Out There, Exhibit 67: WND's Arch of Fake News

WorldNetDaily tries to turn a reconstruction of the historic Arch of Palmyra -- meant as an act of defiance to the ISIS militants who destroy priceless artifacts -- into a metaphor for the return of pagan worship. Does WND side with ISIS on the destruction?

Related: WorldNetDaily's Credibility CrisisFaking It At WND

Faking It At WND, Part 2

WorldNetDaily continues to rail against fake news at the same time it continues to create fake news (while, again, denying that it does so).

Religious Freedom For Me, But Not For Thee

WorldNetDaily loves it when Christians invoke a federal law designed to stop zoning discrimination against religious institutions. It's much less happy, however, when Muslims make use of the very same law.

25 Years of Hating Anita Hill

The Media Research Center will never forgive Anita Hill for nearly derailing conservative Clarence Thomas' bid to be Supreme Court justice, so it tries to denigrate her every chance it gets.

WND: Don't Do (To Trump) As We Did (To Obama)

WorldNetDaily has a lengthy track record of "conveniently forgetful news," complaining that others were treating Donald Trump the same way it treated Barack Obama.

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