Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair: March 3rd and 4th

hamiltonbookfair2018-squaregraphicThe Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair – Saturday, March 3 and Sunday, March 4, 2018 – takes place at Westdale Secondary School (700 Main St. W. MAP) Easily accessible from the 403 and a quick bus ride from MacNab Terminal in the downtown Hamilton area.

At the bookfair there is dozens of booksellers, zinesters, distributors and organizing groups from all over Hamilton, Ontario, North America, and beyond, sharing their publications and materials, most of which are hard or impossible to find at mainstream book stores. Many of the materials are available for free, and much of it is published specifically to be available at the Bookfair. Please note: Booksellers and vendors will be displaying on both days: Saturday, March 3 & 4. Workshops, theme rooms, and more will also take place on both days.

During the weekend, there is an Anarchist Film Room screening videos and documentaries produced by individuals and grassroots collectives.

There is also art installed and displayed in the space as a part of the Art and Anarchy exhibit.

Free childcare and kids activities are available at the Bookfair in the Kid Zone; kids and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the Bookfair!

For everyone who attends, there’s also a Chill Space. The Chill Space was created out of the recognition that a Bookfair can be really overwhelming and intense for a variety of reasons, and that folks might need a place to be apart from the main Bookfair without feeling like they have to leave altogether.

There are also workshops and presentations throughout the weekend. Some are intended as introductions to anarchism for those who are new to anarchy, while others explore an anarchist-themed subject in some depth.

In general, during the Bookfair, don’t hesitate to ask members of the Bookfair collective, or folks who are tabling or presenting, any question or inquiry you have about the ideas and practice of anarchism. The Bookfair collective actively strives to create an accessible and safe(r) event.

The Bookfair site is close to a handful of restaurants, bus stops and a grocery store.

The entire Bookfair is free, and open to all; however, your donations are appreciated so that we can meet our expenses.

Essentially, the Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair is for people curious about anarchism and wanting to learn more.

For more information:

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Ontario and Quebec speaking tour: “Anti/Fascism in the USA,” April 19-24, 2017

antifascisminusaAnti/Fascism in the USA

We are living in troubling times. The election of Donald Trump not only speaks to the current state of US politics, but to an ongoing shift across the Western world. In Europe far-right and nationalist parties are making electoral gains not seen since the Second World War, while their street level movements are growing in size and influence by the day. While Canada has it’s own unique history of reactionary movements, the far-right here has been emboldened by the events south of the border; racists are increasing their public activities, and attempts are being made to grow white nationalist movements and far-right groups at a grassroots level. Anti-immigrant and anti-refugee propaganda on the streets is becoming more common, and everyday instances of Islamophobic violence are intensifying – most notably the January shooting at a Quebec City mosque.

In the United States, the election of Donald Trump has been huge catalyst for the far-right. His campaign found supporters in everyone from the KKK, armed militia movements, to neo-Nazi street gangs. White Nationalism has seen its biggest growth in decades, and now includes a slew of new faces, including hipsters, ‘Men’s Rights’ activists, campus groups, and internet trolls. Most notable of this cesspit has been the fascists of so-called ‘Alt-Right’, whose influence now goes directly to the White House, via Trump’s closest adviser, Steve Bannon. Trump’s campaign and its aftermath has seen an explosion of activity from these groups – hate crimes have skyrocketed and confrontations with antifascists have become increasingly violent.

How did we get here? Why has the far-right broken through at this time? How can we understand the history, politics, and practices of the far-right, and what does it look like in the US from the Presidency to the streets? And what are people doing to resist?

As part of a multi-city speaking tour in the Ontario and Quebec, US anti-fascist researcher Spencer Sunshine (, PhD, will speak to these questions and more. Sunshine is the lead author of the report “Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement”, and his articles on the far-right organizing, from militias to unorthodox fascists, have appeared in Truthout, Colorlines, The Progressive, and Public Eye.

“Anti/Fascism in the USA: Ontario and Quebec speaking tour”

Toronto: Wednesday, April 19
7 PM, University of Toronto, OISE, 252 Bloor St W

Kitchener/Waterloo: Thursday, April 20
6PM, University of Waterloo, EV3-4412

Hamilton: Friday, April 21
7PM, The Tower, 281 Cannon St E

Brantford: Saturday, April 22
1-4 PM, Laurier Brantford Campus, Room TBA

Ottawa: Sunday, April 23
6:30PM, University of Ottawa, Royal Oak, Laurier East,
161 Laurier Ave. East

Montreal: Monday, April 24 (whisper translation into French provided)
7PM, Station Ho st, 1494 Ontario


Anti/Fascisme aux États-Unis

Nous vivons dans une époque troublante. L’élection de Donald Trump démontre non seulement l’état présent de la politique américaine, mais aussi un changement plus général en cours en Occident. En Europe, des partis nationalistes et d’extrême droite obtiennent des gains électoraux jamais vus depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale, pendant que leurs équivalents plus populaires prennent de l’ampleur tant au niveau de leurs rangs que de leur influence. Alors que le Canada a sa propre histoire de mouvements réactionnaires, l’extrême droite s’est vue encouragée par les événements se déroulant au sud de la frontière; les racistes multiplient leurs activités publiques, et les mouvements nationalistes blancs ainsi que les groupes d’extrême droite tentent de s’agrandir au niveau populaire. La propagande anti-immigration et anti-réfugiéEs devient chose commune dans les rues, et les exemples de violence islamophobe se multiplient – pensons notamment à la fusillade du mois de Janvier dans une mosquée de la ville de Québec.

Aux États-Unis, l’élection de Donald Trump a eu un effet catalyseur sur l’extrême-droite. Sa campagne a trouvé des supporteurs chez toutes sortes de gens, de la KKK, aux milices armées, aux gangs de rue néo-Nazi. Le nationalisme blanc a connu sa plus grande croissance depuis des décennies, et se dévoile sous des nouveaux visages: hipsters, masculinistes, groupes étudiants, trolls internet…les plus connus étant les fascistes s’identifiant comme «Alt-Right», dont l’influence s’étend maintenant jusqu’à la Maison Blanche, par le biais du conseiller de Trump, Steve Bannon. La campagne de Trump a eu pour conséquence une explosion de l’activité de ces groupes – les crimes haineux ont augmenté exponentiellement et les confrontations avec la résistance antifasciste deviennent de plus en plus violentes.

Comment en sommes-nous arrivés ici? Pourquoi l’extrême-droite a-t-elle su reprendre de l’essor? Comment pouvons-nous comprendre l’histoire, la politique, et les pratiques de l’extrême-droite, et à quoi ressemble-t-elle, de la présidence à la rue? Que font les gens pour résister? Dans le cadre d’une tournée de conférences en Ontario et au Québec, le chercheur et auteur antifasciste américain Spencer Sunshine tentera de répondre à ces questions et plus. Sunshine (, PhD, a fait de la recherche sur les mouvements d’extrême droite, des milices de droites aux fascistes non-orthodoxes. Il est l’auteur principal du rapport «Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement» et d’une variété d’autres articles en ligne.

“Anti/Fascism in the USA: Ontario and Quebec speaking tour”

Toronto: mercredi, 19 avril
7 PM, University of Toronto, OISE, 252 Bloor St W

Kitchener/Waterloo: jeudi, 20 avril
6PM, University of Waterloo, EV3-4412

Hamilton: vendredi, 21 avril
7PM, The Tower, 281 Cannon St E

Brantford: samedi, 22 avril
1-4 PM, Laurier Brantford Campus, Room TBA

Ottawa: dimanche, 23 avril
6:30PM, University of Ottawa, Royal Oak, Laurier East,
161 Laurier Ave. East

Montreal: lundi, 24 avril (avec traduction chuchotée vers le français)
7PM, Station Ho st, 1494 Ontario E.

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Patriarchy and the Movement: Current discussions and organizing against patriarchy in Portland, Seattle, and Oakland

Join comrades from Seattle, Portland, and (via Skype) Oakland to discuss together the current confrontations with patriarchy within the movement. The dialogue around patriarchy in the movement has fired up recently on the west coast, myriad anti-patriarchy groups have formed, feminists have written several statements in the post-occupy climate, and conversations have ignited within collectives. We would like to bring these discussions to a public forefront in order to understand the challenges of confronting patriarchy within the movement, the analysis and praxis that is being formed, and the timeliness of confronting these issues.

Feb 28th 7pm
Red and Black Cafe
400 SE 12th

To watch the event on livestream:

From the organizers:
We would like to extend an invite to the members of your collective to attend and participate in the discussion titled "Patriarchy and the Movement" at the Red and Black on February 28th, at 7pm sharp. Although this is a public event, we are especially interested in maximum participation of active collective members and organizers, particularly those who are in mixed gender collectives and political spaces. We feel that having this conversation is long overdue, and because of the simultaneous nature of discussions concerning patriarchy in the movement on the west coast we are particularly encouraging attendance from active collective members in order to check in between cities about the prevalence of this issue currently affecting our movement.

Comrades from Seattle who were active in west coast coordination during the occupy movement will come to Portland to speak during this event, comrades engaged in organizing in Oakland will speak via Skype, as well as members of various active collectives in Portland. Comrades from all three cities are part of organizing this discussion. In addition, a clinical psychologist will speak on patriarchy in the movement from mental health perspective, and the traumatic effects of patriarchy. There will be several recent texts and zines on the subject available at the event, and childcare will be provided.

We realize a public discussion of this exact nature is fairly unprecedented - there is a lot of preparation going into this event and it will be run in a tight and serious manner. Because of demand the event will be livestreamed so that collectives in other cities can listen, and we are hearing that some collectives are making attending or viewing the event mandatory and in some cities comrades are organizing viewing parties and discussions.

We hope that your collective can participate in the event, and that together we can build a serious, honest, and respectful conversation concerning the challenges we have historically and presently face in movements and radical organizing, and educate and respect each other through the process.

Monday, June 04, 2012

NOLA: APOCalypse: Survival Strategies for the New Millenium

Just received this callout for an Anarchist People of Color gathering in NOLA later this year, which i figured i'd share with you all:

Aah, it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for: While current paradigms of social, political and economic oppression thrash against their imminent demise, taking the planet down with them, we have an opportunity to rise through the cracks and build a new future.

APOCalypse will gather people of color together to discuss, build and share radical anti-authoritarian practices based on autonomy, egalitarian relationships, and justice. This July, we hope to bring together a couple hundred friends, comrades, family members and strangers to New Orleans, Louisiana, to celebrate, re-map, and craft our anti-authoritarian visions and skills for the years to come.

Through parties, plenaries, workshops, panels, roundtables and space for impromptu discussions, we hope to create space to discuss what it means to organize as radicals and anarchists; the future of indigenous solidarity; people-of-color movement history; science fiction; queerness; and conversations on racialization. We’ll have childcare, a kids’ track, an elders’ circle, and a healing justice center to stay sane and together for the long run.

We, as Anarchist People of Color (APOC), share a loose set of politics being anti-authoritarian and a common identity as people of color. We are not a formal organization, political party, non-profit, charity, committee, church group, dance troupe, etc…

We, the coordinators of this convergence, know each other either directly or indirectly from years of organizing, and through APOC connections. Many of us met almost 10 years ago at the first national APOC conference in Detroit, Michigan. We are excited to reconnect, reassess, reunite and meet new people. We aim for this convergence to not just be a reunion though but a multi-generational, multi-dimensional gathering that can offer something for almost every anarchist or politically radical person of color out there.

We hope that participants are looking for dialogues, methods, and theories that resist oppression by understanding the root causes of injustice – while developing strategies for ecologically, politically, socially, and economically sustainable communities. Not everyone coming will be or has to be an anarchist. We just hope that participants will want to build power in ways that are not hierarchical, racist, and heteropatriarchal, but are instead collaborative and horizontal.

We don’t intend this convergence to be a place to hammer out points of unity, build a formal anything or come close to representing all anarchist people of color. We hope that we’ll just get a chance to meet, dream, learn and make some amazing plans.

*Please note that we are organizing with and inviting people of color only.*

The convergence will be in downtown New Orleans, in the Marigny/7th Ward area. The registration point will be at 1024 Elysian Fields Ave, 70117.

GET INVOLVED! To participate in the convergence, please register at **so that we can prepare for your stay.

We are currently accepting workshop and event proposals. **

Feel free to email us with any questions at **.

Thank you!


Here is more information that was sent along with this call:

APOCalypse: a National Anarchist People of Color Convergence
Survival Strategies for the New Millennium
July 12th – 15th, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
Register here:

Calling all activists, organizers, artists, performers, musicians, theorists, healers, academics, designers, zinesters, seamsters, and all!

This July, we hope to bring together a couple hundred friends, comrades, family members and strangers to New Orleans, Louisiana, to celebrate, re-map, and craft our anti-authoritarian visions and skills for the years to come.

We’ll have parties, plenaries, workshops, panels, roundtables and space for impromptu discussions on what it means to organize as anarchists; the future of indigenous solidarity; people-of-color movement history; science fiction; queerness; and conversations on racialization. We’ll have childcare, a kids’ track, an elders’ circle, and a healing justice center to stay sane and together for the long run.

We are currently accepting proposals for workshops, spaces to chill, activities, performances, and events. We want there to be facilitated spaces to talk shop, and, also spaces to just chill, reconnect with old friends and socialize with new. (Please submit proposals to host a chill space so we can make these happen!)

Please note that this convergence is by and for self identified people of color only.

It’s been almost 10 years since the first national APOC conference in Detroit, Michigan. We are excited to reconnect, reassess and reunite and meet. We aim for this convergence to not just be a reunion but a multi-generational, multi-dimensional gathering that can offer something for almost every radical person of color out there.

We think it’s important for us to come together to celebrate our successes, learn from our failures, and analyze our roles in local, national, international, and dare we say, intergalactic movement building. We also think that it’s a good opportunity to talk face to face, and not just facebook to facebook.

We don’t intend this convergence to be a place to hammer out points of unity, build a formal anything or come close to representing all anarchist people of color. We just hope that we’ll get a chance to meet, dream, learn and make some amazing plans

Please consider and answer the following questions in your proposal to facilitate or host a workshop, space, activity, performance, or event. We will try to read everything we receive from you; it would be helpful to us if you limited your proposal to 1000 words/2 pages.

  • Name of workshop, space, activity, discussion, performance or event
  • Describe the content/topic of what you are proposing.
  • Please read over our tracks in BOLD below. Is there an existing track your proposal could fit within? Is there a track you’d like to see that doesn’t already exist?
  • How is this a kid friendly space or not? And if not, is there a way we can support you to be more kid friendly? *Note: there is a kids & youth track in the making, so molding your workshop to create space for kids is not mandatory.
  • How are you preparing for differently abled bodies? Is there a way we can support you to do so?
  • Do you need or want support in structuring and/or running what you propose? Are there other resources you will need? (For example, an easel, projector, markers, etc.) Sorry, we are unable to provide funds at this time.
  • Many of the topics and issues we end up talking about at APOC events can be triggering or bring up difficult emotions for many. How do you plan for your session to be able to adequately hold space for people and/or address conflict? Are there any triggers you can anticipate and advise people of at the beginning of your session?
  • How will your workshop/event be committed to anti-sexist, anti-racist, anti-classist, queer politics?
  • How is your proposal specifically related to APOC?

Please include the best way to reach you: your telephone number, email, etc. and email your proposals to:

We look forward to hearing your ideas!
–the Programming Collective & the Childcare/ Youth Collective –
tracey (New Orleans), puck (Oakland), lida (New York City), ianna (Oakland), wakx (Seattle), gahiji (New Orleans), xan (Oakland), dan (New York City)

Currently, the convergence tracks are:



  • YOUTH TRACK (ages 12 and up) – description coming soon

  • KIDS TRACK (pre-12) – description coming soon

  • DREAMING AWAKE: visions for 2012 & beyond (also known as the SCI-FI TRACK)


  • -and others to come based on submissions that we receive…


This track will focus on some of the basic tenets, theories and practices of anarchism, both western and non-western. Workshops and discussions will address how anarchism relates to Left movements, labor unions, the non-profit industrial complex (social services/ the shadow state), membership and base-building organizations, academia, etc. This is a good place for people to talk strategy and build nationally.

This track is dedicated to analyzing and re-inventing horizontal organizing structures and direct action tactics we’ve used to challenge capitalism, the state, and other coercive systems. Because a critical part of anarchist theory in action is the work of creating transformational healing and justice; this track is committed to envisioning and discussing strategies to build and sustain autonomous communities by confronting and addressing gendered, raced, and classed violence; on institutional and interpersonal levels.


This is the track to geek-out about the history of radical art, as well as the track to create new work and share techniques, skills, and maybe a harrowing wheatpasting story or two. How have performances, paintings, pirate radio stations, fighting arts, dance, and sculptures incited, propelled, or supported critical dialogue, movement, or action historically or in your own practice? How do we hold and honor those artists and revolutionary movements who came before us without commodifying their images? What is the role of social media — its liberatory potential alongside its dangers?

Identities categorize, define, divide, inspire and unite us. In them, we seek refuge, rebellion, commonality, and history. We defy, defend, betray and blend the borders of our belonging. We often organize in their names and speak from their positions. But when do we own our identities, and when do they own us? In this track, we trace and interrogate the lineage of “people of color” organizing in the US. We seek to understand how we relate as the landscape constantly changes around us. Where and what is our firm place to stand on — being black, being immigrant, being mixed-race, being indigenous, being queer, being working class, being a POC? What does stability bring and then, what does instability offer? What strengths, what hazards, what possibilities exist?

Ours is a dystopic age: honeybees dying, elemental catastrophes and the rise of disaster capitalism, global climate distortions, cities emptying. We know we have to see this birth of a new world (dis)order through, hasten the collapse of old structures that keep us caged, and yet, we have to survive to do it.

This track asks us to consider the long haul: aging, capacity/ disability, parenting/ family, ownership. As we get older and still work to build this revolution, how do we fight burnout; mend and rejuvenate our bodies, minds and spirits; and build networks of support to do unpaid revolutionary work? As we build a new world in the old, let’s reflect on our failures, excesses, successes and lessons from utopian experiments like collectivization, land trusts, homeschooling, polyamory, back-to-the-land ventures, squatting, organizing the rich, and organizing the poor. You tell us, what else have you tried?

Langston Hughes said, “books had been happening to me.” This is the track where we ask each other what would Nalo Hopkinson, Samuel Delany, and Octavia Butler do? Where we hatch our escape plans, swap the survival skills that comic books imparted to us, and imagine what color spandex Neruda’s angels of bread would rock. Proposals submitted for this track might be more in the vein of nerdy chill sessions, writing alternate endings for our favorite sci-fi adventures, or they might be skillshares on queering mathematics and bending space-time (is that even a thing? let us know!). What kinds of things does your “imagination dare to dream when (pronoun) is sleeping”?


You must self-identify as wingnut to gather and hold space here. You know who you are. It’ll be fun. Secret handshake, tin foil hats… show up, make it realer than real.

Remember, for more information or to get in touch with the organizers:
& on facebook:

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Friday, April 13, in Philly: Love and Struggle: A Celebration of Our Movements

DOWNLOAD POSTER (black and white or color)

723 Chestnut Street at the Goldilocks Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Friday April 13th at the Goldilock's Gallery, 723 Chestnut Street
Doors open at 6:30, Program starts at 7:00

In honor of the publication of “Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground and Beyond” by longtime organizer and political prisoner David Gilbert, a group of activists and artists will gather to toast the pursuit of social justice. Speakers will include former prisoners who were involved in 1960s and 70s liberation struggles, friends of David’s, and younger activists carrying the work forward, all of them reflecting on life and liberation in the context of Arab Spring, the Occupy phenomenon, and the modern world.

The event, in addition to several brief talks, will include short musical performances and a video of David and others reading excerpts from the book. The event will be free, with donations for the speakers & performers gratefully accepted. Books will be available for purchase.

Adolfo Matos, a former political prisoners who served almost 20 years in prison for his role in the Puerto Rican Independence Movement and one of the 11 independentisas pardoned by Bill Clinton in 1999,

Ashanti Alston, a Black Panther, anarchist and writer who served 11 years in prison for his participation in the Black Liberation movement,

Kazembe Balagun, writer and cultural activist who serves as outreach coordinator for the Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School,

Theresa Shoatz, anti-prison activist and daughter of political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz,

Hakim Ali, an anti-prison activist and one of the founders of Reconstruction, Inc.,

and Dan Berger, a local author and anti-prison activist and a longtime friend of David's.

There will also be messages from Mumia Abu-Jamal, Laura Whitehorn and Russell Maroon Shoatz, music by G.-L.A.W. and a beautiful quilt on display that was made men incarcerated at SCI Chester.

We hope you will join us!

Brought to you by the Wild Poppies Collective

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Defying the Tomb: Struggle, Education, Survival and Liberation in Lock-Down

WHERE: Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street, New York
WHEN: Saturday, February 11, 2012 @ 7pm

Soledad Brother-esque, this book is a collection of letters between Johnson and a fellow prisoner, Outlaw. It also includes some essays written by Rashid discussing a variety of political issues. Acclaimed by several political prisoners and movement veterans, it is a must read. 

The book also includes Rashid's art produced within the confines of a solitary confinement cell at Red Onion State Prison in southwest Virginia where he has been held 23 hours a day for years. It reflects inspiration by many leading revolutionaries and thinkers, such as George Jackson and Che Guevara. 

The featured speaker is Rashid's comrade, John "Mac" Gaskins who was in a neighboring cell with Rashid while at Red Onion maximum security prison and was recently released from the tombs of Wallins Ridge State Prison in southwest Virginia. Join us for an evening where words will not be minced. Peace!

The above from the Facebook event page for this event - please note that Rashid has been subjected to escalating abuse, which culminated in an assault on December 12, 2011, and a transfer to Wallens Ridge State Prison on January 20, 2012, where he has received death threats from guards, has had his food tampered with, and has been given clothing sprayed with an irritant.

If you're in New York City, please attend this event to learn more about Rashid's situation, and what you can do to help.

Rashid can be contacted at:

Kevin Johnson #1007485
Wallens Ridge State Prison
P.O. Box 759
Big Stone Gap, VA

Supporting Prisoners and Acting for Radical Change (SPARC) is a non-sectarian revolutionary mass organization based in Virginia and Washington DC, focused on building effective opposition to the prison-industrial complex. SPARC is demanding that the staff of Red Onion and Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC) cease their consistent campaign of targeted physical violence, harassment, and administrative repression against the cadre of the NABP-PC, which is clearly being carried out with the intention of suppressing the basic human and democratic rights of prisoners in VDOC facilities. Furthermore, SPARC supports Rashid's request to be transferred to a less hostile environment, for instance one of the Sussex prisons.

A petition to support these an end to political repression against the NABPP can be downloaded from People are also encouraged to contact Director of VDOC, Harold Clarke in support of these demands:

Harold W. Clarke, Director
Department of Corrections
P. O. Box 26963
Richmond, VA 23261-6963
Phone: (804) 674-3119
Fax: (804) 674-3509

Please send copies of all correspondence to SPARC, PO Box 345, Floyd VA, 24091

SPARC can also reached by email at or or search “Supporting Prisoners and Acting for Radical Change” on Facebook for regular updates and news.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

North American Events for David Gilbert's Love and Struggle

From coast to coast, in canada and the united states, here is a list of event around the recent release of political prisoner David Gilbert's book Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground, and Beyond - please get in touch to organize an event in your area - or if you're already organizing a launch which you don't see listed here, email: or This list will be maintained and updated on the Kersplebedeb website at

Wednesday, January 25
Where: La Belle Époque, 1984 rue Wellington (metro Charlevoix)
When: 7pm
What: Film screening, readings, and discussion
Event page (facebook)

Thursday, January 26
Where: Sol Collective, 2574 21st Street (1 block south of Broadway)
When: 6pm
What: Panel with Donna Willmott, Ramsey Kanaan and Terry Bisson, discussing David's life and book
Event page

Sunday, January 29
Toronto ABC letter night - Love and Struggle 
Where: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St.
When: 6pm
What: Toronto Anarchist Black Cross hosts a night of inspirational discussion and letter-writing to David; a delicious vegan dinner, courtesy of Food Not Bombs.
Event page (facebook)

Sunday, January 29
San Francisco
Where: Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics,
518 Valencia St
When: 4pm
What: book launch with readers/panelists: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Terry Bisson, Molly McClure, Sanyika Bryant, and Causa Justa::Just Cause; moderated by Claude Marks.
Event page

Tuesday, January 31
Crisis, Control, and Resistance Social Struggles Against Prisons, Surveillance & Repression from G20 in Toronto to Greece, Egypt & Beyond
Surrey (Coast Salish Territory)
Where: Conference Room A [G1205A Fir Bldg], Kwantlen Polytechnic University
When: 5:30pm (followed by music at the Grassroots Cafe at 7pm)
What: Joint launch with Jeff Shantz's WHOSE STREETS? The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest, and panel discussion and music by Toronto-based rapper TESTAMENT of Test Their Logik.
Event page (facebook)

Thursday, February 2
Where: Bar Populaire, 6584 St Laurent
(metro Beaubien ou de Castelnau)
When: 7pm
What: Readings followed by DJ set by bratface
Event page (facebook)

Friday, February 3
Where: Maison Norman Bethune, 1918 Frontenac
(metro Frontenac)
When: 7pm
What: What: Film screening, readings, and discussion
Event page (facebook)

Thursday, February 9
Where: SAW Gallery, 67 Nicholas
When: 7pm
What: Party and book launch; this event is a fund raiser for Books 2 Prisoners and Red Aide/Secours Rouge $7/$20 with a copy of the book/Pay what you can (No one turned away)
Event page (facebook)

Thursday, February 9
San Francisco
Where: Modern Times, 2919 24th Street
When: 7pm
What:  Readings and discussion with Diana Block and Terry Bisson.
Event page

Thursday, February 16
Living the Limit: Criminalization, Incarceration and the Law
Where: Sandford Fleming Building, Room 1101 10 King's College Circle, University of Toronto
When: 7pm
What: Joint launch with Dean Spade' Normal Life, and panel discussion
Event page

Saturday, March 17
New York City
Where: Bluestockings, 172 Allen Street
When: 7pm
What: Readings by Dan Beger and Terry Bisson
Event page

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

June 4: Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair

i've meant to table at every Hamilton bookfair so far, but there's been a variety of events and calamities that have always interfered ... but not this year! Finally it seems like we'll be able to be there, tabling for Kersplebedeb and PM Press too ...

if you're in Southern Ontario, make sure to drop by and say hello!

Saturday, June 4th 2011
51 Stuart Street
Hamilton, Ontario
Free Lunch and Free Childcare

As the organizers say:

The 4th annual Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair is right around the corner — are you coming? It’s happening this Saturday, June 4th!

We want you all to come. It’ll be fun, promise! Together, we’ll talk all about what’s terrible, and how we might wanna fix it. We’ll sit side by side, and be glad to share our intensity, our dreams, and our relentless passion — I’m sure we’ll find that we have a lot to learn from each other! There will be over 27 vendors with books and literature, 8 workshops and discussions; and of course, free lunch and all-day childcare. For more details about the workshops, look under the ‘Workshops’ tab for an updated list.

See you Saturday!
big love, The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair Collective

Here's the finalized Schedule:

10 to 11am: Welcome! (and coffee)

11 to 12:30: Workshops!
+ Solidaity Networks // with Steel City Solidarity – JCC Rm. 9
+ Deepening Our Strength: Radical Spirituality Discussion – JCC Rm. 3
+ Tech Security // with ATS (Anarchist Tech Support) – WAHC Rm. 1

12:30 to 1:30: LUNCH!

1:30 to 3:00: Workshops!
+ Film Screening: “CopWatch: These Streets Are Watching.” // with Hamilton Copwatch – WAHC Rm. 1
+ Anarchist-Indigenous Solidarity // With the Six Nations Solidarity Network – JCC Rm. 3

3:15 to 4:45: Workshops!
+ Intro to Anarchism – WAHC Rm. 1
+ Knowing the Land is Resistance // with the KLR Collective – JCC Rm. 3
+ Anti-Gentrification Radical Walking Tour – WAHC Rm. tba

Here is a Map of bookfair locations and other useful stuff for out of towners, if you have any questions the organizers can be emailed at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Arrests in Ottawa RBC Firebombing: Courtroom Solidarity Needed!


Saturday, June 19th
9:00 a.m.
Courtroom #6, Ottawa Courthouse
Elgin @ Laurier

Three people arrested in relation to Ottawa RBC Firebombing

On the morning of Friday, June 18th, 2010, three people were arrested in connection with the May 18th firebombing of an RBC branch in Ottawa. At least two of the people arrested were picked up by plainclothes officers. The police have been searching their homes. Plainclothes and uniformed officers were seen going inside their homes, and police cars were seen parked outside. It is not known what they are being charged with, although media outlets have indicated they will all be charged with arson related offenses.

Until we are able to confirm further details, we won’t be releasing the names of the 3 arrestees. But the arrested individuals are all well known, dedicated public organizers committed to working for justice on a variety of issues.

Please come out tomorrow morning to show your support for these three arrested individuals. We are concerned that the Crown may ask for highly restrictive bail conditions or attempt to prevent their release entirely.

More updates will follow, as details emerge. Right now, the most tangible way you can support these individuals is to join us at:

Saturday, June 19th,
Elgin Courthouse (Elgin & Laurier)
Courtroom #6

For media inquiries, contact: 613-304-8770 or

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Ray Luc Levasseur to Speak at University of Massachusetts

You can click the image above to see a PDF poster for the evening.
Makes me wish i lived in Amherst...

Ray Luc Levasseur: Defendant in the
Great Sedition Trial of Western Mass Returns After 20 Years...
Thursday, November 12, 2009, 7PM
UMass Campus Center 1009, Amherst, MA

With opening remarks by Bill Newman, Director, Western Regional Office of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.

In 1989, Ray Luc Levasseur, along with his comrades Pat Levasseur and Richard Williams, stood trial in Springfield, Massachusetts on Federal charges of seditious conspiracy. After ten months of deliberation, in the most expensive trial in Massachusetts history, a jury found all three not guilty of conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government through armed force. In his first public address in the Pioneer Valley in twenty years, Levasseur will reflect on the past and present significance of the Springfield sedition trial. He will also discuss his life experience as a French-Canadian youth growing up in a Maine mill town; as a Vietnam veteran; as an anti-imperialist revolutionary active in the Civil Rights, antiwar, and prison reform movements; as a prisoner arrested with other members of the “Ohio 7” and incarcerated for twenty years for his involvement in a series of bombings carried out to protest U.S. backing of South Africa’s racist apartheid regime and Central American right-wing death-squads; and his 2004 release and ongoing involvement in movements for social justice.

Levasseur’s prison writings and his closing statement from Springfield sedition trial are available on the following websites: and

Sponsored by: Special Collections and University Archives, W.E.B. Du Bois Library, UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst Program in Social Thought and Political Economy; UMass Amherst Department of History; Food For Thought Books; Vermont Action for Political Prisoners; Rosenberg Fund for Children; and the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.

With partial support from the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities and the Dean of Graduate School, UMass Amherst.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

May 2009: Montreal's Festival of Anarchy!

Every year May is "Festival of Anarchy" month in Montreal, a series of events orbiting the annual anarchist bookfair) this year held the weekend of May 16-17).

The following is a list of the events planned so far:

-> Friday, MAY 1, 5:30pm

Demonstration Against Capitalism
Parc Cabot (corner Atwater and Ste-Catherine – métro Atwater)

As part of the growing worldwide demonstrations against the crisis, a demonstration against capitalism is being organized as part of the May 1st workers holiday. Gathering at 5:30pm, march at 6:30pm. The demonstration will march to the main offices of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec in the heart of the business district (1000, place Jean-Paul-Riopelle, in Vieux-Montréal). We will not pay for their crisis! Info:

-> Friday, MAY 1, 8:30pm
Spectacle anticapitaliste
Petit Café Campus, 57 Prince-Arthur East

With: Paul Cargnello and the Frontline, Fred Dubonnet, Chaotic insurrection ensemble, members of Nomadic Massive, Micros Armés, Son un poco politicas. Doors at 8:30pm; suggested donation: $5. Info:

-> Friday, MAY 1 to Sunday, MAY, 31
Exhibition of the art of Tournesol Plante
Divan Orange, 4234 St-Laurent, corner Rachel

Throughout the month of May, during the Festival of Anarchy, local anarchist artist Tournesol Plante’s works will be on exhibit. The vernissage takes place on May 1 from 5-7pm. Info:

-> Monday, MAY 4, 7pm
Piracy and the Anarchist Movement: Between Myth and Reality
Carrefour d'éducation populaire, 2356 rue Centre (métro Charlevoix)

Today's anarchist movement often makes reference to the piracy of the 17th and 18th centuries, in its discourse, its lifestyle and its symbolism. However, what was the reality of this piracy? Do the egalitarian practices amongst pirates justify the references of today's anarchists? This workshop aims to provide a quick overview of the interesting and less interesting historical elements of piracy for today's anarchists. Organized by the popular education committees of the Autonomous Social Center and the People's Global Action (PGA) Bloc. Info:

-> Tuesday, May 5 & Wednesday, May 6, 7pm
Anarchist Poetry Nights
at Quai des Brumes, 4481 rue St-Denis (métro Mt-Royal)

Each evening will have two parts: the first with invited poets, the latter with an open-mic. Free. Info:

-> Tuesday, MAY 5 to Sunday, MAY 31
JUSTSEEDS Visual Resistance
Cagibi, 5490 St-Laurent

This month-long print show will cover the walls of Cagibi with over a hundred print works by members of the JUSTSEEDS Visual Resistance Artists' Cooperative. Info:

-> Saturday, MAY 9, 5:30pm
Immigrant Workers Center Mayworks Dinner
Parc Extension Community Center, 419 St-Roch (métro Parc)

Join the IWC and allies as they celebrate one year of immigrant worker struggles. Food, performances and presentations. Free. Info:

-> Sunday, MAY 10, 8pm till late.
Vernissage, Art Appreciation and Dancing
Cagibi, 5490 St-Laurent

The official vernissage of the JUSTSEEDS exhibit at Cagibi. A coming together of artists, anarchists and friends. Welcome to all! Info:

-> Monday, MAY 11, 5-7pm
Book Launch: “Lunch for Insurgents”
Casa del Popolo, 4873 boulevard St-Laurent

Author and performer Norman Nawrocki's newest collection of poetics in his 'Brain Food Trilogy'. Info:

-> Wednesday, MAY 13 & Thursday, MAY 14, 7:30pm
The 4th Annual International Anarchist Theatre Festival
D.B. Clarke Theatre, 1455 de Maisonneuve West (métro Guy-Concordia)

The fourth annual Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival proudly presents two nights with New York’s legendary “The Living Theatre”. Wednesday night’s program also includes Maikan, the Innu giant puppet theatre troupe from Mali-Utenam (Québec). Thursday night’s performance includes Geneviève Letarte and La Chorale de la Maison La Virevolte et ses musiciens et musiciennes. Tickets are $15 at the door or in advance at L’Insoumise, 2033 boul St-Laurent (tel: 514- 313-3489). Info:

-> Thursday, MAY 14, from 6pm
"Living as anarchists": From the "free milieux" to current practices
Rhizome, 1800 Létourneux, coin Lafontaine (métro Pie-IX)

At the close of the 19th century anarchists in France -men and women- "individualists", "communists", "naturists", created collective spaces, "free milieux" or anarchist colonies. Putting into practice communism, getting rid of all forms of authority, opting out of work, but also overturning different aspects of daily life: family, love, education, contraception, nutrition. These practices elicited a lot of questions on the ways and possibility of in the immediate, "living as anarchists". Workshop given by Céline, a French anarchist activist. Organized by la Mauvaise Herbe. Info:

-> FRIDAY, MAY 15, 8pm
L’Alizée, 900 Ontario est

Featuring anarchist stylin's from Montreal and abroad, including Benoît Tremble, Micros Armés, Testament, the Outspoken Wordsmiths, Willow and Mishka, FIE, and Don’t Put Charles on the Money, and many more still to be confirmed. The space is wheelchair accessible. Info: or 514-679-5800.

-> SATURDAY, MAY 16, 10am-6pm
CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle (métro Lionel-Groulx)

The Bookfair includes: films, art exhibits, introductory workshops, as well as over 100 distributors and tables from all over Montreal, Quebec & North America (and elsewhere). Free and welcome to all! What happens at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair?:

-> Saturday, MAY 16, 7pm
Party and BBQ after the Bookfair
behind 2033 St-Laurent (métro St-Laurent)

An after-Bookfair gathering for food, discussion and other festivities. In the courtyard of the Independent Media Center and the DIRA Anarchist Library. Info:

-> SUNDAY, MAY 17, 10am-5pm
CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle (métro Lionel-Groulx)

A full day of anarchist-themed workshops, panels and presentations. Confirmed topics and presentations include: The Crisis in Anarchist Publishing * Polinizaciones: Pollinating the North & South (with the Beehive Collective) * Anarchism and Ableism: Moving Towards Inclusion and Accessibility * Strategizing queer insurgency!: Re-centering marginalized queer issues from an anarchist perspective * Women and political violence: Assata Shakur and Ann Hansen

French workshops (with translation towards English): Résistance populaire et autogestion: Une stratégie pour les libertaires * Luttes urbaines et changement social * Économie politique d'un capitalisme en crise * Comprendre la criminalization de la contestation politique à partir des expériences au Canada, en Colombie et ailleurs * Organisation anti-capitaliste en milieu étudiant


-> Sunday, MAY 17, 10pm
Glamarchist Lookfair: Q-Team Party and Fundraiser
Il Motore, 179 rue Jean-Talon Ouest

-> Monday, MAY 18, from 9am onwards
Jardin de la Liberté: Guerrilla gardening
Rendez-vous: at the end of rue Island
(beside the Lachine Canal in Point-St-Charles)

Guerrilla gardeners are gathering in Point-St-Charles, for a third direct action. The action will happen from 9am until the evening, with lunch served during the day. Info:

-> Monday, MAY 18, 7:30-10pm
JUSTSEEDS Slideshow Presentation
Cagibi, 5490 St-Laurent

A multi-media slideshow presentation of radical and engaged print practices as well as the work of JUSTSEEDS Visual Resistance Artists' Cooperative, with presentations by Josh McPhee, author of Stencil Pirates: A Global Survey of Street Stenciling, and Erik Ruin, member of JustSeeds. Prints will be on sale. Info:

-> Wednesday, MAY 20, 6pm
Roundtable: Research and Resistance
Cagibi, 5490 St-Laurent

A roundtable discussion on grassroots knowledge and struggle. Join us for an evening of short presentations by members of le Collectif de recherche sur l’autonomie collective (CRAC), the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE) and other groups, followed by a group discussion. Info:

-> Friday, MAY 22, 6pm.
Solidarity Across Borders (SAB) Community Dinner
At the Maison d'amitié, 120 Duluth East (métro Sherbrooke)

Welcome to all friends, allies and supporters of Solidarity Across Borders & migrant justice struggles in Montreal. Our community dinner will include a menu of tasty foods (both meat and vegetarian) prepared by members and supporters of Solidarity Across Borders. Don't hesitate to bring food to share. Dinner is served at 6pm (sharp!). Party and discussion to follow. Bring your kids! Kids activities planned on-site. Free. Info: 514-848-7583,

-> Saturday, MAY 23, 7pm
Polinizaciones: Pollinating the North and South
Bar Populaire, 6584 St-Laurent (métro Beaubien)

A multimedia workshop on collective struggles in the North and South, with Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie and the Beehive Collective. Info:

-> Wednesday, MAY 27, 8pm
Political documentaries under the stars
2033 St-Laurent (métro St-Laurent)

A presentation of two politically charged, locally produced full-length documentaries: “Myths for Profit: Canada's Role in Industries of War and Peace” and a sneak preview of 'H2Oil' about the Alberta Tar Sands. The screening will take place outside under the stars. Bring your blankets and enjoy two brand new critical and engaging films, both of which examine Canadian political and economic policies and realities. Rain or shine. Info: ,

-> Friday, MAY 29, 5:30pm
Demonstration in support of the Autonomous Social Center
Rendez-vous: Parc-St-Gabriel, at métro Charlevoix

The Autonomous Social Center (Centre social autogéré) will be occupied and opened in an abandoned building in Pointe-St-Charles. A child-friendly demonstration. Info:

-> Saturday, MAY 30, 8pm
Opening Party of the Autonomous Social Center
Location tba!

Various revolutionary musicians and artists will be performing at the newly opened Autonomous Social Center. Come and support the opening of a squat! Info:

For more info about the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair and the Festival of Anarchy: - 514-679-5800 -

Thursday, April 09, 2009

This Weekend: Third Annual New York City Anarchist Bookfair

Tis indeed the season of the anarchist gatherings and bookfairs - last weekend i had a very enjoyable time in Toronto, next weekend is the Third Annual New York City Anarchist Bookfair!

Here's the info:

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
btw. Thompson and Sullivan Streets

Office & many events are at the
239 Thompson Street entrance
around corner

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, will host its 3rd annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, a one-day exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and very political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide, on April 11, 2009 at Judson Memorial Church in Manhattan. In addition, there will be two days of panels, presentations, workshops, and skillshares on April 11 and 12 to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity.

The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices. We're living in interesting times; as they say, crisis equals both risk and opportunity. Now is the perfect time to be exploring those ideas and practices and bringing them into play in our communities and the world.

We are calling for all anarchist publishers, zinesters, film/videographers, artists and all members of the worldwide anarchist community. Come meet local anarchists and others from all over the globe looking to connect with other anarchists. Whether you are an old anarchist with deep ties and knowledge or anarcho-curious and looking to find out more about anarchy, the book fair is for you. The 3rd Annual Anarchist Book Fair is a place where the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement come together in an exciting weekend of community and collaboration.

Food will be available ($), plus childcare (free). Wheelchair accessible. Smoke-free environment. The Book Fair has adopted a policy of zero-tolerance for racist, sexist, queer-phobic, and other disrespectful behavior that works against an environment of tolerance and inclusiveness for a truly diverse range of communities.

To contact the NYC Anarchist Book Fair Organizing Collective to volunteer, make a donation, or get more information, email us at info [at]

for more information:

Friday, April 03, 2009

Toronto Anarchist Gathering April 4th!

All you Torontonians, i hope to see you at the Toronto Anarchist Gathering this coming Saturday, April 4th - i will have a table with my latest titles, all at discounted prices.

Drop by and say hello - and don't feel shy to send me an email now if you'd like me to bring something special for you!

What follows is an edited Callout for the gathering:

Toronto Anarchist Gathering
Saturday, April 4th
10-5pm, Steelworkers Hall (25 Cecil St.)
It's time for us to gather. To meet up and to stare at each other. To bring together folks who secretly or not so secretly identify with anarchism. It will be a smorgasbord of anarchism-related groups and activities. It will be quick and dirty. And its happening soon.
We're writing to invite you to participate in a day of fun and anarchy at the Toronto Anarchist Gathering on April 4th. This will be a space for a wide variety of anarchist individuals, radical political groups, and anti-authoritarian organizations to come together, meet, greet, educate, skill-share, and hear about each other's projects and plans.

Hopefully this will be an opportunity to educate some people about what anarchism is all about, to encourage people to get involved with some of the organizing and organizations that exist in Toronto, and to provide a space for already-established groups to hear about each other's work.

There will be booktables, group tables, displays and workshops from 11-3. Then from 3-5 there will be a giant go-around so folks can hear what other people are up to.

The Toronto Anarchist Gathering is open to anyone who shares our anti-oppressive perspective against classism, sexism, racism, ableism, colonialism, homophobia, and other hierarchical attitudes, practices and crap.

For more information email

Friday, March 20, 2009

[Montreal] Artists Against Apartheid

This Sunday:

Artists Against Apartheid VI
an evening featuring hip-hop, jazz and experimental music within the growing cultural movement in opposition to Israeli apartheid

20h00 $5-10
La Sala Rossa
4848 St. Laurent
Montreal, Quebec

A ground breaking cultural event celebrating artist/activist Freda Guttman's 75th birthday within the ongoing Artists Against Apartheid concert series...

performances from:

* Antoine Bustros piano, keyboard, with by Benoît Piché on trumpet and Greg Smith on sampler, accompanied by projected excerpts from 'Territories' a documentary film by Mary-Ellen Davis information at:

* Meryem Saci and Nantali Indongo the two women MCs from the celebrated Montreal hip-hop group Nomadic Massive information at:

* Karen Young, celebrated musician and vocalist joined by Éric Auclair, a duo performance entitled Electro Beatniks information at:

* Banana & the Flying Colors, music from the edges of Montreal's experimental music scene, involving piano and keyboards, highlighted by live projections

* Freda Guttman, artist and activist will present a slide-show on Canada Park, a Canadian funded colonial park project administered by the Jewish National Fund, constructed over the destroyed Palestinian villages Imwas, Beit Nuba and Yalo, demolished by Israel after the 1967 which commenced Israel's ongoing occupation of the Palestinian West Bank.

An event occurring within the ongoing campaigns pushed forward by Tadamon! Montreal, a collective working to build solidarity between movements for social and economic justice from Montreal to the Middle East. Tadamon!'s ongoing political campaigns operating in Canada, including the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid.


Tadamon! Montreal:
Internet :
Tél. : 514 664 1036
Courriel : info[at]

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday in Montreal: P4W: Prison for Women Film Screening w/ Ann Hansen

QPIRG-Concordia's Subversive Cinema Series
next feature film: P4W: Prison for Women
National Film Board (NFB) Classic Film

Followed by a special lecture by ANN HANSEN,
author of "Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla".

1455 de Maisonneuve West, H-110
(metro Guy-Concordia)
Welcome to all. FREE. Wheelchair accessible.

P4W: Prison for Women is an NFB classic film that takes shattering look at love and isolation in the most desperate of places. The film centres on five women inmates - their stores, their relationships and their lives - inside Canada's only Prison for Women in Kingston, Ontario. The complex fabric of this invisible community is revealed through the use of interviews, monologues and powerful verité sequences. (Canada, 1980, 90 minutes)

The film is followed by a special lecture by ANN HANSEN. Ann is a former inmate at Kingston’s Prison for Women; and author of “Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla.” Ann was part of the underground anti-war guerilla movement of the 1980s in Canada.

Info: 514-848-7585 -

Tomorrow: Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair #14

i ain't gonna be there, but this weekend it's the world-famous Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, destination extraordinaire for anarchist believers, disgruntled progressives, angry kids and dissident intellectuals of the black-and-red variety. Or something like that.

The fun and games are all happening at the San Francisco County Fair Building - dozens of speakers, an art show, panel discussions and over sixty vendors representing the full gamut of North American anarchist opinion today.

While i will be unable to attend - according to mapquest, it's about 5,000 kilometers drive - i'm happy to say that many of the books and pamphlets i have been involved in publishing these past months will be there -
Specifically, i'd really suggest you all drop by and see my good friends at PM Press and AK Press.

PM Press is a new radical publishing house, and they're the folks i was fortunate enough to be able to co-publish my recent book on the Red Army Faction, Projectiles for the People, with. They will be there with copies of this book, so it's an excellent opportunity for those of you attending to pick one up.

At the same time, AK Press, a veritable institution of the North American anarchist movement, will also be tabling. They will have copies of two recent Kersplebedeb pamphlets - We Were So Terribly Consistent and Dr Marie Equi - Queen of the Bolsheviks (see sidebar). Again, this is an excellent opportunity for you all to check out these and other titles, and i f you're so inclined, pick one up, and save on that nasty postage.

14th Annual Bay Area
Anarchist Bookfair
March 14th and 15th
SF County Fair Building
Ninth Avenue and Lincoln Way
Golden Gate Park

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Israeli Apartheid Week in Montreal


Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of IAW is to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS movement. In Montreal, local solidarity groups and individuals are planning nine full days of awareness-raising events ranging from lectures and workshops to film screenings.

This year, marking its 5th anniversary, IAW is taking place in the wake of Israel's barbaric assault against the people of Gaza. Recently, across Montreal, and around the globe, thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel. The past few years have seen a sharp increase of literature and analysis that has sought to document and challenge Israeli apartheid, including reports issued by major international bodies and human rights organizations, and findings published by political leaders, thinkers, academics, and activists. Since the assaults on Gaza, these voices have grown stronger, louder, and have captured the world`s attention. The aim of IAW is to contribute to this chorus of international opposition to Israeli apartheid.

Join us in making 2009 a year of struggle against apartheid and for justice, equality, and peace.

IAW McGill
IAW Concordia


opening panel of Israeli Apartheid Week
APARTHEID IN CANADA: Frontline voices of Indigenous resistance on Turtle Island
a lecture featuring: Elizabeth Penashue, Judy Da Silva and Laith Marouf
Concordia University, Hall Building, Room H-110
1455 de Maisonneuve West, (métro Guy-Concordia)

Prisoners of Apartheid: the struggle from behind bars
a lecture featuring: Soha Bechara
Cégep de St-Laurent, salle Émile-Legault
625 Avenue Sainte-Croix (métro Du collège)

Boycott Israel: The Apartheid State
a lecture featuring: Ronnie Kasrils
McGill University, Shatner University Centre , Ballroom
3480 McTavish, North of Sherbrooke (métro Mcgill)

THURSDAY MARCH 5th, 6:30pm
Apartheid Israel: Democracy as an Existential Threat
a lecture featuring: Omar Barghouti
McGill University, STEWART Biology, Room S 1/4
1205 Avenue Docteur Penfield, corner Drummond (métro Peel)

FRIDAY MARCH 6th, 6:30pm
A mother from Gaza: Surviving Under Seige
a lecture featuring: Laila El-haddad
Concordia University, Hall Building, Room H-937.
1455 Maisonneuve oust (métro Guy-Concordia)

No Pride in Apartheid: Event featuring films and a discussion focussing on
queer struggles against Israeli occupation and apartheid.
“Black Laundry” and “Zero Degrees of Separation”
Cinema du Parc (3575 Parc Ave.)

SUNDAY MARCH 8th, 12pm
Demonstration: International Womens Day and Palestinian Block
WOMEN DEMAND A NEW WORLD ORDER: End Imperialism, Occupation, War, Exploitation and Repression!

carré Cabot corner St. Catherine | Atwater
(métro Atwater)

SLING SHOT HIP-HOP : Hip Hop against Apartheid
film screening co-presented with Cinema Politica
Concordia University, Hall Building, room H-110
1455 de Maisonneuve West, (métro Guy-Concordia)

Israeli Apartheid Week in Montreal is endorsed by the following groups:
L'Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiant (ASSÉ) * l'Association étudiante de la culture arabe de l'UQÀM * Association des Étudiants Musulmans de L'Université de Montréal * Bloquez l'empire-Montréal * Canadian Arab Federation * Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) * Le Centre Social Autogéré/Autonomous Social Center * Le Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière (COBP) * La coalition pour la justice en Palestine (UQÀM) * 8 March Coordination and Action Committee of Women of Diverse Origins * Immigrant Workers Center * Independent Jewish Voices * Iranian Women's Association * No One Is Illegal-Montréal * Opération Objection * La Otra Campaña de Montréal * McGill Arab Law Students Association * PINAY - The Filipino Women's Organization in Quebec * Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC) * La Pointe Libertaire * Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG)-Concordia * Quebec Public Interest Research Group-McGill * Q-Team * Radlaw - McGill University Radical Law Community * Solidarity Across Borders * Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)-Concordia * Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)-McGill * Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)-National * Les Sorcières, collectif feministe * Tadamon * 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy

To ENDORSE Israeli Apartheid Week in Montreal, make a DONATION towards the fundraising efforts of Israeli Apartheid Week, or GET INVOLVED with organizing efforts, including promotion and publicity, get in touch with us by e-mail at

Monday, February 23, 2009

IWD Montreal: Women of Diverse Origins Demand a New World Order!

On International Women's Day in Montreal, 2009:
Women of Diverse Origins will demand a New World Order:
End Imperialism, Occupation, War, Exploitation and Repression!

The 8th March Committee of Women of Diverse Origins demands nothing more and nothing less. We demand an end to patriarchy and misogyny in terms of family relations, societal and political institutions, culture and the media.

In the current local and global context what is needed is a new world order that clearly identifies the roots of the current problems women and our families face around the world. The multiple oppressions generated by patriarchy and capitalism have brought us to where we are today – a world of on-going and multiple wars, severe economic insecurity, exploitation of the marginalized – class, gender and race. It is simple. It is clear. Nothing less than a completely different order, a new world order can bring about a change for a better world.

We are at a point in world history where we will not be fobbed off with 'the greater evil', 'that change comes slowly' that the demand for a better world is 'a utopian dream'. We know what the problems are. We know their causes. Only a total overhaul of the current systems can bring about lasting and meaningful change – justice and equality for all. The rapacious demands of corporations and governments in their pay with their war machines reap havoc, death and destruction on the innocent around the world, while petty despots oppress with impunity, unhindered. The free-flowing movement of capital around the world pushes workers everywhere to the lowest common denominator in terms of job security, wages and exploitative conditions. People flee war, political oppression and economic disaster to become even more exploited wherever they land. Minorities are targeted with violence and brutality.

There will be two events to discuss the problems and the urgency for a new world order and what that order will be. One will be a conference, on the 28th of February at Université de Montréal, 3200 Jean-Brillant starting at 9:30pm. The second will be the annual march on International Women's Day, March 8th at noon at Cabot Square. Local and international speakers as well as marchers will tie together the issues – from Barriere Lake to Palestine to Afghanistan, from the field to the factory and the kitchen table, from the local park to the jail cells to the battlefield.

Conference Speakers
  • Zoya, Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
  • Soha Bechara, Urgence Palestine
  • Nargess Mustapha, Montréal-Nord Républik
  • Tess Tessalona, Immigrant Workers' Centre (IWC) and March 8th Committee

Media contacts: Mubeenah Mughal 514-312-4695 (English); Marie Boti 514-598-8746 (Français)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

[Toronto] The Power of People: Community Responses to Capitalism in Crisis

Toronto comrades have organized an impressive evening of discussion about the period we have entered - i certainly hope the organizers will be taping or videotaping it to put it online:

The Power of People: Community Responses to Capitalism in Crisis

The current crisis of capitalism is much broader than the current credit crunch, plunging stock and housing markets. This crisis is about our ability to buy food, to afford housing and transit, find work, and access welfare and disability support money. Please join us for an evening of discussion and food. Come hear directly from a diverse panel of community organizers about their experiences and strategies of resistance.


organizer with the Miami-based Take Back the Land, a grass-roots group that has been liberating public and foreclosed land and homes since 2006. They are asserting the right of the Black community to control the land upon which they live, work, play, learn and worship.

longtime Quebec activist and a member of the Internationalist Workers Group.

organizer with Migrante-Ontario (Toronto), an alliance of Filipino migrants’ organizations whose mission is to continuously uphold and defend the rights and welfare of Filipino migrants and their families, both at home and abroad.

organizer with OCAP (Toronto), a direct-action anti-poverty organization that mounts campaigns against regressive government policies as they affect poor and working people and provides direct-action advocacy for

Hosted by: OCAP
(Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)
(Graduate Geography and Planning Students Society of UofT)

MEETING: 3pm; MEAL: 5pm
252 Bloor St. West
(St. George Subway Station)

By Donation/PWYC


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Global Economic Crisis: What are the Perspectives for the working class?

Last week there was a public discussion with the left-communist Internationalist Perspective and the Internationalist Workers Group here in Montreal. This coming Saturday, the same kind of public discussion will be happening in Toronto.

Based on the version of this discussion that happened here last Saturday, what we can expect to see covered is an explanation of the financial crisis and description of its scope, and also of the inevitability of such crises under capitalism, ending necessarily in war and misery for the global proletariat. Particular attention was given to the role of "the left-wing of capital" in shoring up and rescuing the capitalist system during these crises.

Saturday January 17, 2009 7PM
OISE - 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto Room 2295

Contact PO Box 47643, Don Mills, ON, M3C 3S7