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Hurts / Happiness [2010]

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  1. bkdelux August 28, 2010

    wow, this sucks really bad…horrible music. thanks so much for all the other stuff though! it’s fantastic that you can come here and try before you buy, can you imagine buying this piece of crap?

  2. Datura August 28, 2010

    ^i did :)

  3. hasilein August 29, 2010

    yeah Music frpm they days after the music died

    U G L Y dont bother to download

  4. Hikari No Sato November 18, 2010

    Are you guys listening to the same album as me? This is synth pop of the highest standard.
    The Pet Shop Boys are alive and well (not that they ever really went away)!

  5. rebecca December 7, 2010

    links are gone! could you please re-up? rapidshare will be appreciated. thanks.

  6. rafael August 9, 2011

    links are gone! could you please re-up?

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