- published: 25 Jul 2017
- views: 762
Hildesheim [ˈhɪl.dəs.ˌhaɪ̯m] is a city in Lower Saxony, Germany with almost 100,000 inhabitants. It is located in the district of Hildesheim, about 30 km southeast of Hanover on the banks of the Innerste River, which is a small tributary of the Leine River.
Hildesheim, one of the oldest cities in Northern Germany, became the seat of the Bishopric of Hildesheim in 815 and may have been founded when the bishop moved from Elze to the Innerste ford, which was an important market on the Hellweg trade route. The settlement around the cathedral very quickly developed into a town and was awarded market rights by King Otto III in 983. Originally the market was held in a street called Old Market (Alter Markt) which still exists today. The first market place was laid out around the church St. Andreas. When the city grew further, a bigger market place became necessary. The present market place of Hildesheim was laid out at the beginning of the 13th century when the city had about 5,000 inhabitants. When Hildesheim obtained city status in 1249, it was one of the biggest cities in Northern Germany. For four centuries the clergy ruled Hildesheim, before a city hall was built and the citizens gained some influence and independence. Construction of the present City Hall started in 1268. In 1367 Hildesheim became a member of the Hanseatic League. A war between the citizens and their bishop cost dearly in 1519-1523 when they engaged in a feud. Hildesheim became Lutheran in 1542, and only the cathedral and a few other buildings remained in imperial (Catholic) hands. Several villages around the city remained Catholic as well. In 1813, after the Napoleonic Wars, the town became part of the Kingdom of Hanover, which was annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia as a province after the Austro-Prussian War in 1866. In 1868 a highly valuable trove of about 70 Roman silver vessels for eating and drinking, the so-called Hildesheim Treasure, was unearthed by Prussian soldiers.
Hochwasser Innerste Hildesheim 25.07.2017
[Hochwasser Hildesheim 2017] Einsatzfahrten Feuerwehr, JUH, DLRG,...
Heftige Regenfälle: Wegen Überschwemmungen droht Hildesheim die Evakuierung
Hochwasser Innerste Hildesheim 26.07.2017
Hildesheim - Meine Stadt
Where the hell is Hildesheim
Dauerregen in Deutschland: Noch halten die Dämme – Hildesheim droht Teil-Evakuierung
9. Urlaub in Hildesheim ! |HD
Hochwasser in Hildesheim - Land unter in Niedersachsen
Hochwasser hält Hildesheim in Atem – Bundeswehr hilft in Silstedt
Zusammenschnitt der Hochwassersituation in Hildesheim am 25.07.2017. Bitte abonnieren für weitere Videos in den nächsten Tagen. Jeden Tag aktuelle Bilder vom Hochwasser in Hildesheim und Umgebung.
In dieser Aufnahme zu sehen sind mehrere Einsatzfahrten, die während des Hochwassers 2017 in der Stadt Hildesheim aufgenommen wurden. Neben Feuerwehren der Stadt sowie des Landkreises Hildesheim, sind auch Kräfte von außerhalb dabei. Besonders hierbei waren der ELW 3 aus Northeim, oder auch die WLFs der JUH/ASB. Ebenfalls ist zwei mal der S-RTW der BF zu sehen. Die Aufnahmen entstanden alle am 27.07.2017 innerhalb von sechs Stunden.
Die heftigen Regenfälle sorgen vor allem in der Mitte Deutschlands für erhebliche Probleme. Die Feuerwehr kämpft gegen Überschwemmungen und vollgelaufene Keller. Dem niedersächsischen Hildesheim droht sogar eine Evakuierung. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/8uGL/
Zusammenschnitt der Hochwassersituation in Hildesheim am 26.07.2017. Bitte abonnieren für weitere Videos in den nächsten Tagen. Jeden Tag aktuelle Bilder vom Hochwasser in Hildesheim und Umgebung.
"Hildesheim - Meine Stadt" ist eine Rock-Ballade, geschrieben und getextet von dem Trio "Mango y Papaya" zum 1200 jährigen Jubiläum von Hildesheim. Aufgenommen wurde die Hymne im Hildesheimer SUBTERRASOUND - Tonstudio zusammen mit Freunden und bekannten Musikern. Mit dabei waren unter u.a. Ingo Hausherr am Schlagzeug, Andreas Hildenbrand am Bass, beide bekannt durch die Blues Guys sowie Josef Götzl, der die E-Gitarren eingespielt hat. Außerdem sorgte der Internationale Chor Hildesheim für gesangliche Akzente. Der Song ist einer von 6 Gewinnertiteln des Kompositionswettbewerbs "HIED - Ein Lied für Hildesheim" und wir in Kürze auf der Jubiläums-CD erscheinen. Das Drehbuch für das Musikvideo schrieb René Bode, der auch die Kamera-Aufnahmen machte und Regie führte. Schnitt: René Bode und Stef...
72 spektakuläre Ortes der unspektakulärsten kleinsten Großstadt Deutschlands. An alle Amateure und Dilletanten! Und an alle Leute, die sich bisher fragten, ob Hildesheim nicht vielleicht irgendwo in der Nähe von heidelberg liegt. Ein Hoch auf Matt und seinen Tanzstil! Ein Hoch auf alle Unterstützer! Ein Hoch auf Hildesheim! Laudatio oder Ironie sei jedem selbst überlassen...
Der Sommer bekommt bislang keine Pause vom tristen Nass, der Regen prasselt weiter vom Himmel. Vor allem für eine niedersächsische Stadt könnte das zum Problem werden. Doch Hildesheim hat sich vorbereitet.
In diesem Video Startet die Vlog Reihe vom Urlaub in Hildesheim Jo leute hier mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1YQ9o7V meine Webcam: http://amzn.to/1LRuhKC Mein Schnittprogram: http://amzn.to/1O4567L Meine Tastatur: http://amzn.to/1GjoebA Meine Camera: http://bit.ly/1O44zCN Mein Stativ: http://bit.ly/1YQ8Z5c -------------------------------- Intro: von sellnau musik: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsty5j8EklGCzjRdr4wCecA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxR1KMjegs3QvleJew6J0Q -------------------- wenn ihr mehr wollt Bewertet das Video positiv oder abonniert diesen Kanal:D ----------INFO-ENDE----------
Land unter in Hildesheim. Aus der Luft sieht man das komplette Ausmaß des Dauerregens. BILD jetzt abonnieren: http://on.bild.de/bild_abo
Zumindest ein wenig können die vom Hochwasser betroffenen Gebiete aufatmen: Der Regen lässt nach. Doch die Anspannung angesichts der Wassermassen ist in niedersächsischen Städten wie etwa Wolfenbüttel und Hildesheim nach wie vor hoch. In Sachsen-Anhalt kam sogar die Bundeswehr mit Hubschraubern zur Hilfe.
Take a tour of German Town of Hildesheim -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. In the German region of Lower Saxony, is the small city of Hildesheim, residing on the banks of Innerste River. Owing to its lengthy history, it has been among Northern Germany's most vital communities. Its great architecture, historic environment, grand plazas and bustling markets beckon people from around the globe. Due to the air raids of World War II much of the city was destroyed, but a rebuilding effort was immediately initiated to return the structures to their original form. Its half-timbered houses lining the town streets are brilliant examples of medieval German architecture. Remaining loyal to its roots, this lovely little town is brimming wit...
Take a tour of Hildesheim St. Michael's Church in Hildesheim, Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The medieval city of Hildesheim has been endowed with several religious buildings. Amidst them is the medieval St. Michael's Church that was built in the early 11th century. This statuesque multi-towered structure has been acclaimed for its gorgeous medieval art. Epitomizing the Ottonic style of architecture, this monument is considered one of the most admirable examples of this Romanesque style around the world. The basilica is quite expansive and boasts two choirs, two transepts, and a charming monastic garden. After being ravaged in the Second World War, it was reconstructed to its present day grandeur.
Hildesheim-Domstadt und Unesco - Weltkulturerbe Videoreiseführer der Domstadt Hildesheim. Hildesheimer Dom Knochenhaueramtshaus. * Bernwardstür * Mariendom Hildesheim * Niedersachsen Reiseführer * Michaeliskirche Hildesheim /Romanik Strasse der Romanik * Cityplan Hildesheim Fachwerkviertel Hildesheim * Hildesheim Cathedral * Bernward Doors * Hildesheim Tours Travel Guide
Hildesheim Travel - The Church of St. Michael (German: Michaeliskirche) in Hildesheim, Germany, is an early-Romanesque church. It has been on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list since 1985. History Abbey Church of St. Michaels was constructed between 1001 and 1031 under the direction of Bishop Bernward of Hildesheim (993-1022) as the chapel of his Benedictine monastery. Bernward named the church after the archangel Michael, the Christian angel of protection who carries the deceased to heaven, because he planned to be buried in the Michaeliskirche[citation needed]. Bernwards plans were spoiled by his death in 1022, eleven years before the completion and consecration of the church in 1033. Bernwards successor, Godehard, transferred Bernwards remains to the crypt following its completion...
Thank you so much for watching! Please make sure to LIKE and Subscribe to the channel. Just a short video. More videos coming soon, suggestions, recommendations, what to do in these cities! stay tuned. Music: Of What's Left (2nd Edit) by rsf https://soundcloud.com/rsfmu Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/XmY9UPh-2t8
Take a tour of Italian Town of Barga in Barga, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The artistic and inspirational qualities of Tuscany have been emitted to every region lying within its boundaries. The town of Barga holds true to this traditional Italian personality, and exudes warmth and charm. This qiant town hasn't forgotten its medieval roots, a strong stamp of which is eminent in every avenue. The alleys and pathways here are quiet narrow and the best way to go about exploring the place is on foot. Compensating for the shadowy passages are excellent views from the ancient and elegant houses. The Romaesque styled town church stands imposingly over the town and surrounding countryside.
Thank you so much for watching! One day of unlimited travel in Lower Saxony with up to 5 accompanying persons on all local trains! This video was shot in Hildesheim, Germany Train Station. Music: DRIVE by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/llkcBbc3gLU
The Church of St. Michael is an early- Romanesque church in Hildesheim, Germany. It has been on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list since 1985. It was the dream of a German bishop at the start of the 11th century that set Hildesheim on its course to be an inspiration for religious architecture and art.
Best places to visit - Hildesheim (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Es ist ein schöner Spaziergang um den See.