Houthi forces expressed their solidarity with all those resisting amerikan imperialism and the repressive Saudi monarchy by firing a ballistic missile at the Saudi capital, Riyadh, just ahead of Donald Trump’s arrival in the country. Although Saudi forces reported that the missile had been intercepted just about 200 kilometers west of the city, it is nevertheless a powerful message to the genocidal imperialists and their lackeys. […]

Under the leadership of the Taliban, the forces for national liberation in Afghanistan have launched a “spring offensive” in the north of the country, kicked off by an attack last month in Camp Shaheen which took the lives of more than 100 Afghan security personnel. This new offensive is being called “Operation Omari” in honor […]

TRIGGER WARNING: the following article contains a frank discussion of rape. We feel this issue is of great importance, but it may cause some readers distress. For as long as they have served in the united $tates military, women recruits have been subjected to waves of brutal sexual assault, abuse and harassment. Nowadays, however, the […]

[Originally written in 1971, The Tyranny of Structurelessness was primarily intended to serve as a constructive criticism for the radicals in the women’s liberation movement which had largely fallen into disarray and was moving increasingly toward irrelevance. The process was already underway which, motivated by an ascendant postmodernism and poststructuralism, had begun to destroy the […]

Recently, the anti-Bolshevik pamphlet “The Struggle Against Fascism Begins with the Struggle Against Bolshevism” by German left-communist Otto Rühle from 1939 has caused turmoil within numerous leftist circles. His pamphlet seeks to undermine the Marxist-Leninist approach to socialist revolution in its fundamental key points and “criticizes” the praxis of the Russian revolution, calling Soviet Russia […]

By Nemequene Tundama [Nemequene Tundama is an anti-imperialist activist based in Quito, Ecuador, originally from Muisca Territory in Colombia] There’s little doubt that Jeremy Corbyn has consistently, more than any other British politician, challenged neoliberal and conservative politics for decades. He has also been known for his tireless anti-war campaigning. Be that as it may, Corbyn’s […]

by Nemequene Tundama [The following piece was originally hosted by TeleSur, and is republished here with the permission of the author.] When you think of Western capitalism and imperialism, what usually comes to mind are aggressive superpowers such as the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany and so forth. Northern European nations such as Norway, Denmark, […]

As a u.$. Naval strike group stalks toward the peninsula, the imperialists, whipped into a frenzy by Trump’s long-expected turn to ravenous interventionism, have shown a single-minded determination to destroy People’s Korea. The imperialists have all but promised war unless the DPRK surrenders its sovereign right to self-defense. At this moment it seems that nobody, […]

[A piece on the strategic space Islam occupies in the anti-imperialist terrain by MIM comrades that has piqued editors’ interest. An informative and scientific touching-off point to a larger conversation. As always, the following is provided for the purposes of study and discussion.] In the 20th century New Afrikans reached out to Islam in an […]

[What follows is excerpted from WEB Du Bois’ ‘Marxism and the Negro Problem’, published in The Crisis, 1933, and elucidates Du Bois’ thought regarding the vicious tactics of the aristocracy of labor among the whites, and his rejection of false consciousness as a throwaway excuse for what is actually the interest of the settler working classes, who […]

By Sarah E. and Qamar B. Sex work will not continue under communism. This may be obvious to many of our readers, however it has been a continued source of controversy, to such the degree that we find it requires more investigation. While it is inevitable that sex work will, in some ways, regrettably continue […]

The UN Humanitarian Chief, Stephen O’Brien, has appeared before the Security Council to discuss the effects of the conflict in Yemen. The results have been absolutely horrifying, with the report detailing what they call the “largest food security emergency in the world” caused by the Saudi-led coalition’s campaign against the revolutionary government of Yemen. He […]

Alongside other big executive orders issued on Monday, Trump has reinstated the “Mexico City Policy” which prevents NGOs that receive federal funding from performing or educating women about abortion services. The policy, first enacted by Reagan in 1984, has been a back-and-forth issue throughout the administrations since its first passage. Republican presidents have all upheld […]

On sunday Jerusalem’s israeli officials approved the construction of 800 new residential homes for settlers in East Jerusalem, in defiance of international law.[1] This comes just two days after the inauguration of Donald Trump, the clear catalyst of this new round of settlement. The chairman of the Planning and Building Committee in israeli-occupied Jerusalem, Meir Turgeman, […]

As ECOWAS troops entered the Gambia yesterday to depose long-time “strongman” Yahya Jammeh and install the ostensibly “democratically elected” commonwealth-loyal real-estate mogul Adama Barrow[1] one could be forgiven for seeing in this crisis the specter of the 2011 Ivorian crisis, wherein French and comprador troops entered Côte d’Ivoire to depose “strongman” Laurent Gbagbo and install […]

On the 17th, among the last round of commuted sentences and presidential pardons, Chelsea Manning has had her sentence officially commuted and will be released May 17th of this year. As well, resistance hero Oscar Lopez Rivera (one of the leaders of the FALN of Puerto Rico) has also had his sentence commuted, in a […]

“I bid good-bye to the old century, may it rest in peace as it has lived in war. Of the new century I prophesy nothing except that it will see the decline of the British Empire. Other worse empires will rise perhaps in its place, but I shall not live to see the day. (…)” […]

By Nemequene Tundama [Nemequene Tundama is an anti-imperialist activist based in London, originally from Muisca Territory (Colombia), and is currently organising an anti-imperialist study group in London. If interested please contact nemequenetundama@gmail.com.] Liberal activists and the majority of the left in the West devote much of their energy to the symptoms that capitalism produces whilst […]

  [The following is an article from the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons, a cell of the former Maoist Internationalist Movement in the united $tates, dealing with the topic of the so-called “Prison Industrial Complex” as it is commonly discussed on the Left. What is most valuable in this article—as well as those articles it […]

There is a stubborn faction of the left which still seeks to redeem and organize members of the amerikkkan military, ascribing them with the qualities of a revolutionary class. They constantly seek to reclaim baby-killers as part of the masses which should be organized for the defeat of capitalism, and as such, ward off any […]