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Al in the News

Al has been all over the news lately, discussing the latest revelations about communications between Attorney General Jeff Sessions and at least one Russian official prior to the election. Here’s Al’s interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe: Here’s Al in the Star Tribune: “Franken, Klobuchar call for Attorney General Sessions to recuse self from Russia probe” […]

MSNBC: Senator Franken: Sessions should recuse himself

Back in January, I asked then-Senator Jeff Sessions—while he was under oath—what he would do if he learned that members of the Trump campaign team had been meeting with the Russians. He didn’t answer my question, which should have probably been that he would recuse himself, but then he pivoted and said that he as […]

WDAY 6: Sen. Al Franken Meets With Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland

WDAY 6: Sen. Al Franken Meets With Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland

Senator Al Franken, who is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, met with President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court Wednesday morning.

The meeting with Judge Merrick Garland comes as a sea of Republican leaders say they refuse to meet with him.

Huffington Post: The Republicans’ Big Health Care ‘Idea’ Is Complete Nonsense

Huffington Post: The Republicans’ Big Health Care ‘Idea’ Is Complete Nonsense

If you watched the Republican debate on Thursday, you probably noticed the candidates agreeing that insurance companies should be allowed to sell policies across state lines.

“We have to get rid of the lines around the states,” said Donald Trump, making vigorous circles with his hands for emphasis, “so that there’s serious, serious competition.” It would, he promised, “be a beautiful thing.”

This is often presented as the Republicans’ Big Idea on health care — in fact, as with Trump, it’s often the only idea they can come up with. But it isn’t a serious plan for improving our nation’s health care system. In fact, it’s absolute nonsense.