- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 7218
Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea made as an infusion from crimson or deep magenta-coloured calyces (sepals) of the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) flower. It is consumed both hot and cold.
It has a tart, cranberry-like flavour, and sugar is often added to sweeten it. The tea contains vitamin C and minerals and is used traditionally as a mild medicine. In west Sudan a white hibiscus flower is favoured for its bitter taste and is customarily served to guests. Hibiscus tea contains 15-30% organic acids, including citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. It also contains acidic polysaccharides and flavonoid glycosides, such as cyanidin and delphinidin, that give it its characteristic deep red colour.
The drink is called roselle (a name for the flower) or rosella (Australia); agua de Jamaica and/or flor de Jamaica in Latin America; Arhul ka phool in India; karkadé in Levant, Egypt, Sudan, Italy and Post-Soviet states; Chai Kujarat in Iraq; Chai Torsh in Iran; gumamela in the Philippines; bissap, tsoborodo , zobo or wonjo in West Africa; sorrel in Jamaica, Belize, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago; red sorrel in the wider Caribbean; and other names in other regions, including the U.S., where it is sometimes known simply as Jamaica.
Here, we celebrate the memory of the Sultan of the Munshidin, Cheikh Ahmed El Touni and the Sufi beats which make our hearts and soul dance... A live version of the song "Karkadé", taken from the new album. Get The Album : http://smarturl.it/MAbozekryKarkade
To view the previous video in this series click: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/13227
للمزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى دعمكم للقناة بالاشتراك واللايك والكومنت وشكرا علي مشاهدتكم : تابعنا علي فيس بوك : https://www.facebook.com/lema3lomatek تابعنا علي تويتر : https://twitter.com/lema3lomatek تابعنا علي جوجل + : http://goo.gl/P77ldM تابعنا علي اليوتيوب : http://goo.gl/HL6adk شاهد فيديوهات تطرقت اليها سابقا: ست فوائد صحية للتفاح https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwWU0uDTpN8 فوائد زيت الزيتون للذاكرة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fShpIx0JmNA اضرار العدسات اللاصقة على البصر https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_JJ8yKbcKg الفجل الأبيض الحل للتخلص من سمنة الأرداف !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW6cKHFdwRQ فواكه تساعدكي فى الحمية https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xCIBWm8LDY فوائد واهمية الكمون لامراض المعدة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpc-4afW4Oc فوائد الأناناس في علاج الكوليسترول ا...
Red tea كركديه Karkadé comes from the Hibiscus flower. It is drunk either hot or cold and has a lovely floral flavour. For more information about Red tea كركديه Karkadé including photos and where you might be able to find it visit my blog at : http://dynasegyptiancooking.blogspot.com.au/
يتميز شاي الكركديه بالطعم اللذيذ والمنعش وهو من المشروبات التي يمكن شربها باردة أو ساخنة وذلك حسب الرغبة. تابعوني كذلك على https://www.facebook.com/lallacuisine وصفات عربية وعالمية سهلة التحضير رائعة المذاق
The Australian Gourmet Pantry - www.australiangourmetpantry.com.au has the best nile valley hibiscus tea, and if you visit our blog you can learn about the benefit of hibiscus tea, also known as hibiscus herbal tea. Perhaps you are looking for hibiscus tea recipes or even egyptian hibiscus tea. Find it all here at The Australian Gourmet Pantry. There are some fantastic hibiscus flower tea benefits, and we can show you the effects of hibiscus tea or rosehip and hibiscus tea. You will also find hibiscus tea sale and if you want hibiscus leaves tea then The Australian Gourmet Pantry is the place for you. Did you know about hibiscus tea and blood pressure? You may ask what is hibiscus tea? Is there a hibiscus tea plant and how can I learn how to make hibiscus tea. If you are looking for h...
In this video we take a look at the benefits of hibiscus tea and the side effects. If you’re looking to learn more about this wonderful tea, then this is the perfect video to watch. Full article: http://brewedgoodness.com/benefits-of-hibiscus-tea As you may already know there is a wide range of health benefits to many teas on the market, hibiscus is no different. This tea is made by infusing the dried calyces of the Roselle flower into hot water. This produces a tea that is quite tart but can be sweetened with sugar. If you’re worried about any caffeine in hibiscus tea, then you will be happy to know that it doesn’t contain any in it. We briefly touch on 3 of the main health benefits that you may get of this tea in the video. The first is blood pressure maintenance, this is an eve...
This is another delicious and typical egyptian beverage. is made boiling dried Hibiscus sabdariffa, Hibiscus sabdariffa,also known as Jamaica rose pink belongs to family of Malvaceaes, Moreover The Hibiscus genus has 200 subvarieties native to tropical Africa, from Senegal to Egypt and Sudan, although due to its medicinal properties, is successful also in Central America and South and Southeast Asia, including southern China. This herb has properties for depression and anxiety, diabetes, diet, digestive, diuretic, stress, hypertension, parasites.this beverage is drunk also in other tropical countries. This plant is cultivated in all tropical areas and is considered as originating of India or Africa.His red juice is called Karkade in Egypt. In Italy during the Second World War became the ...
Чай каркаде - это невероятно полезный во всех отношениях напиток. Он оказывает крайне положительное воздействие на сердечно-сосудистую систему, и на здоровье в целом. В этом видео мы расскажем чем полезен чай каркаде, как правильно его употреблять, а также поделимся лучшими рецептами приготовления этого напитка. Противопоказания к применению: нежелательно употребление чай каркаде если имеются проблемы с работой пищеварения (при повышенных показателях кислотности секрета в желудке), при наличии образований в желчном или мочевом пузыре, при аллергии. Индивидуальная реакция в виде повышения или понижения давления Подробнее: http://bodypluslife.ru/chaj-karkade/ Наши группы: ВКонтакте - http://vk.com/enciklopedijakrasoty Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EnciklopedijaKrasoty Twitter ...
It goes over my head
It goes over my head
I don't understand I word I said
Just went over my head
I can stick around me
I don't want this to be
Walk right over and get it for free
I can stick around me
What a way for me to be myself
I'm a victory for my condition
I can pirouette to something else
I can get away or reposition
I'm astounded I can do it alone
You're around and I'm not ready to go
Too completely of my face and alone
It's all I lie around
I've got somewhere to go
I don't need you to know
Stop believing I'm going to slow
I've got somewhere to go
What a way for me to be myself
I'm a victory for my condition
I can pirouette to something else
I can get away or reposition
I'm astounded I can do it alone
You're around and I'm not ready to go
To completely of my face and alone
Its all I lie around