Outside the Circle

Cindy Milstein

Solidarity, as Weapon and Practice, versus Killer Cops and White Supremacy (Revised Version)

  This piece by Cindy Milstein is a greatly revised version of an earlier post on this blog, written during the height of nightly street demos and freeway shutdowns in … Continue reading

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Talk to Neighbors, Not to Cops

This image, copied on to an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, now wrinkled and worn, has been tacked up in my collective home’s bathroom for, likely, years now. So … Continue reading

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Note: This piece is a reworked extract from my book Anarchism and Its Aspirations (AK Press, 2010, http://www.akpress.org/anarchism-and-its-aspirations.html) for the Lexicon pamphlet series that I curated for the Institute for Anarchist … Continue reading

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As If It Were Today

Death is funny. It plays tricks on you. Death grabs your hand, twirls you around mercilessly, never lets you out of its dance. You become so dizzy, in fact, that … Continue reading

December 19, 2016 · 1 Comment

Circles of Solidarity

It’s hard not to lose faith in human beings right now; it’s difficult not to despair at people’s capacity to (often-suddenly, voraciously) turn on whole categories of humans, intent on … Continue reading

November 29, 2016 · Leave a comment

Most of Us Are Already Illegal

Rainy, gray-gloomy day. News across Turtle Island of white supremacist attacks and even murder as well as white supremacist infrastructure readying its brutal, annihilationist power. Politicians on all sides, from … Continue reading

November 29, 2016 · Leave a comment

This Is What Community Self-Defense and Solidarity Looks Like, or Should!

This work-in-progress list is intended as counter to the rising fascism, and hopefully as an anecdote to the spineless liberalism that wants to somehow merely love fascism away. It’s one … Continue reading

November 12, 2016 · 2 Comments

Love Letter

I’m not sure I’ve ever received a better love letter (though I’m happy to be proven wrong in the future!). Nor a more startling one, and one that truly warranted … Continue reading

October 21, 2016 · Leave a comment

Bookended between “Bitter” and “Sweet”

“Bittersweet”: that’s the lone word, more than any other, that has stuck with me throughout the long, winding journey of gathering the pieces for an anthology on grief, loss, and … Continue reading

October 21, 2016 · Leave a comment

Reflection on Home

A lanky, wizened man in faded overalls, his face crisscrossed with lines of years of stories, tapped me on the shoulder at Honeybee Market as I loaded avocados and Topo-Chico … Continue reading

October 19, 2016 · 1 Comment