Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

Republicans Are Grasping for One-Party Rule

The GOP’s latest quiet attempt to eliminate Democrats’ role in government.

Trump Picks a New FBI Director, and Sensible People Aren’t Horrified

Jeff Sessions’ Rejection of Science Leaves Local Prosecutors in the Dark

How Trump Worsened the Qatar Crisis

Highlight Truthers Have Come for Steph Curry


Yep, We’re Sexist

New data prove sexism had a lot to do with Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

The XX Factor

A Chilling Testimony at the Cosby Trial

Andrea Constand tells an all-too-familiar tale about the defendant.

Yes, Sexism Had a Lot to Do With Hillary Clinton’s Defeat, and We Have the Data to Prove It

In Courtroom, Andrea Constand Is a Stand-In for All the Women Who Say Cosby Assaulted Them

A Major Insurer Just Pulled Out of Obamacare in Ohio—and It Basically Blamed Trump

Republican Senators Say They’ll Pass ACA Repeal. Some Seem to Wish They Didn’t Have To.

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In Case You Missed It
Cover Story
The Anxiety and Thrill of Nominating a Woman to Challenge Trump Can 2020 restore the crushed hopes of 2016?
Why Not Al Franken in 2020? It an absurd world where a joke of a man is president, the ex-comedian could be a serious contender.
Trump’s “War on Leakers” Isn’t Really About Leakers
Metropolis Something Is Wrong With Connecticut
“The Alphabet Is the Truth” I used to worry that my son, who has autism, impeded my writing. Now he inspires it.
  • Dear Prudence Help! My Employee Has Bad Hygiene and Keeps Making Everyone Else Sick.
  • The Gist So Is Almond Milk Actually Milk?
  • The Gist What Do You Tell Google and No One Else? One Researcher Would Love to Find Out.
  • Hang Up And Listen Why the Mets’ Baseball-Headed Mascot Finally Snapped

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June 6 2017 11:33 AM The “How Does a Real Estate Concierge Work?” Transcript Read what Baltimore’s Damon Walker had to say about helping landlords manage their property investments.