Beach, babies and Broads

Beach, babies and Broads

My neighbors roses are electric πŸ”₯
Hey blog! Hard to believe it’s July already. Time is moving too quickly.

Beach baby 🌈
My fat baby is going to be 6 months old in 9 days! And it seems like only yesterday that I was pushing him out.

You betcha we went to the beach again. What else are you gonna do when it's 90 degrees?
When the weather gets hot, you go to the beach! Even if it is only for 20 minutes (before your baby starts fussing).

Your parents at the beach. πŸŒˆπŸ’¦
Look, it’s your parents at the beach. I wore my rainbow hat to the dog park yesterday, and Mr. Baby was grabbing at it, attempting to put it in his mouth.

“Careful, son,” I warned him. “You don’t know where this hat has been! And it’s never been washed.”

“He might get a contact high from it,” snorted the Broad.

Crab, anyone?
Lots of dead crabs washed up on the shore that day. Mmmmm, craaaaaab.

Beach Bear πŸ’¦
Bear Cub loves the beach.

My mom bought me a furry present
Lookie lookie what my mom bought me! I love furry presents. Too bad the foot doctor I recently visited told me that I have to wear hard, enclosed shoes ALL DAY LONG NOW. Ugghhhhh.

Butterfly in action!
I just want my tootsies to be free! Like this butterfly.

Our daisies are really blossoming this year!
The daisies in our front yard are really blossoming this year!

Little Lizzy. ✨✨✨
Here for no particular reason is little Lizzy as Tinker Bell. OMG I can’t wait to play dress-up with my son! I will be so proud when he dons a wig for the first time. It will be like playing dress-up with my little brother all over again, only BETTER.

Tbt: color-coordinating with @dubtrance, October 2015. πŸ’šπŸŒˆβœ¨
Another flashback, to October 2015. Christopher re-posted this picture to his IG account and then told me over the phone that he’d had to erase some comments about how “anorexic” I looked.

“Tell me more,” I said, eagerly.

“Oh, like ‘eat a sandwich’…” he offered.

“Are you kidding?” I squawked. “I’ve been dieting half my life…that’s a COMPLIMENT.”

Summer splendor!
Heigh ho. Look at how pretty pretty the flowers in my neighbor’s yard are!

The weight is slowwwwwly coming off, thanks to eating lunches like this one: a humble salad.

Nice day for it 😎
And of course, walking Mr. Baby and the rogs every day. But I’ve done that all along.

We love being outside! πŸŒΏπŸŒžπŸ’•
We love to be outside! Especially when the weather is in the 70’s. Perfect.

He was so good at the dog park yesterday. Smiling and cooing and charming everyone. Especially several wet dogs, who just wanted to kiss him.

My broad showing off her stunningly white legs at Magnuson Park today.
Look, it’s my Broad! With her glowing white legs. I tried to “saturate” some color into them, but it just made them blue.

“Hey look, I got a little color,” she said as we were leaving the park yesterday, showing me her arm.

“If by ‘color’, you mean pinker and with more freckles, then yes, you got some color,” I told her.

Maggie and Bear Cub swam it up today. πŸ’¦
Josh was off work early yesterday so we picked up the Broad and went to Magnuson Park, near her house. It was H-O-T!

My Father's Day gift to Joshy. For camping!
Here’s the camping Dad mug I bought Joshy for Father’s Day. We may just go camping this week…wish us luck!

Summertime, when the living is sleazy

Summertime, when the living is sleazy

Fun with cloud shapes: what do you see? I see the Flavor Burst I'm gonna snarf in Portland tomorrow! 🍦
Hey blog! Mr. Baby is in his baby bouncer next to me on the floor while I type this. We’ll see how long it lasts…(do I say that every time? I think so).

#throwback: a street performer in Times Square, 2015.
For no particular reason at all, here is a street performer from our trip to NYC back in October 2015.

The graduate! 🌺
On Saturday after I got off work, we drove to Portland to celebrate my beautiful cousin Erika’s graduation from nursing school. She is 25 weeks pregnant, and looks radiant.

With my beautiful cousin Erika, who just graduated from nursing school.
She had a luau in her front yard. It was mostly family–her mother and one of her brothers, her mom’s boyfriend and his sons, her husband’s mother and sister.

Mr. Baby cuddles with Aunt Kissy @dubtrance πŸ’•βœ¨βœ¨
But of course we couldn’t make a trip to Portland without picking up Christopher!

No trip to Portland would be complete without a stop at Voodoo Donuts! 🍩
We spent the night at a Red Lion, and on the way out of town we HAD to stop at “Voodoo Doughnuts”, of course. Mmmm.

Inside Voodoo Doughnuts yesterday. I got "gay bar" and "triple chocolate penetration" (who only gets one donut?).
I got a “Gay Bar”–a bar doughnut filled with cream with vanilla frosting and a line of Froot Loops on top, and a “Triple Chocolate Penetration”–chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting and chocolate cereal on top. YUM.

Love these shiny neon flowers in my neighbor's yard. πŸ’–
The dogs stayed with our favorite boarder, who we just learned is moving houses and won’t be able to board them anymore. Dammit.

The "Endless Summer" hydrangea is beginning to bloom.
In the meantime suddenly it’s HOT here. It’s supposed to get up to nearly 90 today…gross. I have the baby dressed in a sleeveless onesie with crabs on it and after this typing, I’m going to take him for a nice cool air-conditioned drive to get him to nap.

And even though it’s 10 in the morning, I may just have a popsicle.

Maggie dog says, "Happy frickin' summer solstice." β˜”οΈπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Of course on the day of the summer solstice, it still looked like this! Look at poor old Maggie dog.

I pulled up a ton of these big funky green plants earlier this year and the ones I missed blossomed…foxglove! Whoops! Maybe I’ll remember next year.

Floral present from Joshy 🌻🌻🌻
Joshy bought me flowers. Just cause.

At the beach with my mens yesterday. 🐳
Baby’s second trip to the beach…no falling in quicksand this time! Score!

My water dogs. πŸ’¦
We may go again today. What else do you do when it’s grossly hot? Get wet!

Seaside flowers.
We live so close to the water. It’s nice.

Bear Cub's favorite activity is standing on the shore and attacking Maggie when she comes out of the water.
Happy Cub!

Summer weather finally here! 🌈🌞🌿
I even broke out Ye Olde Rainbow Hat. I’ve had that damn thing since I was about 21.

This is my kind of weather. 🌞🌞🌞
Too hot for black dogs to walk in the afternoon–Josh took them for a 9 am walk today.

Friday night with these fellers. Crab cakes, fresh corn, and "Scratch". 🎧
Friday night fun with baby. Yesterday an ice cube in a snack bag kept him entertained for at least 30 minutes.

Happy Pride weekend, Seattle! πŸŒˆπŸ’–βœ¨βœ¨
It’s Pride Weekend! I’m always a little nostalgic for the parade. Maybe next year.

Kind of obsessed with these strawberry Mexican Popsicles πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“
Current obsession: strawberry Mexican popsicles. SO GOOD.

The thigh's the limit πŸ’₯
This is my thigh. I don’t know why. My oh my?

This morning at 4 am while I lay awake, sweating, I thought a psychedelic alphabet adult coloring book was a great idea. What do you think?

If it’s in a word or it’s in a look…

If it’s in a word or it’s in a look…

Close-up of a Bachelor's Button. 🐝
Howdy blerg! I highly doubt I will finish this blog entry in one sitting, so let’s GO! Josh took this nice photo of a Bachelor’s Button in our front yard. My phone doesn’t do macro this well.

Josh got the baby and I sick. That wasn't very nice of him, was it?
That’s me with my cold last week. It went away surprisingly quickly.

New book! 🎨
A new book from a friend of the family, Art! Very appropriate.

One daisy in the front yard is an over-achiever.
Out of the large bush of daisies, only one has decided to bloom (so far). They are HUGE.

Bowling balls, garden gnomes and pink flamingoes.
Our backyard is getting kitschy as hell. What else do we need?

This gay Babadook stuff is hilarious. And that movie genuinely scared me!
There’s a meme going around that the Babadook is gay, which I find hysterical, especially since that movie genuinely DID scare me (which is hard to do).

There’s been a lot of rain this past week and I’VE HAD ENOUGH, THANKS.

Ah yes... here's that June Seattle weather we know so well πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Neon pink and smelling sweet πŸ’–πŸ’•βœ¨
My neighbor’s roses smell delicious.

Wednesday werk at work.
Werking at work on Wednesday!

Hey little snail buddy. 🐌
This little snail friend was on the back patio. Mr. Baby had no interest.

Eyelash inspiration for Pride 🌈🌈🌈 (thanks @modelmalay)
Pride make-up inspiration, spotted on IG.

Can you spot the Maggie dog? 🌿
Can you spot the shaggy Maggie dog?

Three sets of eyeballs watching me eat lunch today.
This was the scene yesterday while I was eating my chicken wrap.

My "new mom" mug--frizzed hair and fat arms...sounds about right. 😝
My New Mom mug, complete with frizzy hair and fat arms. How appropriate! OMG HE LET ME WRITE AN ENTIRE BLOG ENTRY I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. Maybe I’ll go eat a popsicle. Ta ta!

Well there ain’t nothin’ wrong with the way she moves

Well there ain’t nothin’ wrong with the way she moves

Mood for today 🌟✨✨✨
Halloo bloog! Are you feeling BOLD today?

New addition to the backyard number one...Josh added the glitter.
Check out one of the latest additions to our backyard. Josh added all of the different glitters. Oooooh.

New addition to the backyard number 2.
Here’s the second addition to the backyard…zombie gnome!

Good morning. 🌞
Unfortunately, Mr. Baby and I finally caught the nasty cold Josh had last week. He has a wet cough and a crusty nose, and I have a fiery sore throat and constantly dripping nose. Boooo. RIP longest stretch of non-illness: October 2015-June 2017.

Bear Cub is catching some rays.
Sun Cub!

The lookout.
I felt so lousy this morning I texted my boss to see if I could trim down my patient minutes, and she offered to give me the entire day off. YES PLEASE.

Giant poppies!
I’m also skipping out on the party at Grandma’s house later this afternoon for Josh’s cousin, who is graduating from undergrad school. Double boooooo.

What is with all the ads on IG all of a sudden? Is it just me? I keep marking them as inappropriate but they just keep coming, every three pictures or so. It's relentless. Help.
Josh is bringing Mr. Baby to the party, though, so maybe I’ll get in a “nap”. Remember naps? Oh boy, I had some excellent pregnancy naps.

Bought some scarlet begonias today.
The lipstick salvia in the backyard planter wasn’t going to come back, so I went out and purchased this scarlet begonia using the 10$ gift card I won at work for correctly guessing the amount of jelly beans in a jar.

Yesterday he did some "earthing". πŸ˜‚
Ohhhhh the chub, I’m crazy about the chub. Mr. Baby is 5 months old today! Hard to believe.

M. and I visited @idahoagogo and her sweet little baby today.
We went and visited Christy and her cute little baby this week.

We scored this sexy china cabinet and matching dining room set from our wedding photographer. They really class up the joint!
We scored this beautiful china cabinet, as well as matching dining room set, from our wedding photographer and his wife. They class up our place nicely.

One single rose in the front yard.
So far, just a single rose in the front yard. The backyard trellis is getting flush with roses.

Ugh, bleck, I feel gross. Here’s hoping Mr. Baby and I feel better REAL soon, summer colds suck.

Flower Power

Flower Power

Another beautiful day! 🌞
Hellerrrr, blerrrrg. I can’t believe it’s June already.

Josh took the baby for a drive so I could have a little "me" time.
We are still going back and forth between weather like above–70’s, sunny fabbuu–to weather like today–overcast, low 60’s, blerp. Totally normal. Unless it’s an especially hot year, summer in Seattle doesn’t start until July.

My favorite of the Prey series. The bad guys are nicknamed "Big" and "Little".
I’m currently re-reading (saves $) all my Prey books. This particular one is probably my favorite–the bad guys are nicknamed “Big” and “Little”, and they are antique dealers.

Breastfeeding selfie. Belfie?
A breastfeeding selfie, because why not? I still do it all day long.

Dragonfly! πŸ’›
In real life this dragonfly was massive and silver. In the iphone photo he nearly blends into the flowering bush behind him.

Love the mood here (thanks @lulannie) πŸ’™πŸ’š
Spotted on IG. I love the colors.

My portrait of Brigitte Bardot, 2010. ✨✨✨
Josh has had a nasty cold for the past week and somehow, AMAZINGLY, Mr. Baby and I have not caught it. I know that his immune system is boosted by breast milk, but what about mine? How am I so lucky? It’s a first.

The little geisha painting is finally done! Now I just need a sunny day to photograph it properly for Etsy. ✨
Finally finished this sucker up. I was debating whether or not to paint calla lilies next or Marilyn Monroe, and then I just happened to flick on the TV and what should be playing but a MM marathon! And “Niagara”. BOOM DEBATE SOLVED.

Field of Doggy Dreams.
Flashback to one of my happy places: Marymoor Park and doggy dogs.

Salmonberries are blooming.
Salmonberries are popping up on our walks again.

The ivy in the backyard keeps expanding.
Will the ivy on the fence in the backyard keep spreading until it covers the entire back wall?

Baby M. on his colorful quilt from Aunt Kissy @dubtrance πŸ’–βœ¨βœ¨
Mr. Baby color-coordinating with the blankie that Aunt Kissy made him.

"Glitter Geisha" is available in my Etsy shop! πŸ’–βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨
“Glitter Geisha”. For sale here! At only 30$, it’s practically a steal, Camille.

Neon in nature! (No editing needed)
A neon pink rose outside my work. No photo editing required.

It's Friday you say?!?
Friiiiidaaaaaaayyyyy doesn’t mean a whole lot because I work on Saturday.

Our three tomato plants.
Thanks to my MIL and the 435849 tomato plants she planted this year, we scored 3 baby plants to raise.

Stop and smell the roses! These ones smelled delicious.

I'm blue dah ba dee ba da doo...πŸ’™
Feeling BLUE yesterday.

Baby is down for a nap, dogs have been walked, pancakes have been inhaled (diet starts tomorrow, I SWEAR) (groan), now it’s time for me to go down to the basement and PAINT PAINT PAINT! Happy days, bloggeroos!

Don’t dream it, be it

Don’t dream it, be it

Mini Geisha painting in progress.
Hola blog! This is the little geisha painting I have been working on for aaaaages, because…I’m not really into it. I should start another little painting, maybe? Or just force myself to finish this one.

The lone tulip that bloomed this year--dark purple!
Hey look it’s the ONE tulip that bloomed this year in the front yard, out of the entire row that Joshy planted. Heigh ho. At least it’s pretty!

Josh brought me home a Seattle Pop. The baby and Maggie were verrry interested.
Josh brought home some “Seattle Pops”–gourmet Popsicles–for me to sample. Mexican Chocolate–gross, coffee–meh, but this strawberry one was okay. No match for the generic Big Sticks though.

Orange lilies in the backyard.
These beautiful orange lilies appeared in the backyard recently.

Forget-me-nots galore in the backyard.
As well as lots of forget-me-nots. They are a much brighter blue in real life.

When G. met M.. πŸ’•
Mr. Baby, meeting another baby 12 days older than him. Mr. Baby slept in his OWN ROOM for the first time last night! He’s still in the rock and play…I don’t plan on moving him out of that until he outgrows it.

Back at our old stomping grounds, the big dog park. I used to walk here every day while pregnant, now I bring my son! 🌲
Last week I took the dogs and baby to our old stomping grounds, the big dog park, where I walked a mile nearly every day when I was pregnant (except towards the GIANT end).

Can you spot the dog butts?
Lots of tree roots made for a bumpy ride, but Mr. Baby slept through it all just fine.

Hearts in nature. πŸ’š
Always finding hearts in nature.

Maggie trampled down this fern in the backyard 2 years ago...I'm always pleased when it grows back.
Here’s the beautiful fern in our backyard. Maggie trampled it down the first year we lived here, but it grows back each spring.

Gorgeous giant poppy in my neighbor's yard.
My neighbor’s gorgeous giant red poppies. I wonder if my pink ones will grow this year?

Gorgeous day out there!
The weather has finally been warm Β lately. We just went for a family walk, mostly to get the baby to fall asleep.

Tank top weather today.
Hooray for sunshine! It’s been in the upper 70’s the last couple of days, perrrrfect.

Re-posted from my other account--me at 4 months vs M. at 4 months. πŸ˜‚
Me at 4 months vs. Mr. Baby at 4 months. He’s such a little chunk!

Working on my fitness. πŸ’ͺ
I’m doing this stuff, but the flab hasn’t budged. I know what I have to do…give up all carbs and sugars. DAMMIT.

Sexy Josh.
My stinkin’ husband left me and the baby alone for 14 BLOODY HOURS to go skiing last weekend…but at least he took a sexy selfie.

Into it (thanks @marthamakeupartist) πŸ’šβœ¨βœ¨
IG has no shortage of inspiring eyeshadow looks.

My baby meets my baby brother. πŸ’™
Look who came for a visit on Wednesday! My brother and his wife.

Marymoor Park! πŸ’šπŸ’™
Thursday we went to Marymoor Park. Friday Stew woke up with a brutal migraine and had to lay in bed for several hours…he didn’t feel well until late afternoon. Poor little guy.

Primroses 🌸🌸🌸
Primroses galore at Marymoor Park.

My little bruddah and me.
Me and my “little” six foot six inch brother.

Maggie and Bear Cub poised to go for a swim. πŸ’¦
Maggie and Schnubs got their swim in.

Black dogs keeping cool on a hot day. πŸ’¦
We didn’t lose any dogs, either!

Uncle and nephew.
Stephanie took this shot.

Spotted outside work today. πŸ’–
I spotted this beautiful rose outside my work on Friday.

Stew 'n' me in Mukilteo today. β›±
Friday afternoon after my brother was feeling better we drove to the Mukilteo lighthouse. We strolled around, gawked at a massive man sunbathing (and burning), and munched on ice cream cones.

My brother's wife is a great houseguest: πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ.
Stephanie made dinner for us Friday night and topped it off with homemade chocolate chip cookies. I forced them to take the rest of the cookies with them when they left Saturday morning…I cannot be trusted with so many cookies. I ate 5 on Friday night alone. Total weight gain for my brother’s visit: 2 pounds. πŸ™

Beautiful. (thanks @richardquartley)
Beautiful Impressionistic painting spotted on IG.

Some kind soul uploaded episode 10 of #rpdr9 to the YouTubes so I finally got to watch a FULL episode this morning! πŸ™Œ
This morning I randomly discovered that some kind soul had uploaded the latest full episode of Drag Race on Youtube! FINALLY! Now I need to go back and see if they have uploaded others. Yay! Catch yer later, bloggeroonies.

My mom, yer mom, everybody’s mom

My mom, yer mom, everybody’s mom

Friday OOTD πŸ’™
Hi blog! I put the baby down 40 minutes ago, for a “surprise” early morning nap…in his bassinet. So MAYBE he no longer requires the car seat to nap? Maybe? Babies are so changeable.

Sometimes I have a hard time telling what's a weed in the backyard.
On Monday he rolled from his back to his belly…just once! Too bad I didn’t capture it on video.

Succulents and blooms.
This morning he was squirming around like crazy on his belly, kind of inching up the blanket. Early crawling?

Into it ✨ (thanks @punchingpictures)
Spotted on IG. I miss glitter eye make-up. I keep meaning to pile a bunch of crap on my eyes and take pictures one of these days…

Big Stick season is here!
It’s VERY HARD to give up nightly dessert, but I’m making do with these low-calorie generic Big Sticks for now. And fresh strawberries, mmmmm.

The weather forecast predicts sunshine for the next ten days but ahhh…I’ll believe it when I see it.

I mean, I probably should eat less sugar.
Sugar addict. Could be worse! I’m also drinking coffee again…just one cup a day. Something like 1% gets transmitted to my breast milk, but it doesn’t seem to affect him.

First non-baby dinner out in months. And first sushi for me in over a year!
Fleeta and Bob stayed with us Saturday and Sunday night, and we requested Saturday night that they babysit so we could finally go on a (brace yourself) DATE NIGHT. Okay, mainly I just wanted to scarf down a pile of sushi without having to breastfeed at the same time. YUM.

Happy Mother's Day to all you hard-working Moms out there!
It was delicious. And then we had 31 Flavors for dessert. Balance!

My first Mother's Day. πŸ’
On Sunday I celebrated my very first Mother’s Day! Josh bought me a card, flowers, and jewelry. He did good. He always does.

I like this lamp at Brenna's house.
We went over to Brenna’s for Mother’s Day brunch on Sunday. It was lovely.

M. and Grandpy Bob.
Unfortunately, I had to reset some passwords so these are all the photos I have uploaded to Flickr for now…I’m short about three days worth. I’m sure it’s just baby, flowers and dogs! Ta ta for now.