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Indigenous rights in Brazil are under unprecedented attack. Tell the Brazilian government to protect the Amazon and the world's climate -- hands off indigenous land rights!
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Resettlement Video

Is your community facing resettlement because of a hydroelectric project? Know your rights! 
Watch our animated Resettlment Guide for People Affected by Dam Development

Our Blogs

It has been more than a year since our friend and colleague Berta Cáceres was murdered. Berta was the coordinator of the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), headquartered in La Esperanza,...
Colombia's Atrato River Produce1895, via Wikimedia Commons Another river has won legal rights. In a landmark verdict, Colombia’s Constitutional Court has recognized the Atrato River basin...
On Monday, April 24, six activists from around the globe reminded San Francisco's packed War Memorial auditorium why and how we must fight for our environment and our communities, at a...
On the International Day of Action for Rivers, we recognize the efforts of Mekong communities who are working to protect and preserve the unique ecosystems and resources of the river. We...

Latest News

A year ago, the cabinet issued a resolution recognising an obligation to protect human rights in Thai outbound investments. With Thai companies increasing their operations in neighbouring c...
Brazil's government plans to roll back regulation for construction projects. Critics say proposals threaten indigenous groups and cultural heritage.
Peru's indigenous Wampís people have formalized their right to self-government. Will the move help them save their lands and waters from unwanted development?
This Friday, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) will hold their second Regional Stakeholder Forum under the Prior Consultation procedure for the Pak Beng Dam, the third hydropower project...


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