Common Dreams staff
A day after her arrest was announced publicly by the U.S. Justice Department, Reality Winner, the 25-year-old alleged source of a leaked National Security Agency document detailing Russian hacking efforts, has found a vocal ally in the world's best known whistleblower of the contemporary era:...
Common Dreams staff
In order to confront what they consider a frontal attack on the Internet by the...
Jon Queally, staff writer
As the United Nations this week warned the world's ocean are " under threat as...


This week marks the 50th anniversary of Israel's Six-Day War, and the birth of the "50-year-old festering wound" that is the Occupation. While Israel seeks to cast the anniversary as a national celebration, most of the world mourns the pitiless crimes that followed - the Occupation's murdered, beaten, jailed, dispossessed, its amputee boys, paralyzed girls, farmers without farms, and thousands of other Palestinian victims, today all but invisible to an Israel in deep and lethal denial.

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Eugene Robinson

Common Dreams 20 years