s skippy the bush kangaroo

skippy the bush kangaroo

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

each and every thursday

leading right-wing figure calls for a 'more violent christianity'

democrats are turning to the absolute worst person for help in winning 2018

more people are single than ever before - and that's a good thing

in the french election, "nobody" got the highest vote in half a century

how americans are subsidizing walmart executives
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

what's wednesday want?

is facebook racist?

meet the activists that want carbon polluters to pay

voter suppression just had a bad night in texas

low-income renters become migrants in their own city

apple-picking robot prepares to compete for jobs
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 0 comments

Monday, June 05, 2017

tuesday night music club

climate change could slash staple crops

ebola re-emerges in the congo

the threat of political policing in the trump era

creeping along the road to serfdom

how to really save the bees
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 0 comments

monday comes around

fossil fuels have lost, the rest of the world just doesn't know it yet

stop blaming the workers, the bosses made this mess

why republicans can't fix health insurance

party crashers: how far-right demagogues tooks over the gop 

4 ways to dismantle racism in the food system

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Sunday, June 04, 2017

sweet sunday

the crisis of the middle class and american power

a noose was found at an african american smithosian museum exhibit

united health care overbilled medicare by $1b

workers say walmart is still punishing pregnant employess

jim bakker predicts the endtimes -- and sells survivalist gear
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Saturday, June 03, 2017

killing saturday night

young people are leaving the republican party in droves

the thawing arctic threatens an environmental catastrophe

why aren't individual bankers held accountable?

here's how much of america is covered by big box stores

mt. everest is so crowded this year there might be traffic jams

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Friday, June 02, 2017

4 am friday

ny ag will sue if sentate passes obamacare repeal

beating wall street means fighting extraction of wealth from communities of color

20 million people could starve to death in the next 6 months

is hannity looking for the door at fox?

the world is running out of sand
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, June 01, 2017

dole cheque thursday

facebook's female engineers claim gender bias

why sweden killed the carried interest tax-break

there's a 25% chance your water system violated the safe drinking water act

what the new health care bill means to chronically ill people

hooray!  lawrence o'donnell's contract is renewed at msnbc 
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

wellington's wednesday

where trump's policies sow fear, corporate 'backers of hate' stand to profit

are gasoline prices about to crash?

the oppressive history of the birth industry

giraffes are becoming extinct 

dear white progressives

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 3 comments

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

tuesday night lights

can the president be indicted while in office?

don't expect mitch mcconnell to defend the american people

wall street's grousing about american airline's worker raises shows what's wrong with wall street

how does trump's tax plan help the middle class? 'honestly, we don't know'

is it time for the american dream to die?
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Monday, May 29, 2017

environmental news stories monday

for those pesky little stories that don't seem to get the coverage they deserve.

will trump overturn the ban on uranium mining around the grand canyon? environmentalists are worried that the obama administration's moratorium on uranium mining in the area surrounding the grand canyon could be up next on the chopping block - phoenix new times  

meet jane, a climate scientist who fled trump’s government.worries about science censorship drove her from her post at the energy department. - high country news  

storage of nuclear waste poses threat to us, scientists warn. the reluctance of u.s. federal regulators to require operators of nuclear reactors to spend $5 billion to enhance the security of spent fuel rods stored underground threatens the country with a potential catastrophe, scientists warned on friday. - reuters  

california legislature can prove drought lessons were learned.a package of bills now before lawmakers has the potential to ensure long-term water supply planning and preparedness for future droughts - water deeply  

firm behind dakota access pipeline faces intense scrutiny for series of leaks. the oil company behind the dakota access pipeline is facing intense scrutiny from regulators and activists over a series of recent leaks across the country, including a major spill now believed to be significantly bigger than initially reported. - the guardian  

rising seas may wipe out these jersey towns, but they're still rated aaa. when ocean county wanted to sell $31 million in bonds maturing over 20 years, neither of its two rating companies, moody’s investors service or s&p global ratings, asked any questions about the expected effect of climate change on its finances - bloomberg
trump budget's cuts to climate 'totally inexplicable,' former agency heads say. 'i think we’re going to see a huge backlash,' said former bush epa chief christine todd whitman - insideclimate news 

st. petersburg's ballooning sewage debt could threaten credit rating (but there's a hail mary plan to avoid that). the city needs a lot of money — $435 million over the next five years — most of it to fix its leaky sewer pipes and aging sewer plants - tampa bay times

 feds tell lake erie to drop dead. it is outrageous and disheartening that the federal government has turned its back on lake erie. but it has. - toledo blade  

where nestlé guzzles water, locals doubt claims of negligible impact. bottling operations can draw 130 million gallons a year from a well in northwestern michigan at almost no cost to nestlé. its application to pump even more has opened a political fight. - nytimes
hanford nuclear cleanup budget slashed in energy proposal. washington state’s hanford nuclear reservation, scene of a recent collapse of a tunnel containing nuclear waste, would see its funding slashed under president donald trump’s new budget proposal - bloomberg

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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:07 PM | 0 comments

monday comes and goes

veterans for peace will gather to denounce war on memorial day

white house aides could face criminal charges for using auto-delete apps on russia docs

trump would like to sell off america's energy resources for a pittance

how a professional climate denier decided to fight for science

uber driver commits suicide; widow blames job stress 
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, May 28, 2017

suzanne on a sunday morning

jared kushner tried to set up a secret back channel with the kremlin

watch trump shove a prime minister out of the way so he can be in front

russia-gate has become a catastrophic failure of leadership

5 things we need from any health care law

poverty drives wages down

and rip the force behind the allman brothers, greg allman 
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, May 27, 2017

kicks out on a saturday night

veterans are training to re-deploy against trump attacks

your broadband is about to get more expensive

the silent war on gaza's hospitals

dam on yellowstone river goes forward

black power and the rise of trumplandia

and rip jimmy carter's natl security advisor (and dad of mika on morning joe) zbigniew brzezinksi 
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Friday, May 26, 2017

typical friday night

flurry of leaks alarms america's allies

the doomsday glacier

5 signs the resistance is growing stronger

the battle for trumpcare can fuel the drive to single payer

americans are having less sex than they once did
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, May 25, 2017

comeback thursday

dems flip their first reds seat to blue in new hampshire & new york

frustrated gop tries to rewrite congress's rules

how far will alabama go to keep its citizens from voting?

anti-protest bills would attack the right to speak out under trump

unraveling why shoelace knots fail
posted by skippy at 1:30 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

wednesday's song

trump's russia scandal is becoming a corruption scandal

senator asks ethics office to review trump hotel payments

workers who really do support the troops are getting their wages cut

"both sides" is the most destructive, opportunistic and falsifiable analytic conceit in american politics

the cult of mediocrity
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

tuesday night is always karaoke

america's biggest corporations are quietly boosting trump's agenda of hate

trump blames exhaustion for saudi speech slip up

sexual abuse in nursing homes

why are crime victims being jailed?

the robot economy: ready or not, here it comes

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

Monday, May 22, 2017

monday comes

why i turned my back on betsy devos during graduation

the nightmare scenario for florida's coastal homeowners

drones and driverless tractors - the future of farming?

the us never stopped training and arming brutal regimes in latin america

trump has been sued 134 times since the inauguration 
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 1 comments

Sunday, May 21, 2017

sundown sunday

the internet should be treated as a public utility

populists are directly challenging the plutocratic order

fighting for privacy as technology monopolies undermine democracy

jeff sessions is keeping junk science in our courts 

researchers find new species of california spider the size of a baseball
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 2 comments

Saturday, May 20, 2017

jukebox saturday night

russia probe reaches current white house official

there's not way the gop will confront trump's scandals. it would destroy their party

jeff sessions' department of injustice

fracking is strongly linked to infant mortality

california: let's end unchecked police surveillance
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Friday, May 19, 2017

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 0 comments

til friday night

trump's trust problem

climate change is getting worse and so is the media's coverage of it

california wants to end racists air bnb rentals

us military should get out of the middle east

a huge crack in the larsen c ice shelf in antarctica bodes no good

and rip soundgarden (and others) frontman, chris cornell; also fox news founder roger ailes
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 2 comments

Thursday, May 18, 2017

come thursday midnight

trump will have a tough time pushing the special prosecutor around

in mexico, it's "easy to kill a journalist"

ransomware attackers set up it depts to explain bitcoin

100 million dead trees: california's after-drought danger

minority neighborhoods pay more for car insurance than white neighborhoods with the same risk
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 2 comments

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

wednesday's child

is the comey memo trump's smoking gun?

israel was the source of the secret intelligence trump gave to russia

trump's madness invites mutiny

confessions of a border patrol agent: sexual assault, corruption and moral failure

the 5 laws of human stupidity
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 4 comments

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

tuesday night in berlin

how white nationalists are setting immigration policy

right wing terrorists have been behind 73% of deadly attacks since 9/11

government has allowed corporations to become more powerful than the state

hard times for whole foods
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 4 comments

Monday, May 15, 2017

monday came

single payer 'medicare for all' 

it's time for the outdoor industry to fight dirty

from zombie malls to bonobos: america's retail transformation

how taxpayers fund big pharma research

those early christian communists
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 5 comments

Sunday, May 14, 2017

environmental news stories sunday

for those stories that are coming fast and furious during this regime of dear orange leader. we must keep #resisting this attack on our environment.

on this mother's day, let's remember that we need to protect and support mother earth.
obama blocked this controversial alaskan gold mine. rump just gave it new life. pebble mine was blocked under the obama administration to protect valuable sockeye salmon stocks. - wapo  

scientists quit epa advisory board in protest.two scientists have resigned from an environmental protection agency advisory board to protest agency administrator scott pruitt’s removal of their colleagues. - huffpo

 revamped 'anti-science' education bills in united states find success.legislation urges educators to ‘teach the controversy’ and allows citizens to challenge curricula. - nature  

the lonely fight to save an epa lab from trump's climate cuts. u.s.'s national vehicle and fuel emissions laboratory is little known but envied around the world as the gold standard for crafting and policing environmental rules for vehicles. now, the trump administration's charge against its predecessor's climate change initiatives has put a target on its back - climate wire  

finland voices concern over us and russian climate change doubters. new chair of arctic council calls for paris treaty on global warming to be respected amid fears of commitment downgrade. - the guardian  

the injustice of atlantic city’s floods. new jersey's working class are forgotten as federal government funds fixes for wealthier neighbors - climate wire  

mississippi river cities: feds should take climate change seriously.mayors in cities and towns along the mississippi river are among about 1,000 people participating in a national meeting on climate adaptation in st. paul this week - minnesota public radio

trump's budget would eliminate a key funder of research on coastal pollution.a small federal program has been paying scientists to keep american waterways healthy. it's called sea grant, and president donald trump"s proposed budget for next year would eliminate it. - npr

climate activists shut down chase bank branches in seattle; arrests made. climate activists disrupted business at 13 branches of jpmorgan chase bank in seattle on monday in an effort to stop loans to tar-sands oil-pipeline projects. - seattle times

beyond the drought: building water conservation consciousness. water consciousness may spike during a period of drought, but the reasons for saving water extend far beyond times of shortages - water deeply
're-wilding' a santa monica beach to protect against sea level rise.at the north end of Santa monica beach, there’s a fenced off 2-acre section that looks a bit unkempt. it’s an experiment in "re-wilding," or restoring the beach to what it looked like before humans altered it. - kpcc

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posted by Cookie Jill at 9:04 PM | 1 comments

sunday's child

republicans want to repeal automatic retirement accounts

150 people a day die on the job

how steve bannon created 'a people'

people feel that the rich don't pay their fare share of taxes

doctors have decades of fighting fake news, here's how they win
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Saturday, May 13, 2017

joe harper saturday morning

in nyc schools, a rising tide of homeless students

in 3 months, trump charged into 4 mideast wars, to no avail

how immigrant resistance is helping curb ice arrests in los angeles

you are hardly over-taxed in america

why libraries could soon need a national endowment
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 4 comments

Friday, May 12, 2017

this friday night

the fundamental problems of the financial crisis are still with us

how uber conquers a city in 7 steps

the voting rights act may be making a comeback

how the government is turning protestors in to felons 

connectivity for home gadgets creates dangerous side effects
posted by skippy at 2:30 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, May 11, 2017

come thursday

the media's  real bubble is white and male

now is not the time to despair

worsening heat waves turning dehydration into chronic kidney disease

many of trump's temporary appointees have permanent jobs at the white house

fascism still isn't very popular
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 1 comments

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

wednesday week

why water privatization is a bad idea

saving the planet goes local

at least 61,000 are in prison for minor parole violations

the rules around opioid maintenance would be unconscionable in any other branch of medicine

noise pollution forces dolphins and whales from their homes

posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 2 comments

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

tuesday night in austin

the renaissance of intellectual racism

trump's tax secrecy will cost the gop in 2018

why it's so hard to get ahead in the south

demands for iud's have skyrocketed under trump

will scrabble have the last word on the iq debate?
posted by skippy at 2:00 AM | 2 comments