Introducing Greg, car enthusiast and serial buyer.

Last year it was seeing friends in London, then skiing in the Val d’Isère. This year it’ll be the temples of Kyoto. Next year’s a toss-up between New York and Norway, tacked on to the back of a work trip. It’s just a week extra, right?

For Adam, 47 and Lisa, 44, the world has no shortage of mind-blowing destinations. And they’re planning to visit at least three in each continent before they get too old. Especially now their daughter is nearly finished high school.

Adam and Lisa have a failsafe cure for post-holiday blues: book the next trip before they’ve even recovered from jetlag.

"The minute we return from one trip, we make sure to book the next."

Of course, there are other ways this corporate pair likes to expand their horizons. Yoga retreats. Theatre. Dining out. Or the simple joy of showing off their newly upgraded home, with a Moroccan-themed barbecue for 10 family and friends.

Adam and Lisa are among millions of travel-hungry individuals reached by our brands daily. Go ahead, pitch this year’s must-visit destination. They’ll be all ears.  

Key Stats

Fairfax Total Audience
Australian Reach
  • 42
    Average age
  • $119,000
    Average household income
  • 3.2
    Average household size
  • $147
    Weekly supermarket spends
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 2017 | Nielsen Online Ratings Mar 2017.

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Rae Azad
Data Executive
Fairfax Media
02 8596 4113 Email Rae Azad
Adam Axiak
Audience Insights Manager
Fairfax Media
02 9282 3041
Email Adam Axiak