Tuesday, 06 June 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • After Paris Pullout, We Must Spread an Ethic of Love and Cooperation

    By Tim DeChristopher, Truthout | Op-Ed

    Protesters demonstrate against Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, at the San Francisco Federal Building, June 2, 2017. (Photo: Jim Wilson / The New York Times)Protesters demonstrate against Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, at the San Francisco Federal Building, June 2, 2017. (Photo: Jim Wilson / The New York Times)

    In the wake of the US's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreements, we are faced with this important question: will climate catastrophes turn us toward one another with love and cooperation or against one another with fear and violence? An ethic of cooperation and love at the local level can be our strongest repudiation of Trumpism.

  • Why the US Needs to Revive a Massive Student Movement: The Case of Higher Education in California

    Why the US Needs to Revive a Massive Student Movement: The Case of Higher Education in California

    By Lydia Wood and Brandon Edwards-Schuth, Truthout | News Analysis

    Once a model for affordable and accessible higher education emulated by other states and nations, California's three-tiered higher education system is now in peril because of a 30-year war on public education by neoliberal forces. It's time we expanded the student-led grassroots movement's ties with other resistance networks.

  • Red Alert: The First Amendment Is in Danger

    Red Alert: The First Amendment Is in Danger

    By Bernard Weisberger, Moyers & Company | News Analysis

    Having already banned nosy reporters from news corporations that he doesn't like, branded their employers as enemies of the nation and expressed a wish to departed FBI Director James Comey that those in the White House who leak his secrets should be jailed, why should there be any doubt that Trump would, if he could, clap behind bars reporters whom, in his own cockeyed vision, he saw as hostile?


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