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'Kill Them All': Congressman Posts Unhinged Rant About Muslims After London Attacks
A Republican congressman from Louisiana called for Muslims to be hunted down and killed in the wake of the London terrorist attack.

What We Lose by Barring Refugees

Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson Stands Between Nevada and a Renewable Energy Future

The Portland Killings Show Why We Need a Robust Antifascist Movement
It is time to find common cause in anti-fascist action. The stakes couldn't be higher.

Right-wing rally draws massive counterprotests in Portland
Just more than a week after two people were killed on a train for standing up to a man who was spewing hate, tensions flared in the Pacific Northwest city.

Trump’s latest tweets could hurt effort to restore travel ban

Trump won't use executive privilege to block James Comey from testifying in Congress: spokeswoman

White House formally backs plan to transfer air traffic control system to private corporation
The FAA’s 30,000 air traffic controllers and a modernization effort would be spun into a nonprofit entity.

After Paris Pullout, We Must Spread an Ethic of Love and Cooperation

Racist Attacks in the US Are a Trend, Not Isolated Incidents
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Supreme Court to rule on cellphone location privacy

Taking Stock of Trump's Weekendus Horribilis

Supreme Court throws out North Carolina redistricting ruling

Trump doubles down on attack against London mayor

Florida shooting: 'Multiple fatalities' in Orlando

The California Senate Just Passed Single-Payer Health Care

Budget-Busting Cost of Nuclear Weapons Update: $1.2 Trillion
The estimate of a project to fulfill President Trump’s pledge to remake the nation’s atomic arsenal is 20 percent more than once envisioned.

Trump to announce plan to privatize air traffic control: reports

Awareness of the Criminalization of Survivors Is Increasing -- Has It Entered the Courtroom?

How Mainstream Privilege Discourse Actually Bolsters the Status Quo

Voter suppression just had a bad night in Texas

Bilderberg 2017: Closed-Door Meeting of Global Leaders Will Focus on Trump ‘Progress Report’

Democrats’ Waffling on Abortion Rights Isn’t Just Wrong, It’s a Huge Political Mistake

Calif. Assembly Approves McCarty Legislation to Ban For-Profit Charter Schools in California

They served in the U.S. military and hoped for citizenship. Then they got deported.

Trump mocks London’s mayor and touts his own Muslim ban in wake of attack

Senators want governors involved in health talks

Trump Is Reviewing Whether to Try to Block Comey’s Testimony to the Senate

Donald Trump criticized for using London attacks to promote his Muslim travel ban

Erik Prince’s dark plan for Afghanistan: Military occupation for profit, not security

Saudi Arabia Lavishes Conservative U.K. Officials With Gifts, Travel, And Plum Consultancies

Fox Pundits Push For Internment Camps In Response To British Terrorist Attacks

I could face prison for protesting. A man who sexually abused a hotel worker got a $50 fine.

Backers of Honduran Dam Opposed by Murdered Activist Withdraw Funding

Research Shows the Anti-Trump Resistance Is Diverse, Educated and Many Are New to Activism

Trump plans week-long focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control

New Research Findings: People Who Say Society Is Too Politically Correct Tend Not to Have Experienced Discrimination

N.J. lawmakers who backed Obamacare repeal invested in health companies during debate

Student Debt Rising Worldwide

Nationwide 'March for Truth' Events Take Aim at Trump's Destructive Fact-Free Rule

Podcast: In Congress, GOP at a Legislative Standstill
Why health care, taxes, the budget and confirmations will likely remain stuck at least through the summer.

Dems want Hillary Clinton to leave spotlight

The American dream? Top 20% pulling away from the rest, study finds

President Trump sends tone-deaf travel ban tweet amid London Bridge terror

How a ‘shadow’ universe of charities joined with political warriors to fuel Trump’s rise

Trump Puts No One In Charge of NOAA or FEMA As Hurricane Season Just Arrived

Standing Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of “Surveillance-Industrial Complex”

Theresa May says the internet must now be regulated following London Bridge terror attack

The Single-Payer Party? Democrats Shift Left on Health Care

The White House hyped up a 'Pittsburgh, not Paris' rally -- and Trump skipped it to go to his golf club

Georgia Democrat aims to be nation’s first female African American governor

At least 15 Afghans killed as multiple blasts target funeral for protester in Kabul

Louisiana Legislators Create ‘Cruel’ Barrier for Minors’ Access to Abortion

California State University Halts Middle East Studies Search Due to Outside Pressure

Paris Exit Was 'Victory Paid and Carried Out' by Republican Party for the Koch Brothers

"We Don't Have the Rule of Law": Barrett Brown on Incarceration, Journalism and His Next Steps

Tom Price Bought Pharma Stocks — Then Lobbied for the Industry in Australia

Comey to testify publicly about Trump confrontations

Massachusetts joins other states to fulfill US pledges on carbon

Nuclear regulators' flawed analysis leaves millions at risk from radioactive fires

Harvard revokes admission to at least 10 students for offensive Facebook posts

Post-ABC poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose Trump scrapping Paris agreement

Justices side with religious hospitals in pension dispute

Red Alert: The First Amendment Is in Danger

Ariana Grande Returns to Manchester, With Allies

Charles P. Pierce: Happy Monday. It's Chaos in America

Kushners Hunting Hard for a Loan to Pay Back Chinese Investors

Jim Hightower: Where Does Inequality Come From?
-- Jim Hightower on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Fired employee kills 5, then himself at Orlando business

How Trump just completely undermined the legal argument for his travel ban, in four tweets

Trump Voters Need Good Economic Policy, Not Empathy

Grand Canyon at risk as Arizona officials ask Trump to end uranium mining ban
Powerful regional officials to ask administration to end 20-year ban, saying it is unlawful and inhibits economic opportunity

US poised to warn UN rights forum of possible withdrawal

Trump blasts his own Justice Dept. over travel ban

GOP Running Out of Time for Legislative Wins

In Three Months, Three Immigrants Have Died at a Private Detention Center in California

Krugman: Making Ignorance Great Again

Tweeting and Fuming, Trump Spirals Further Into Crisis

Power to the People vs. Power to the Bomb: Alternatives to Nuclear Domination

We mourn Manchester, but not Kabul: How biased coverage of terrorist attacks drives us apart

Conservative Heritage Foundation wants to use public money to fund private education for 800,000 military kids

What's behind the dramatic rise in L.A. County's homeless population

Exxon's Climate Accounting a 'Sham' Under Rex Tillerson, New York’s AG Says
Eric Schneiderman says he has evidence that Exxon used one set of numbers in describing risks to investors but used a secret set internally.

US-led coalition admits killing at least 484 civilians in air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq

Trump has offered up 1 replacement nearly 3 months after firing 46 remaining Obama-era U.S. attorneys

Many Americans Don't Know It, but Their Employers Can Censor Their Political Speech

Rural Communities Have the Most to Lose With Health Care Repeal
The GOP health bill won't just roll back Obamacare -- it will end Medicaid as we know it.

Kabul bombing: Triple suicide bombing leaves at least 12 dead at funeral of protester ‘killed by police’

Saudi Warplanes Strike Yemen Hospital amid Cholera Epidemic

London police shoot dead three suspects after rampage kills seven

He Was About To Pick Up His Newborn Son After Surgery When He Was Arrested By ICE

Philippines’ Duterte scoffs at notion of International Criminal Court probe

Hate Crimes Are All Around U.S.: Where Is Trump?

London Bridge attack: 21 of those injured are in critical condition - live updates

Noam Chomsky on Trump: The Worst Is Yet to Come

Donald Trump Jr leads campaign to overturn restrictions on gun silencers despite mass shooting fears

Road ecology, a fairly new and growing field, focuses on life in and on the edge of what can perhaps seem like an uninviting place for wildlife. If properly managed, roadsides represent a relatively open habitat that could benefit a variety of species of conservation concern.

Elizabeth Warren Would ‘Absolutely’ Back Impeachment If Trump Really Obstructed Justice

Professional Racist Richard Spencer Makes His Money Off Cotton Farms and Black Labor

Resisting White Supremacy Can't Happen Without Self-Care

Trump's push for this nuclear missile system has some on edge

Is there a neo-Nazi storm brewing in Trump country?

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Wants to Roll Back the Net Neutrality Rules: Here's What You Need to Know

Pence urges Congress to complete Obamacare repeal

Trump files extension for 2016 taxes

Last year the US produced almost 20 percent of electricity via renewables—obliterating expectations

EU to bypass Trump administration after Paris climate agreement pullout

187 mayors adopt Paris climate accord after U.S. pulls out

White House telling agencies to ignore Dem oversight requests: report

Donald Trump 'tried to roll back Russia sanctions the moment he got into power'

New England’s Last Big Coal Plant Shuts Down

Devin Nunes ‘Requiring Sign off’ On Russia Probe Subpoenas

Crack in Antarctic ice shelf could create one of the biggest icebergs in history

The best way to resist Trump ditching Paris? Divest from fossil fuels
Divestment provides us with a powerful way to cut our ties with this destructive industry and start moving in a new direction

Wal-Mart employees will now deliver your online orders on their way home from work

'Failure as leaders:' Penn State administrators headed to jail for Sandusky scandal

SCOTUS sets June 12 deadline for travel ban challengers' responses

Defense chief: North Korea a ‘clear and present danger’

Jared Kushner's redemptive mission threatened by tangled Russian web
The sins of the father have shadowed Kushner’s slick ascent – now claims of contact with Moscow have landed him in a spotlight he had hoped to avoid