Winner of the 2013 Herblock award; 2015 Society of Illustrators Silver Medal recipient; 2015 first place AAN award for cartooning; 2015 Pulitzer finalist.

Hey! Don't forget to visit the online store for t-shirts, plush Sparkys and all-new dry-erase boards! NEW: if you missed the Kickstarter for 25 YEARS OF TOMORROW, there's a limited quantity of remaining stock available here!

ALSO: please consider joining SPARKY'S LIST!

READ THE LATEST CARTOON Mondays at Daily Kos and Tuesdays at The Nation!


Somebody mentioned to me recently that my Wikipedia entry is not exactly up-to-date and boy were they right — judging from my Wiki page, my career stopped in 2009 and before that mostly consisted of some deals that fell through. My understanding is that it’s poor form to edit your own entry, but if anyone wants to take it on, in whole or part, here’s a (not so) short list of omissions and errors:

— am listed as comics curator for Daily Kos. In reality, I stepped back from day-to-day operations several years ago and am currently just a contributor.

— says I run on CREDO comics section, which hasn’t existed in a decade, and has no mention of running each week on The Nation, The Nib, Truthout and Alternet.

— no mention in Awards section first place AAN award for cartooning in 2015

— no mention in Awards section of being a Pulitzer finalist in 2015 (Pulitzer site link here)

— no mention in Awards section of 2015 Society of Illustrators Silver Medal

— paper count “as of 2006” could be updated to “appears in approximately 80 papers as of 2015” (using the most recent cite that I can find that’s probably acceptable to the Wiki guardians, here.)

— mentions the online animated series but no link to the actual animations, here.

— Entire career section basically consists of (1) the fact that I ran in US News for 6 months in 1998, (2) once worked on a movie idea with Michael Moore (the entry could definitely lose that long, irrelevant quote from me about a 16 year old project that didn’t get made), (3) had a bit on Keith Olberman’s old show once, and (4) got dropped by Village Voice Media in 2009. All of these things happened, of course, but it’s a strange way to summarize a career lasting a quarter century and going strong. And the Pearl Jam collaboration seems slightly buried, given what a high-profile experience that was.

A few more points that an actual career summary might include:

— early versions of TMW first appeared in Processed World in the mid 1980s.

— began running in the SF Examiner (on the op-ed page and in the Sunday supplement Image magazine) in 1991.

— Subsequently moved the cartoon to the SF Bay Guardian where it ran until the paper folded in October 2015.

— no mention in career section of the newsmaking Kickstarter campaign that raised the initial $87K goal in 24 hours and eventually landed at a bit over $310K (original Kickstarter page here, two Virtual Memory podcasts here and here)

— no mention of last year’s successful campaign to crowdfund an Italian compilation

— no mention of my current publishing deal with IDW, or the fact that they are publishing a second edition of my Kickstarter career retrospective, which will be available soon in bookstores.

— no mention of Sparky’s List subscription service, founded in 2012.

— no external link to Twitter account.

— I’m not sure why there’s a “further reading” section whose sole entry is an out of print anthology from 2002. This doesn’t seem to be a standard part of the Wikipedia format, and since the book is unavailable and not online, adds nothing to the entry.

UPDATE: many thanks to people who have helped update the page — looks like many (but not all) of these changes are starting to show up. Given that the Wikipedia entry is one of the first things that shows up in a Google search, it’s nice to have remotely close to accurate there.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:13 AM | link
Galway Arts Festival

I’m a guest speaker this year. Had a great time when I was there in 2004, looking forward to the return visit.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 3:40 PM | link
Cartoon flashback

My 2007 cover piece for the Village Voice seems newly relevant. Click thumbnails for larger images.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:54 PM | link
New book and NYCC

The new book is available to order from Amazon! (Release date is Oct. 18 but I’ve heard that it may be shipping sooner.) It’s a compilation of cartoons from 2014-2016, from the days of Rancher Bundy and his cows through the tail end of the strangest election of my lifetime. It’ll be the perfect book to curl up with on November 9, either in quivering terror or exhausted relief tinged with apprehension.

I’ll be signing copies (and I think handing out Trump masks, assuming they made it back from the printer) at the IDW booth at New York Comic Con (#1844) on Saturday from 5-6 pm, and on Sunday from 11 am – noon. I will also be taking part in a panel on independent comics from 1:30-2:30 in room 1A02. Stop by and say hello!

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:05 AM | link

Got some new auctions up— the last of the handmade magnets and another batch of Pearl Jam shirts from the Spectrum shows in Philly.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 4:27 PM | link
In case there are any Italians in the audience

My friend Carlo Gubitosa has launched a crowdfunding campaign for an Italian compilation of TMW cartoons.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:29 AM | link
King of comedy

Full cartoon at The Nib!

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:16 PM | link

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