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Animal Collective / FloriDada [2015]

[Label: Domino | Cat#: none]

  1. FloriDada (4:05)


  1. dumphi November 30, 2015

    Fuck this!

    • w33d November 30, 2015

      Fuck this!

      • -- November 30, 2015

        a person and his place on Earth

  2. :^) November 30, 2015


  3. paul November 30, 2015


  4. Jofry December 1, 2015

    Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew about animal collective! … this isn’t so much a game changer… as it is a game remaker!

  5. lol December 1, 2015


    Now why hasn’t anyone upload a copy of the new GUM album anywhere? It’s not even on NAB even thought it’s been on sale for like two weeks.

  6. scott walker December 2, 2015

    these bros should really know when to throw in the towel. in their case it shouldve been like 8 years ago, but alas, new album everybody!

  7. Pee Baby December 2, 2015

    So much pee, so little time.

  8. Jofry December 3, 2015

    i’d say more break up at the end of 2009 / fall be kind EP time… from 2000 to 2009 and spirit to mpp … what a journey! … AC&Related 2010-2015? not much goodness in the last 6 years… it’s kinda depressing :(

  9. pardon December 6, 2015

    this is all kinds of annoying. and its shit.

  10. Dam-Funk December 7, 2015

    everyone here who is talking shit is a total moron.

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