

Michaela McGuire, new artistic director of the Sydney Writers' Festival brings in audiences.

Sydney Writers' Festival wrap with robust attendances

A slim volume of poetry written by a Canadian poet who made her name on Instagram outsold all other authors at this year's Sydney Writers' Festival which delivered its second biggest box office takings in 20 years.


Illustration: Simon Letch.

Spoken English isn't always correct in its usage and the consequences of that are not always obvious.

Turning Pages

Booker prize winner Anne Enright.

George Saunders and Colson Whitehead have both produced acclaimed bestselling novels where historical reality gradually morphs into fantasy

Books That Changed Me

South Coast writer Catherine McKinnon is the author of Storyland, a series of linking novellas from first settlement to ...

Catherine McKinnon loved how David Mitchell told several stories in different genres to create his novel Cloud Atlas.


John Howard: "...you can hardly justify bonuses when the company got into difficulty so soon... It doesn't pass the pub ...

You can rely on the Australian vernacular to provide all sorts of curly questions about origins and timelines.