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Buy Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots. It's a poster! generously hosted by Brunching


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And why not check out Ted Rall?

Fri, Jun 9 - Comey Comey Comey Comey Comey-KaMeeeleon
Well, all kinds of crazy are going on around Washington DC, congressional hearings, folks asking if Trump's obvious obstruction of justice is really so obvious?

Some stuff happened last week, and the week before. I dunno if anybody really has a taste for those events, but let's allow Bob the Angry Flower to urgently require from random folks on trains why they don't go

Back to #@$%

Fri, Jun 2 - Thrusting Our Government
I don't know if I really wanna trust or thrust our government, "our" meaning the United States. I feel that it's far more likely that the government --an institution I generally agree with-- is falling apart at all of its seams. But at the same time, we should sorta kinda ask gov't folks if what they say is something we should maybe accept. And if not, I think we should at least hold out some
Reasonable Doubt
Fri, May 26 - Trusting Our Government
Well, I as a Canadian, I must admit, I like the notion that government and public service is not inherently awful. Going from Canada to America, the big thing is that Americans simply don't trust or believe in their goverment. Americans view government as just another big bunch of folks trying to eff them over; government is not a thing that Americans feel that they're a part of. Stuff in Canada we call public, and Canadians like and feel a part of public stuff... in America, those same things are described as government stuff, and in America, nobody trusts anybody. Certainly not the government. Nobody believes in the idea of all of us helping each other, and we hella hella absolutely DO NOT think the government could be a part of us getting our poop together.
As a Canadian, watching this sorta stuff play out northwards, I feel both jealous and lazy.

Regardless of all this what's going on right this moment, hey, ho! How do you folks feel about a weekly Bob the Angry Flower cartoon? As much as I'm interested in how you feel, your feelings are irrelevant in the face of
Nothing To See
Fri, May 19 - Obstruction
I'm hardly a lawyer. I'm not even an Internet lawyer. I do not know how lawyers drop cases on people and how they prepare to do such things. I am merely a funny cartoonist. And yet... and yet, as a cartoonist, I wonder about the legal aspects of what seems to be happening these days, as we ask about our President. Given my wonderings and worryings, here's a cartoon that steps back, takes a deep breath, and really considers the interests of
My Client

Fri, May 12 - Known Unknown Unknowns
Golly, all kindsa crazy is going on this week in the American Government, what with the president apparently openly committing obstruction of justice by firing the cop in charge of investigating his crazy who-knows-what's-up-shit Russia stuff.

Folks, me included, are leaping back to the Nixon era to see how all that poop played out, wondering if it'll play out again, or if it won't, simply because as long as you can fire all the cops investigating you, you're good! And who can fire you? Well, if you're the president, nobody other than Congress can do that, and if the folks in congress don't want to get rid of you, or don't want to themselves be exposed, they can can the cops as much as they like until, I dunno, they are up again for re-election. Can they smooth all this down and rely on voters to forget and not give a shit? Stay tuned, humans!

Given all the mysteries currently in play, I'm not surprised to present this active, lively cartoon, one hitting all the bases, this strip entitled
X: The Creature From X!!!
Fri, May 5 - May-ee-ayy-EE
Sorry folks, that I don't have a good story to tell about May 5, May Day plus four. And I certainly have nothing useful to say about Cinco de Mayo, much closer to May 5.

I barely even have a story for today. I've heard that many describe it as Cinco de Mayo, and man, I hope they're right. If they do, they have tons of stuff and days to say and talk about. Man --and woman-- and trans and all other gender folks, ah, uh... sorry for being so dumb and un-understanding.

Outside of all that, here's a Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, pushing real as best possible, asking questions, failing to answer them, once and always wondering what we might maybe get from our heroes, our wonderfolk, our only friends, our
Fri, April 28- We Launch
New cartoons are coming at a fecorcious once-a-week pace, just as they always have done. Here's one, not at all connected to anything behing it nor connnected to anything yet to come! It's a widdle bit of a story that I, publisher of this Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, invite you to enjoy! Do you like it? It's this:

Devastating Strikes

Fri, April 21- 40/20 a bit late
Oops, sorry readers, I'm updating this strip a day after it's supposed to be current! That is to say, Aprl 20, 4:20 in the afternoon is supposed to be when we all bail out of our jobs, go outside, and huff a big ol' huff of marijuana. It's a nice date, and a nice inclination, and a good moment for everybody to consider and evaluate and perhaps participate in the smoking-of, the getting high-of-, the pleasure and fun of being cool with yourselves and everybody that partaking of grass offen offers.

Given all that, here's a Bob the Angry Flower cartoon that both celebrates this notion and also notes that this notion is getting quite a bit of strength in individual states that have decided that pot-smoking isn't such a really bad thing, really.

Those states are doing their own poop with the weeds and such, and in our United States, it's important to allow them to do it. So, given that, let us sit back, smoke a bit, drink a bit, consider how much we think the federal government should be able to tell ever-body what to do, lean back and acknowledge

Legal Eagle
Fri, April 14- Explosions!
Oh, golly, everybody, I don't know what to say about explosions other than we really like them! Right current there are a pack of news stories about our United States dropping some MOABs on folks and places in Afghanistan. Do we like it? Are we pleased? Honestly, I'm not keeping up enough. All I can do is heap scorn on Brian Williams of NBC and his horrific comments, as we see here
Guided by the Beauty
Fri, April 7- Now April and Spring!
Yep, times have come and are going -- it's getting into springtime!

Regardless of where you are (not counting the southern hemishpere, of course), you're seeing more light, longer days, bigger walks into what we and many other poets have called springtime! That is to say, that part of the year where we and the rest of the living systems on Earth (again, excluding the southern hemishere) start popping their spoop up with expectation for more light, more day and more opporutnities to, you know, get down. Get with all that shit. You know.... start making new living things!

Given all that, I guess I'll just say that I dig alla that. I'm super into making new stuff. Indeed, this month I need to get my poop together to create a brand new Bob book for Comic-Con 2017.

I had, just this evening, a revelation about that new Bob book. That revelation changed a lot of things about what the book was gonna be. Shall I get into it right this second? I'd like to, but I'm updating this site right this second too drunk to really get into it. So I'll simply offer this new strip:
Emotional States
But today, this April, I got fairly excited about what's coming up on the Bob the Angry Flower front. Mostly about the next new book. Mostly about how what I'd said ealier, months earlier, about the title and cover of the book, turned out to be so, so wrong. I hate to correct myself for all you readers, and I will soon enough! Until then, ah, enjoy the silly cartoon exposed above!

No, I can't just bibble and babble about the new book that's on its way; here's an image for the new book. It's gonna be X, it's gonna be 10, it's gonna be TEN, it's gonna be something like what you see below,

The next and tenth Bob the Angry Flower book is gonna look a fair bit like:

Bob the Angry Flower: X:

Bob the Angry Flower: X
Fri, Mar 31 - Still March
Uff, oof, urf and such likewise! How can it still be May, the month, with so many weeks having happened prior? Ugh. This weird strange bit of the year where our months are highly npredictable, regardless of our knowledge or ignorance of the the Old English "Thirty days, has September," et cetera and so on.

Regardless! This is the final month of Mardch, 2017. And as such, it deserves and requires a Bob the Angry Flower cartoon. All weeks do and must until I die. Happily, I'm not yet dead, so we all have another cartoon on the week, and it's this:
In Your Face

Fri, Mar 24 - Our Collective
And here we go again, dear readers, another weekly update! You, waiting with all the powers of your desire for another Bob the Angry Flower cartoon; me, creating one with desperate hope that nobody was looking forward to one! Golly-gosh, what a conundrum, we find, between creator and audience! Holy Hell, and how can one even use those terms, as spiritual as they are! Oof! It's a hard sell, I tell you, spiritual and secular readers alike! Each time I sit down to draw a cartoon, I don't know if I should swing one way or the other!

Thankfully, this week's cartoon doesn't really engage on that level. It's another comfy and soft and hateful Bob the Angry Flower cartoon that really doesn't get into serious differences that divide us. It's fair soft core, in my estimation, and it makes the again-and-again mistake of talking about something current and having Bob be a character in it. How much better would these cartoons be if we didn't ask readers to sign on to the idea of an agry flower character instead of a stick figure? How much more viral? The answer, I am confident, is, "TONS."

Regardless, here we are at the Bob the Angry Flower cartoon weekly web page. And as we arrive here, we will find cartoons. Cartoons such as this:
The Workforce
Fri, Mar 17 - Unsure
About this week's cartoon, that is. I suspect it may be completely meaningless to anybody who isn't a fan of a particular brand of British Columbian dairy products. On the other hand, a friend just texted out of the blue today to tell me that it was funny, which doesn't happen very often. So, I don't really know how it's gonna play. Let's find out! Readers, I give you
Fri, Mar 10 - Early Light-Time Savings Hours
Folks, I'm as surprised as anybody to hear at the bar that this weekend is the time when we do our Daylight Savings Time shift. Back when days are getting shorter, we love them. Nights get longer, days get shorter, an extra hour is precicely what we want. An extra hour on Sunday, and then when we go to work on Monday, well, shit, it's already dark out when we arrive and dark when we leave... let's go all in!

This weekend we have the obverse. We get one less hour than we had before. A day of waking up earlier. A litle dose of jet lag even without the fun of scooting around the globe. It's a rough sacrifice. Nobody wants to get up earlier and plug into the marvelous machine of capital an hour earlier, an hour taken from our family time, our sleeptime, our dreamtime.

Regardless, it's happening! And, sucky as it feels, at least for those of use in the more northern climes, there is a benefit. We do give up one of our precious hours, no question. But we suddenly get back in return the glorious gift of sunlight when we're leaving work. Of course, this only applies to those of us who do the 9-5ish system; few folks get that luxury, and many more must needs pop up and spend their hours outside of our sun's daily gift. But even then, the good side this weekend is that, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we give up a despearately needed hour on our weekend, but from then on, we're better aligned with the sun. Sun's coming up before we get up, sun's going down after we leave work. Days are getting longer regardless, but the Daily Savings Time switch gives us an alignment we likely like.

Why am I babbling about times and dates and suns and times again? Hmmmm... not sure. But I'm decently sure that all this biffle has some kind of connection, some kind of necessary connection, to
The Economy
Fri, Mar 3 - Not Night
It's slow, but it's happening. I'm talking, of course, about the gradual shortening of the night and lengthening of the day (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere). Almost without realizing it, I've begun to notice that --hey!-- it's not pitch black out when I leave work any more! This is awesome! I finally feel like we're starting to see some genuine
Sunny Days
Fri, Feb 24 - Fun and then sum
Woof! Whew! Golly! And then some! The new President of the US has been brightly shitty, hasn't he? Just sucking on general, and sucking on specifics...

Simple shit like knowing how the government works seems to have escaped his understanding! He seems to think that being president is the same as being a CEO...

One wonders how much he really understood about what it meant to be a CEO.

Normal companies have their own systems of rules. CEOs, by which we mean Chief Exectutive Officers, have shitloads of authority. But their authority is not absolute.

Or, in a non-publicly traded corporatation, that authority IS absolute. I'll confess right here and right now that I don't know the ins and outs of corporate law and to what extent CEOs get to do whatever they like inside the company without ever having to worry about whether any of it runs up against laws.

Well, whoof, whatavah. I don't know. I'm as puzzled as the rest of you about how all this poop is gonna roll out. In the meantime, please allow me to present Bob the Angry Flower's urgent problem, an economic one, one called
Dish Brush

The 25th Anniversary of Bob the Angry Flower
Oh, and by the way, I guess I should start yelling about how Bob the Angry Flower has been around for 25 years.

It --he-- started way back in May of 1992. Go back to the very first strip and check it out. And then once you looked back that far, maybe start ramming on the Random button!
Or just start hiting "Next"! Such amusement!

What am I gonna do to celebrate this 25-year anniversary? That...

That is a good question! A new book to be sure, and what else? Let's find out... together!
Fri, Feb 17 - Timely
I can't say I was really trying to be. Timely, that is. But then ol' Rump had his press conference yesterday and folks seem to be chatting about the general topic of
False Witness
Fri, Feb 10 - Lookin' Up!
All right, okay, things may seem pretty bleak at the moment, but y'know, it's not all bad. There's lot of ways we can all take this barrel of lemons and make a big ol' lemon casserole out of 'em. How? Well, for that, we're just going to have to swing over to
Bob's Investment Korner
Fri, Feb 3 - Quasi-human Homunculus
Or, put another way,
Steve Bannon
Fri, Jan 27 - We Should
Blurff, folks, blurff. Even in the last few days, the Drump America has dropped so much asshollisshnes, I can't keep up. I wonder if anybody can. All I can do is yap a bit about what was going on last week. I thought I was getting ahead, but dammit, the awful Trumepen got way worse way ahead of me. Regardless, I drew a cartoon last week, about facts and lies, and here's this cartoon about all of them right now, and it's called

Augmented Facts
And in case you didn't read the above cartoon, I want to take a bit of time out to say, with augmented confidence, that

Fri, Jan 20 - I know, I know
I know yes I know: I said last week I'd stay away from politicking thoughts. I lied. Two days after I posted last week, I drew a cartoon the following Sunday. It was way before I said I'd hold off.

I lied.

And I didn't just lie related to what I'd said before, I lied at the moment. I lied when I was drawing it, because I didn't even spend a lot of time being witty or wry or particularly hilarious. All I could do the Sunday after last week's update was draw the angry, scared, frustrated and impotent cartoon I now presesnt to you this week, that cartoon being a sour spitting of what we all can expect once one, and they, and the whole horrible crew
Take Office

Jeez, I hope I'm wrong along, as wrong as I was last year. I don't want to burn, and I don't want anybody else to. I've been wrong so much, it's tough to draw cartoons that are supposed to be right. I'm afraid, folks, sorry to say it. I'm afraid.

That said, I've got a a bit of a funny cartoon thought ready for the next week or so, and I think we all won't burn just this second, so, let's all see how it coils out, in terrible time, like a mean and untrustworthy snake. Let's us see.
Fri, Jan 13 - Fun! FUNNNNNN
All right, New Year's resolution time: I'm gonna hold off on being all depressed and freaked out about the looming presidency. At least until they do something truly appalling, that is. I expect I'll last about 18 hours.

In the meantime, here's an amusing little drawn story that I've chosen to call
Fri, Jan 06 - Into the Day
Well, here we all go, folks! In a couple of weeks we'll see what a toxic Republican congress can get Trump to push through before he realizes that all that shit is incredibly unpopular, and Our Donald hates being unpopular. It's still a bit weird that Trump never picked up on how the Number 1 job of the President of the United States was to be the guy that every blamed for everything. Somehow Trump didn't realize this even as he was doing it, dispestecting and throwing shade at Preident Obama the whole time.

The question I've been asking myself has been, "What are they gonna fuck up FIRST?"

Was it gonna be Obamacare? Was it gonna be Net Neutrality? Was it gonna be a big ol' juicy "Religious Freedom" act to declare open season on any kinda bigotry you want?

I guess we know; Congressional Republicans have been trampling over and over on their dicks on the idea of repealing Obamacare for years asnd years. Threre's no way any of them can pause and think for a second. And maybe a few did. But it passed 48-52. So here we go, folks! I hope you got a lot of money right now! Cuz if you don't... well, shit... IIII don't know! Ug awful, I guess we're all gonna find out.

Urf and blah. My end-of-year cartoon was largely nonsensical and appeared briefly here

And then it was not terribly quickly followed up by another cartoon featuring 2017's newest star

Fri, Dec 16 - Unto the Night
Well, folks and cats, here we are, a mere couple of weeks from the end of 2016. I've drawn cartoons against the ghastness, but my cartoons failed to make a difference.

So now we all must go into the ghastliness, we all have to dive into the worst stuff ever. Or no-- Wait! Can't we ask the Electoral College to step up and do what those Founders created it for?

No. Or rather, we can ask the Electoral College to overturn the shitty, shitty, shitty vote... but I can't get behind it doing so. As much as I dislike the Electoral Collecge, and as much as it was built to preserve slaveholder privilege... it's the law. Do we want to over turn the law? I.... I.... I....

I'd rather keep the law than blow it away. I'm scared of my position, right now, where it seems like the law system has delivered all the constitutional power to horrible, assholish, awful shitheads who want to do nothing but tear rights away from workers and women and people just hoping to live and have the society say it's not okay to beat brains out so many, and shouldn't there be a system that recognizes that and tightens the reins so it can't be so?

And if it doesn't, damn it, heads will have to be cracked. Maybe mine. Probably mine, especially if I'm too weak and unwilling to stand on the right side. And even if I'm on the right side... am I ready to start crackng heads?

Damn, damn, damn... I wish that the system resulted in the outcomes that makes sense to me. I wish it did. But it didn't. And I've spent all year saying I prefer the system rather than just burning the whole otherfuckker down., that I prefer to put out the fire rather than burn burn burn. And part of my insistence is and always has been that the system, as built, should be maintained. And as much as I despise Trump and his preposterous crew, I have to say that I liked the system and not who was running it.

So does that mean that, ultimately, I'm saying, "Give them a chance"? Ug, Ug, Ug, but yes, that is what I'm saying. I'd rather reform than revolutionize, or hold and hold back. I'd rather put out the house fire than encourage it, I'd rather fix than destroy.

I say this because, damn, I have a lot to lose, and I'd rather not lose it. But I can't say against folks who want to fight and burn.

Urf, urf, so on and so forth. Sorry, Bob the Angry Flower readers, sorry to admit I'm not strong and standing up to fight. I'm scared and new like all of us, and I don't know what to say.

End of Year
That said, there's only a couple of weeks left in this tawdry 2016. I've drawn cartoons for them, and here they are. First is


Next will be next week, leasing up to Christmas -- or Happy Holdays, however they're said!

The Loneliest Person On Earth

And then... and then... well, the next Bob the Angry Flower cartoon will emerge fresh and spicy in 2017. Keep yer reading-eyes out for it!

And if you've been looking for a beautiful song all year, here's one: Julie Lonely!
Fri, Dec 9- No, We're All Cool
Aren't we, all cool right now? Yeah, sure, we all saw the trump collect electoral votes, and somehow he'll be our president next year, doncha know. And he's shown that he can't possibly be that guy, but a little less than half the country wants him wants him wants him, no matter how unsuitable, no matter how many lies, they want him because they hate hate HATE the other side, they want him, and it don't matter how much he lies cuz He Never Lied and She Always Lied, dot dot dot

Quite indeed. All Bob the Angry Flower can do is step out and decide who or what or how is more
Fri, Dec 2- Aw Bejimmeney

A couple of weeks past our common horror, I wish I could have something pithy and erudite to present. I, as the author of Bob the Angry Flower, must better have something to say immediately. If not, then why bother with Bob the Angry Flower at all?

Damn, I wish I had strength and common courage to stand up among you all who hope to fight. Thrilling Adventures
Maybe I might later on, next year, when it's not so much of a time to sit down and be lazy. I wonder if I might maybe stand up next year. Honestly, I don't know.

Putting extended fears and expectations asides for, fuck, I guess, a week, up above is a cartoon, see what you think.

Earlier Updates
Interested in earlier updates? Here they are!

Nov 25, 2016 - Stuff and stuff and stuff!
April 22, 2011 - The Gunt Chronicles!
Oct 10 , 2010 - The Crackening, plus Rothgar for sale!
Nov 6, 2009 - Rothgar!
Jun 19, 2009
Oct 3, 2008
May 1, 2008
Aug 3, 2007
Dec 1, 2006 - Bookworm Adventures!
June 23, 2006
September 30, 2005 -- Moving to America! PopCap! Stuff!
April 15, 2005 -- Last posts from Canada!
December 31, 2004 -- 2004: A Year to Review
November 26, 2004 -- election madnesses
October 25, 2004
September 7, 2004
August 13, 2004 -- ComiCon report
July 20, 2004 -- just before leaving for ComiCon
June 10, 2004
May 5, 2004
April 9, 2004
January 30, 2004, featuring the NMD and Bush on Mars rants
November 28, 2003

October 8, 2003
September 4, 2003
July 25, 2003
June 18, 2003
April 11, 2003
Feb 21, 2003
December 27, 2002
October 24, 2002
September 27, 2002
July 30, 2002
May 29, 2002
April 12, 2002
December 28, 2001
November 9, 2001
September 7, 2001

Go nuts! It's content!

And a big mess o' cartoons...

Bob the Angry Flower runs weekly in VUE Weekly and Terminal City and some other papers I'm too lazy right now to detail, though the Buffalo Beast is one.

This Web page is created and maintained by Stephen Notley - To complain, simply e-mail

© Stephen Notley 2008