• These Women Are Not An Abomination - Read The June 2017 Church & State Issue »
  • AU Continues Fighting Trump's Muslim Ban In Court
  • Trump & Congress continue to attack the Johnson Amendment, threatening the integrity of houses of worship.
  • When this West Virginia couple applied for a marriage license, they were told that they were an "abomination."
  • Should A State Be Forced To Give Tax Money To Houses Of Worship? Read about Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley

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Most Recent Blog Posts
All the most recent posts from AU's Wall of Separation Blog & The Protect Thy Neighbor Blog

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Again Fails to Say Voucher Programs Shouldn’t Allow Discrimination

Public money should fund public schools, but President Donald J. Trump’s federal budget would send $250 million in public money to vouchers for private, often religious, schools. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos once again went to the Hill to defend the budget, this time, before a Senate committee.

Trump’s Tweets Are Undermining His Own Legal Defense Against Muslim Ban 2.0

Early yesterday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted out: “People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!”

This unexpected tweet, followed by more, comes on the heels of the Department of Justice (DOJ) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the May 25 decision by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to continue the hold on President Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0.

Supreme Court Risks Pensions And Retirement Funds Of Employees At Religiously Affiliated Hospitals

In an 8-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that religiously affiliated hospitals could jeopardize the financial security of hundreds of thousands of workers nationwide. The decision involves three cases – Dignity Health v. Starla Rollins, Advocate Health Care Network v. Maria Stapleton and St. Peter’s Healthcare System v. Laurence Kaplan.

There’s No Religious Freedom Right To Be Insubordinate In The Military

It was a busy morning at the Supreme Court. The high court handed down a decision in an important case dealing with religiously affiliated hospitals and employee pensions. We’ll have some analysis of that case later. For now, let’s take a look at a case that justices decided not to hear – Sterling v. United States.

AU Tells Federal Court: Trump’s Leaked Contraception Rule Would Harm Women

Late Thursday, Americans United told a federal appeals court that women would be severely harmed by the Trump administration’s proposed change to the current requirement that health insurance cover contraceptives, a change that would allow employers and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny contraceptive coverage completely.

David Barton Doesn’t Understand That The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Are Two Very Different Documents

Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton is back with another mind-bogglingly silly argument that the United States is really an officially Christian nation – even though our Constitution doesn’t say that.

Ken Ham’s Creationist ‘Ark Park’ Isn’t Doing So Well, So Naturally He Wants To Expand

The Washington Post recently ran a long story about Ark Encounter, the Williamsburg, Ky., creationist attraction founded by Ken Ham, who leads the fundamentalist Religious Right organization Answers in Genesis. Although some readers found the story to be oddly sympathetic to Ham, some interesting tidbits are found in it. 

Trump Administration’s Attack On Women’s Health And Equality Escalates

In early May, President Donald J. Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by signing an executive order that was aimed at allowing bosses and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny their employees and students insurance coverage for contraception.

On Memorial Day, Let’s Honor All Veterans Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

On Memorial Day, we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation by laying down their lives to protect our freedoms.

One of those freedoms is the right to worship, or not, as you see fit. It’s ironic, therefore, that increasingly we are seeing examples of sectarian symbols, mainly crosses, being pressed into service as one-size-fits-all memorials for deceased veterans.


Most Recent Blog Posts
All the most recent posts from AU's Wall of Separation Blog & The Protect Thy Neighbor Blog

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Again Fails to Say Voucher Programs Shouldn’t Allow Discrimination

Public money should fund public schools, but President Donald J. Trump’s federal budget would send $250 million in public money to vouchers for private, often religious, schools. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos once again went to the Hill to defend the budget, this time, before a Senate committee.

Trump’s Tweets Are Undermining His Own Legal Defense Against Muslim Ban 2.0

Early yesterday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted out: “People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!”

This unexpected tweet, followed by more, comes on the heels of the Department of Justice (DOJ) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the May 25 decision by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to continue the hold on President Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0.

Supreme Court Risks Pensions And Retirement Funds Of Employees At Religiously Affiliated Hospitals

In an 8-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that religiously affiliated hospitals could jeopardize the financial security of hundreds of thousands of workers nationwide. The decision involves three cases – Dignity Health v. Starla Rollins, Advocate Health Care Network v. Maria Stapleton and St. Peter’s Healthcare System v. Laurence Kaplan.

There’s No Religious Freedom Right To Be Insubordinate In The Military

It was a busy morning at the Supreme Court. The high court handed down a decision in an important case dealing with religiously affiliated hospitals and employee pensions. We’ll have some analysis of that case later. For now, let’s take a look at a case that justices decided not to hear – Sterling v. United States.

AU Tells Federal Court: Trump’s Leaked Contraception Rule Would Harm Women

Late Thursday, Americans United told a federal appeals court that women would be severely harmed by the Trump administration’s proposed change to the current requirement that health insurance cover contraceptives, a change that would allow employers and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny contraceptive coverage completely.

David Barton Doesn’t Understand That The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Are Two Very Different Documents

Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton is back with another mind-bogglingly silly argument that the United States is really an officially Christian nation – even though our Constitution doesn’t say that.

Ken Ham’s Creationist ‘Ark Park’ Isn’t Doing So Well, So Naturally He Wants To Expand

The Washington Post recently ran a long story about Ark Encounter, the Williamsburg, Ky., creationist attraction founded by Ken Ham, who leads the fundamentalist Religious Right organization Answers in Genesis. Although some readers found the story to be oddly sympathetic to Ham, some interesting tidbits are found in it. 

Trump Administration’s Attack On Women’s Health And Equality Escalates

In early May, President Donald J. Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by signing an executive order that was aimed at allowing bosses and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny their employees and students insurance coverage for contraception.

On Memorial Day, Let’s Honor All Veterans Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

On Memorial Day, we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation by laying down their lives to protect our freedoms.

One of those freedoms is the right to worship, or not, as you see fit. It’s ironic, therefore, that increasingly we are seeing examples of sectarian symbols, mainly crosses, being pressed into service as one-size-fits-all memorials for deceased veterans.


Most Recent Blog Posts
All the most recent posts from AU's Wall of Separation Blog & The Protect Thy Neighbor Blog

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Again Fails to Say Voucher Programs Shouldn’t Allow Discrimination

Public money should fund public schools, but President Donald J. Trump’s federal budget would send $250 million in public money to vouchers for private, often religious, schools. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos once again went to the Hill to defend the budget, this time, before a Senate committee.

Trump’s Tweets Are Undermining His Own Legal Defense Against Muslim Ban 2.0

Early yesterday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted out: “People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!”

This unexpected tweet, followed by more, comes on the heels of the Department of Justice (DOJ) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the May 25 decision by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to continue the hold on President Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0.

Supreme Court Risks Pensions And Retirement Funds Of Employees At Religiously Affiliated Hospitals

In an 8-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that religiously affiliated hospitals could jeopardize the financial security of hundreds of thousands of workers nationwide. The decision involves three cases – Dignity Health v. Starla Rollins, Advocate Health Care Network v. Maria Stapleton and St. Peter’s Healthcare System v. Laurence Kaplan.

There’s No Religious Freedom Right To Be Insubordinate In The Military

It was a busy morning at the Supreme Court. The high court handed down a decision in an important case dealing with religiously affiliated hospitals and employee pensions. We’ll have some analysis of that case later. For now, let’s take a look at a case that justices decided not to hear – Sterling v. United States.

AU Tells Federal Court: Trump’s Leaked Contraception Rule Would Harm Women

Late Thursday, Americans United told a federal appeals court that women would be severely harmed by the Trump administration’s proposed change to the current requirement that health insurance cover contraceptives, a change that would allow employers and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny contraceptive coverage completely.

David Barton Doesn’t Understand That The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Are Two Very Different Documents

Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton is back with another mind-bogglingly silly argument that the United States is really an officially Christian nation – even though our Constitution doesn’t say that.

Ken Ham’s Creationist ‘Ark Park’ Isn’t Doing So Well, So Naturally He Wants To Expand

The Washington Post recently ran a long story about Ark Encounter, the Williamsburg, Ky., creationist attraction founded by Ken Ham, who leads the fundamentalist Religious Right organization Answers in Genesis. Although some readers found the story to be oddly sympathetic to Ham, some interesting tidbits are found in it. 

Trump Administration’s Attack On Women’s Health And Equality Escalates

In early May, President Donald J. Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by signing an executive order that was aimed at allowing bosses and universities to use religion as an excuse to deny their employees and students insurance coverage for contraception.

On Memorial Day, Let’s Honor All Veterans Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

On Memorial Day, we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation by laying down their lives to protect our freedoms.

One of those freedoms is the right to worship, or not, as you see fit. It’s ironic, therefore, that increasingly we are seeing examples of sectarian symbols, mainly crosses, being pressed into service as one-size-fits-all memorials for deceased veterans.


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The June 2017 issue of Church & State

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