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‘Comedy’ Category

[Label: Drag City | Cat#: DC410]

  1. Andy Is Making A Record (1:38)
  2. Andy And His Grandmother (1:14)
  3. Andy’s Land Live (2:26)
  4. Andy Loves His Tape Recorder (0:57)
  5. Slice Of Life (4:45)
  6. Andy Goes To The Movies (1:44)
  7. Kick In The Pants (1:20)
  8. Andy Can Talk To Animals (1:30)
  9. I’m Not Capable Of Having A Relationship (1:50)
  10. Hookers (0:57)
  11. Andy And His Grandmother Go For A Drive (2:13)
  12. Sleep Comedy (6:32)
  13. [Honk] Vs. [Dog] A (5:36)
  14. [Honk] Vs. [Dog] B (3:14)
  15. Andy Goes For A Taxi Ride (2:38)
  16. Andy’s English Friend Paul (3:02)
  17. I Want Those Tapes (5:42)
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