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Perth pie thrower fronts court over assault, trespass charges

The Perth man who shoved a pie in Qantas boss Alan Joyce's face last month has made his first appearance in court.

Anthony David Overheu, 67, made a very brief appearance in Perth Magistrates Court on Wednesday morning.

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Man who shoved pie in Qantas boss' face explains why

The man who threw a pie in Alan Joyce's face has explained his actions. Vision: Nine News Perth.

Charges of common assault, trespassing on the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, damage to a microphone and giving false details to police were read to him by the magistrate, but he did not enter a plea.

His lawyer requested a four week adjournment, which was granted. He will reappear in court on July 7 and his bail was renewed.

Mr Overheu, of Willetton, did not speak to the media outside court before being whisked away in a white Toyota 4WD.

The 67-year-old was caught on film emerging from behind a curtain at a business breakfast event on May 9 at the Hyatt Regency, at which Mr Joyce was speaking.


He was filmed hitting Mr Joyce in the face with a lemon meringue pie and then casually walked off stage into the arms of security officers who held him until police arrived.

"I bought the cake the previous evening, hopped in my work ute that I own at 6am yesterday morning... lemon meringue appeared to be the softest, least likely to do any injury," Mr Overheu later told Radio 6PR.

"I had the cake wrapped up like a birthday present... walked in the front door, through the lobby... passed all sorts of staff... and onto the stage behind the screen but in front of the curtain - there was about a 500 millimetre gap.

"I sat down in the middle of that and waited a couple of hours until everyone had come in and had breakfast."

He has since sent an email apologising for his actions to Mr Joyce after his wife was "at his throat" over his actions. 

He also told Radio 6PR he didn't realise what he did could get him in trouble with the law.