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'Marooned, attacked by crocs': Kimberley cops may have solved SOS mystery

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Police in WA's Kimberley region believe they have got to the bottom of a very peculiar case in which an SOS spelled out in rocks was spotted in a remote area.

A passing plane saw the distress signal near Swift Bay and reported it to Kalumburu police.

Search parties scoured the area but found no one needing help or any signs of recent human activity, besides the sign.

The mysterious story gained international coverage and police were recently contacted by a man claiming to be the brother of a man who made the sign in 2013.

Details are sketchy but police said it appears the man and a female companion were aboard a yacht that got into trouble at Swift Bay.

They boarded an escape craft, but it was attacked by crocodiles.


Eventually the pair got to shore safely and made the SOS sign, and were luckily picked up by another boat a few days later.

District Police Superintendent for the Kimberley Allan Adams said the man involved in the SOS mystery is currently sailing around the Mediterranean.

"There's really not enough detail yet so we're waiting for them to hit dry land," he said.

"We're pretty sure it's them, but we need to confirm all the bona fides and make sure of it."