then, the illegal fishing of the endemic Gulf of California species of fish has flared, putting not only totoaba on the endangered species list but the threatened vaquita marina, which shows up as bycatch in gillnets.

“They entered the business forcefully, applying their organizational structures and their corrupting influence. [Organized crime] had established networks, routes, contacts, points of sale and padrinos, or sponsors, in official institutions. What was used to traffic drugs was implemented for the totoaba,” explained an unnamed Army chief in an interview with the newspaper Reforma.

The favored route for totoaba swim bladder traffickers is by air, their destination several Asian countries that treasure the organ for its aphrodisiac and healing properties.

The federal environmental agency Profepa revealed in a report that 1.5 kilograms of cocaine have the same selling price as just one kilo of totoaba swim bladder.

“There’s current data that suggests the price of one kilogram [of totoaba swim bladder] on the black market is reaching US $15,000,” said the document.

The Environment Secretariat (Semarnat) has reported that the main modus operandi of traffickers is to camouflage the bladder with other swim bladders, for which the proper trading permits have been authorized.

“The training of police agents isn’t enough, be it at the municipal, state or federal levels. The situation is the same with the Army, Navy and customs personnel: they’re not trained to detect these crimes,” said an environmental official.

The Federal Police and the federal Attorney General’s office in the state of Baja California have often called upon specialists from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) to identify confiscated swim bladders, to determine whether they belonged to the totoaba or the Gulf corvina.

“While corvina swim bladders have a small, horn-like appendix, totoaba ones have a larger one, of almost the same length as the bladder. This appendix is also twisted, like a braid . . . if complete, it can be easily identified,” say UABC specialists.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mexico has impounded 40,000 weapons in the last four years

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: Weapons smuggling from USA to Mexico
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Rafael Montes
The Chancellor Claudia Ruiz Massieu alerted that in four States of the USA that make up the frontier with Mexico there exists no less than 9000 legal outlets that sell firearms and more than 23,000 licenses for selling arms over the Internet or in outlets like supermarkets, " that endow the transnational criminal organizations with enormous firepower."

In her participation in the second Conference of the States that are party to the Treaty on the arms trade of the United Nations, commented that this facility to purchase weapons at the border translates into the fact that 70% of the weapons seized by Mexican authorities are from buyers or distributors of the United States, and that 60 % of the confiscated weapons are manufactured in the USA.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

An alliance of narcos against Sinaloa

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Cartel internecine warfare
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The kidnapping of Jesus Alfredo Guzman, son of "El Chapo" Guzman, in Puerto Vallarta would have been for vengeance. Jalisco authorities signalled CJNG as the authors of the kidnapping. A source consulted by ZETA affirms that there exists an alliance between CJNG and the Beltran Leyva Organization. Seido is investigating the privation of liberty at the La Leche restaurant. "Alfredillo" has charges pending in the Federal Court of Illinois for drug trafficking.

Reporter: Zeta investigations
Intelligence sources estimate that behind the kidnapping of Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar "Alfredito", son of narco trafficker Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, and another five persons in Puerto Vallarta on the morning of the 15th of August, one finds a perverse alliance between the CJNG and the Beltran Leyva brothers, with a view to creating the most powerful criminal organization in Mexico.

The coalition of the Beltran Leyva with Los Zetas in Sonora, Los Guerreros Unidos in Guerrero and other criminal factions in diverse territories; and the pact of the CJNG with the cartel Arellano Felix and their infiltration in sectors of the Sinaloa cartel in Baja California, are clear signs of territorial expansion in the market and transit of drugs.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Marines find 800 kilos of cocaine of the coast of Colima

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: Mexican Marines, Cocaine shipment found
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The marines found 24 packages with 713 bundles of cocaine, they detained six people, three people of these from Mexico, two from Ecuador and one from Colombia.

Reporter: Ruben Mosso
Elements of the Marines confiscated more than 800 kilos of cocaine off the coast of Manzanillo, Colima, the drugs were being transported in fast motor boat named "Starwalker".

Personnel working for Naval Intelligence obtained information about the shipment that navigated along the coast of Colima and Michoacan, to implement the operation in which participated aircraft of King Air, two units of the Oceanic Patrol and two interceptors, with the aim of impeding illicit activities along the Mexican coast.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

U.S. Response to Rafael Caro Quintero: No Forgiveness

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with C.E.M. translated from Proceso

The US government does not abandon its goal, of bringing to justice Rafael Caro Quintero for the kidnapping, torture and murder of federal agent Enrique Kiki Camarena in February 1985.

"He participated in the torture, ordered the kidnapping and murder of Kiki; we have evidence, including recordings, and witnesses, "says the official of one of the most important US federal agencies, who agreed to the interview on condition that his identity not be disclosed.

"No, we will not rest; we will continue to insist on his arrest and extradition".

Reports of Chapo's son set free after kidnapped in Puerto Vallarta

By Texcoco for Borderland Beat
Range Rover seized at La Leche
Note by Chivis:  The respected RioDoce Sinaloa newspaper, broke a story yesterday that kidnapped Alfredo Guzman, son of El Chapo was freed.  RioDoce has excellent Sinaloa sources and usually are correct in their stories, but have jumped the gun in the past.  Based on their reputation, mainstream Mexican media followed by republishing the story, attributing it to RioDoce.  Anabel Hernandez added that her "Guzman family sources" also reported to her that Alfredo was freed.  But she also cited the same family sources in her early reporting information on the kidnapping, which turned out to be false.  We are not sure about the release, as there is no confirmation a full day later,  but we though we should at least advise BB readers what is being said.  The latest and the superseding 22 page indictment against Alfredo (Alfredillo) I have added at bottom of post....report begins below

Unofficial sources reported that Alfredo Guzman Salazar was released after five days in captivity from being kidnapped by armed men in a luxurious restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

Two different sources confirmed to Ríodoce weekly newspaper, about Chapo's son, although there is people saying that Ivan Archivaldo, the eldest son of Joaquin Guzman, El Chapo, was also among the kidnapped victims in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, on the early hours of Monday 15, they were all released.

So far there is no information about where they were released, but sources say that they are all unharmed and some already in Sinaloa. So far no authority finding confirms release of six people.

For the Attorney General's Office (PGR), which this took control of the investigation on this case week as the victims are still missing.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Chapo Drama: Chapo ordered transferred back to Altiplano

Lucio R. Borderland Beat by CEM

Yesterday a judge ordered the transfer of  El Chapo returning him to Altiplano No1 prison.  The actual transfer is likely not to occur immediately, but may take months. 
The transfer is a legal “win” for the Sinaloa capo, whose attorneys filed a request for an injunction that would return Chapo to the maximum security prison he tunneled his way out of in July of 2015.

While in Altiplano, Chapo, his attorney’s and family waged a campaign to have him transferred from Altiplano.  Chapo’s wife Emma came out of the shadows at that time, embarking on a media blitz claiming that Chapo was being subject to ill treatment, violating his human rights and rendering him sick.  She claimed she feared his life was in jeopardy.

Subsequent to his recapture he was transferred to Juarez prison No,9 where his attorneys and wife began a campaign for his return to Altiplano.  Among the complaints were his loss of hair because of stress and development of hypertension.

Chapo’s attorney, Jose Rodriguez, says the decision of the judge is “irrevocable”.  Authorities are taking a different view, saying they will appeal the decision.  Prison commissioner, Eduardo Guerrero, said yesterday, “This center (Juarez) is the best place for Guzman Loera, we believe it has features best suited for his detainment.”

Other Chapo family drama

Yesterday BB posted a photo purportedly depicting actress Kate del Castillo and Jesus Alfredo, the kidnapped son of Chapo.  Its validity was suspect primarily because it had not surfaced prior to yesterday.  Authorities explained that the photo was taken from one of the cell phones left behind at the La Leche restaurant, the scene of the kidnapping. 

PV; Mexico won't rule out Ivan was one of the kidnapped.

Posted by DD from El Universal
Translated by DD

Jalisco State Attorney General Eduardo Almaguer told El Universal that there is one person among the abductees who remains unidentified. Authorities have not ruled out it could be Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, Chapo Guzmán's 32-year-old son. Chapo is believed to have 18 children.

Among evidence that indicates Iván Archivaldo, whose birthday was Monday, may have been present are witnesses who say "Las Mañanitas," a traditional Mexican birthday song, was sung inside the restaurant before the abduction carried out by several gunmen carrying high-caliber weaponry.

Jesús Alfredo also made a social media post on Sunday in which he indicated that he was with his brothers -- specifically Iván Archivaldo who "has been like a father to me," he wrote in the post.   

"Good little Sunday with my brothers. Now hopefully there were moments like this every day. Although things are ugly, not all the money in the world could pay like family. Family, brothers are ground gold," Jesús Alfredo wrote, (translated from Spanish.)
When asked if Iván Archivaldo was among the kidnapped, Almaguer said "he could not affirm."
"Of the elements we have and images we reviewed and diligence carried out, so far we have no elements to confirm or presume the presence of this person," Almaguer said.

He also confirmed that there were two private flights out of Puerto Vallarta minutes after the fact. One of the log records showed that the plane would fly to  the city of Leon, Guanajuato (with passengers) ; and the other plane to San Luis Potosi with seven passengers, six women and one man, however, 'the governor of San Luis Potosi, following an investigation, tells us that they never got a flight from Vallarta' that night.

Sinaloa Cartel: Treasury Designates Top Sinaloa Cartel Associates

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with CEM

“A strategic blow to the Sinaloa Cartel”

“A strategic blow to the Sinaloa Cartel”, is how the U.S. Treasury Department describes actions against two key Sinaloa Cartel operatives, by adding them to the Kingpin List.  On Tuesday, the Treasury Department imposed Kingpin Act sanctions on two men with alleged ties to the Sinaloa Cartel, including one of its key money launderers.

As a result any and all U.S. assets are now frozen, and they are barred from doing business in the U.S.  The Treasury office says that the move will greatly compromise the cartel’s ability to move drugs and launder drug money from the U.S. to Mexico, South America, and Central America.

Press Statement below:

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated two Mexican nationals and two Mexican companies pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act).  Juan Manuel Alvarez Inzunza, a money launderer, and Jose Olivas Chaidez, a key narcotics trafficker, have been designated as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SDNTs) for materially assisting, supporting, or providing services to the Sinaloa Cartel and/or high-ranking Sinaloa Cartel members, including Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera and Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia and his top lieutenants.  OFAC has also designated two Culiacan, Sinaloa-based companies, Nueva Atunera Triton, S.A. de C.V. and Operadora Eficaz Pegaso, which are owned, controlled, or directed by, or acting for or on behalf of, Juan Manuel Alvarez Inzunza.  As a result of today’s action, all assets of those designated that are within U.S. jurisdiction or are in the control of U.S. persons are frozen, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Puerto Vallarta Mexico: Alfredo Guzman kidnapping video

El Chapo's son's Kidnapping timeline and map

Lucio R. with CEM for Borderland Beat timeline from NoticiasSPV 

Big thanks to "Mica" of BB forum who contributed this information.  The timeline is translated by Mica.

click to enlarge-explanation below
There are only two routes.
  • The broken black line (with arrow) that runs through the Melacon.  It is doubtful they took this route,  it's cobblestone and you pass a judicial police building.
  • The second route is the purple line, which is most likely the route taken, is much faster and goes through a tunnel.  Where the  purple arrow ends, a single lane road going uphill with speed bumps on the road. Once here, it's a long road to nowhere.
Recent photo of Alfredo Guzman-with Kate Del Castillo

One El Chapo son confirmed kidnapped, another is out of touch with family

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with CEM
note: some of this information will be repetitious...

Nayarit patrols & police trucks race to Jal after kidnapping
Mexican press is  reporting that the A.G. of Jalisco identified the abductors being members of CJNG.  Also according to Mexican Press one of the kidnapped not identified below is Jose Manuel Diaz Burgos, 25, a cousin to Alfredillo, and son of Emilio  Diaz Guzman. 

According to information obtained by Proceso, among the unnamed of the six taken,  is Jose Manuel Diaz Burgos, 24 to 25 years Guzman Salazar's cousin and son of Emilio Diaz Guzman. According to the version of the family, the sister of Jose Manuel said he was able to escape and alerted the family what had happened. 

However, the reporter Anabel  Hernandez also says she confirmed the identification with the family, and  it was Ivan who was kidnapped.  If Hernandez is correct then both Ivan and Alfredito were kidnapped.  Since the AG of Jalisco announced late this afternoon it was  Jesus Alfredo ((Alfredillo) who was kidnapped, he did not mention Ivan, however the Guzman attorney has reported Ivan being in Puerto Vallarta but contact with him has been broken. Below are photos of victims and kidnappers. None of the group has been identified as Ivan. Images were taken from surveillance cameras in La Leche restaurant.

A family party ends in Chapo son's kidnapping

What began as a bachelor party for Esmeralda, a cousin of Ivan Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzman Salazar, sons of leader of the Sinaloa cartel, Joaquin Guzman Loera, in the popular restaurant "La Leche" in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, finished in a kidnap of at least six of the men attending the party.

Among the kidnapped people was Alfredo, another cousin named Jose Manuel Diaz Burgos and the fiance of Emeralda, which we only know that he was an entrepreneur of Colima and is between 35 and 38 years old.

According to the information gathered from sources linked to Guzman family, Ivan Archivaldo attended the celebration and was also about to be kidnapped with the group as he was also in the La Leche restaurant early Monday, but he had left a few moments before the armed command came to the place.

That situation generated confusion in the family of the capo, who first believed that the son of El Chapo that had been kidnapped was Ivan and not Alfredo, and even fiscal general of Jalisco, Eduardo Almaguer, minutes before the conference given Tuesday 16, confirmed the illegal deprivation of liberty of Ivan.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Chapos son Alfredo is among 6 (not 16) kidnapped in Puerto Vallarta. Status of Ivan still unknown

Posted by DD from material in Fox News, Proceso, The Guardian  International Business Times,

UPDATE;  Eduardo Almaguer, the Attorney General for the state of Jalisco named Jesus Alfredo Guzman as one of the four victims of the kidnapping that authorities have been able to identify so far with help of footage from cameras around the La Leche restaurant, testimony from witnesses , and evidence found in the luxury cars left at the scene.

Almague did not give any info on the identity of the other 3 kidnapped men who have been identified.

It is believed that 7 gunman went into the restaurant and broke up a birthday celebration.

Authorities originally  had believed that Alfredo's brother Ivan had been kidnapped since it is believed his birthday is on August 15, the day of the kidnapping.  It seems likely to me that if Ivan's birthday is in fact on August 15 that he may be one of the 2 men still unidentified by authorities.  I can't imagine that if Eduardo  was having a birthday party for his brother, with 15 or 16 people (now believed to be six men and 9 women) that Ivan was not there. 

We will keep you updated as more information comes available.

Police and federal forces in Mexico are searching for between 10 and 12 drug cartel members who were kidnapped by gunmen while celebrating at a swanky restaurant in the beachside resort town of Puerto Vallarta.  Witnesses reported that four women in the targeted group were not taken by the gunmen.  Authorities are looking for those women.

Jalisco state prosecutor Eduardo Almaguer said Monday that local, state and federal authorities, including marines and soldiers, joined in the operation while investigators reviewed surveillance camera footage for clues.

Teenager shot dead inside a church in Acapulco while Mass was being celebrated

Posted by DD Republished from Fox News Latino

A 16-year-old boy was killed by gunmen inside a church in the Mexican Pacific resort city of Acapulco, but the motive for the killing has not been determined, state prosecutors said last Wednesday.

The boy was gunned down Tuesday inside the Parroquia del Niño Jesus in Acapulco's Juan R. Escudero district after being chased by several armed men, the Guerrero state Attorney General's Office said.

The shooting occurred around 5:00 p.m. while Mass was being celebrated at the church, police said.

Mexico-Ayotzinapa: Court Rules Charges of Forced Disappearance Can't Be Sustained Because Students Weren't "Concealed" for Extended Time

Posted by DD Republished from Mexico Voices

La Jornada: Alfredo Méndez
  The PGR [Attorney General's Office] recently was denied by federal courts from bringing the charge of forced disappearance against José Lus Abarca, then mayor of the municipality of Iguala and his wife, María de los Ángeles Pineda Villa in regard to the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students in that city in Guerrero in September 2014.

According to officials with the Federal Judiciary who asked not to be named, proving the federal crime of enforced disappearance of a person is becoming a real challenge for the Attorney General's Office (PGR). The judges explained to La Jornada that the problem for prosecutors is that forced disappearance is a "kind of crime" that involves a very specific legal technique: that is, complete proof of three requirements:
 María de los Ángeles Pineda Villa and her husband José Lus Abarca
  • Concealment of the victims for an extended time;
  • Refusal by the accused [suspect] to give reliable information about the victims' whereabouts; and that
  • Civilians involved take advantage of the support of [government] officials.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Cells of "Cholo Ivan" have divided into various group; Sedena

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Riodoce article

Subject Matter: "Cholo Ivan" Gastellum
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Alejandro Monjardin
After the detention of Orso Ivan Gastelum Cruz, "Cholo Ivan", the group of criminals that he controlled has fractured into various cells with different leaders, advised a commander of the Ninth military zone, Rogelio Teran Contreras.

The military commander said that the criminals that were under the command of "El Cholo" continued operating in the central North region of the State.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Decapitated heads left in cooler boxes outside Government buildings in Guerrero

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: Decapitations, Guerrero State.
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Milenio Redaction
Saturday was a violent day leaving no less than 29 people dead in 11 States, of which 9 of those were carried out in Guerrero.

The State police confirmed the discovery of three heads inside of cooler boxes, as well as three dismembered bodies in different points of Chilpancingo during Saturday morning.

They confirmed that round 03:05 am, personnel of the Secretary of Public Security carried out a patrol about Rene Juarez Cisneros boulevard, when they found three bodies opposite a restaurant, very close to the Government palace.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Z-12 Captured in Monerrey

Posted by DD 
Sources Proceso, Vanguardia, el Universal, Reforma, and .Zeta Tijuana
Zeta Tijuana

Elements of the Navy, Federal Police and State Investigation Agency Nuevo Leon captured the alleged Zeta leader Luis Reyes Enriquez, The Rex or Z-12, a founder and leader of the Zetas.

He was allegedly responsible for the operations of the criminal group in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon,  and was arrested Thursday night in the municipality of San Pedro Garza Garcia near the city of Monterrey, Juan Carlos Silva,  head of the anti-drugs division of the federal police was quoted as saying.

According to information released by the newspaper Vanguardia, the criminal leader had his residence in the municipality of San Pedro.

 However, the Mayor of San Pedro said that Reyes did not live in that community and had just finished dinner a restaurant in the city when arrested.   There are reports that Reyes had 3 homes in the Monterrey area and rotated between them.

 Reyes had been the focus of a three-month-long investigation which revealed he was making his home in three different locations, two in Monterrey and one — an exclusive hotel — in San Pedro Garza García, one of Mexico’s wealthiest communities.

Fifty-one federal agents — including 30 Navy personnel, nine anti-drug agents and 12 officials from the State Investigations Agency — intercepted the drug lord while he was driving a vehicle in Monterrey. No shots were fired and there was no violence.

The alleged organized crime leader in Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas was arrested in June 2007 in Atotonico, in the State of Hidalgo when Los Zetas was amidst a violent rampage against other gangs across the country.  He was sentenced to 48 years in prison.

However, he was let go from the Puente Grande maximum security prison in April 2015 after a judge lifted his sentence on a technicality.  That decision was reversed in August 2015 but Reyes Enriquez went into hiding after an order for his re-arrest was issued.

He now faces “a sentence of 47 years and six months in jail,” Silva said.

Reyes Enriquez was a former soldier who served in the Army from 1990 to 1999 and achieved a rank of Sergent in the mid 90's, when he was assigned to work in Tamaulipas as a judicial police officer with the federal Attorney General’s office.

That was in 1998. A year later he quit the armed forces to  work for Osiel Cardenas and the Gulf Cartel where he, along with several other former soldiers, helped found the Zetas, originally the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel.   .   

However, the group grew in force and broke off ties to the Gulf Cartel in 2010 to arguably become Mexico's most violent cartel.

Reyes kept up his close ties to Lazcano until his death in 2012 and reportedly is still close to Osiel Cardenas even after his extradition in 2007.  He is still a Zeta, but is known to have signed mantas along with Gulf Cartel leaders in giving warnings to the newer cartels wanting to expand into the North East.  There are even reports of he and his crew have fought battles alongside the Gulf Cartel against common enemies. 

Z-12 is considered to be one of the principal leaders of Los Zetas.

Rafael Caro Quintero girlfriend speaks out

Diana Espinoza Aguilar is girlfriend of Rafael Caro Quintero, the fugitive and former leader of the Guadalajara Cartel. The woman, denies being a criminal and narrates the story of her relationship with the man who claims to be away from illegal activities ... and they put their hopes on the Supreme Court, which must decide if the extradition request against Caro Quintero is legal or not.

Diana Espinoza Aguilar, 45, is originally from Matachi, Chihuahua, she has a figure that, wherever she goes, she attracts people attention. But since May she attracted the attention of someone who keeps her awake: the United States Department of the Treasury announced her name and her picture, and accused her of being a drug trafficker and facilitating illegally economic resources to her boyfriend, Rafael Caro Quintero , one of the most wanted by the DEA.

In an interview with Proceso, Espinoza, the girlfriend of Caro Quintero for six years now speaks for the first time of her relationship with him. She also explains the legal strategy that they are working on to stop being a fugitive and responds to accusations of money laundering.

"I am innocent, I have absolutely nothing to do with what they are telling the media: that I'm a drug dealer, a money launderer for Rafael Caro Quintero ... I'm his wife, I am the mother of his child," she says.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The alleged killer of the Journalist Anabel Flores is arrested

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: "El Cachorro", Los Zetas, Anabel Flores
Recommendation: See Link to article on her death by BB Reporter Lucio R

The Attorney General of Veracruz detained Manuel "N", aka El Cachorro, identified as plaza boss for the criminal group Los Zetas

Anabel Flores Salazar
Reporter: Milenio Digital
The Attorney General of Veracruz detained Manuel "N", aka El Cachorro, identified as plaza boss for criminal group Los Zetas, and to whom they attribute the violent homicide of the reporter Anabel Flores Salazar.

In a press conference, Luis Angel Bravo Contreras informed that the detention happened in the city of Orizaba, without firing a shot, deriving from an order of detention granted against him by the 1st Judge of the First Instance, arising from the penal cause 42/2015.

There have been no less than 10 cases of collateral damage, in the wave of executions in La Paz

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a BCS Noticias article

Subject Matter: Collateral damage in Police vs Sicario shoot outs
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Unknown
The sadly famous "Friday the 13th" of May of this year, had a big impact on public opinion after the death of a youngster in a confrontation between Police and sicarios, unfortunately this is not the only case.

Mega noticias counted more than 280 executions in this war between bands of organized criminals in Baja California Sur in the last two  years, it also published an account of how many were categorized as "collateral damage".

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Violence Continues In Guerrero: 13 Executed in 2 Days

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

In various parts of the state, 13 bodies were found with bullet holes, some were tortured, tied up, and stabbed.

13 violent murders have occurred in the state of Guerrero between Sunday and Monday in the municipalities of Eduardo Neri, Acapulco, Zihuatanejo, Chilapa and Taxco.

Five people were found executed in the early hours of Monday in a bar located in the town of Zumpango del Río, in the municipality of Eduardo Neri, this according to the Guerrero Coordination Group.  At the scene, 123 7.62 and .223 caliber shell casings were found.

In the neighborhoods of Generación 2000 and La Fábrica, located in Acapulco, two male bodies were found; one of them was between the ages of 40-45, tied up with gunshot wounds, while the other one was dismembered and placed in a sack in a storm gutter.

During Monday morning, the body of a transit police officer was found inside his patrol car in the municipality of Zihuatanejo, where two people were also killed last Sunday.

Also, two tied up men with gunshot wounds were found dead in the municipality of Chilapa de Álvarez during the early hours of Monday.

Moreover, the body of a youth around 30 years old was also found, stabbed to death with signs of torture, on Sunday on a federal highway in the municipality of Taxco.

(With information from Bajo Palabra, El Sur de Acapulco and Digital Guerrero)