about raymi blog

raymi is a retard. here's why.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Playboy V spots


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Raymi The Minx: Lauren White and Online Identities

When Facebook took off around 2007, users created photo albums around particular nights, particular vacations, particular themes. Each album could tell a story or present a certain aspect of that user’s persona or life. Toronto life-blogger Lauren White, however, had been publicizing all those elements of her life well before Mark Zuckerberg’s Ivy League social network exploded. Since 2000, she’s been blogging almost daily as Raymi the Minx, a burlesque-dancing socialite and general woman about town. Her writing is sharp and full of attitude, her pictures stylish (and often of her.) It’s a persona that has garnered a wide range of followers, including some vocal detractors that find what they see to be vanity or narcissism off-putting. She shares so much of herself that the persona and the narrative presented through her blog has essentially overtaken her real life; the distinction between the two has become blurred. “Everything that happens here is going to go over there,” she told Ramona in her chat with rdigitaLife. “ I’m constantly thinking about it, I dream about it, I have nightmares, I have anxiety, I check my rank every day like stocks.” Increasingly, our identities are becoming defined by who we are online. What we like, what we Tweet, what we discuss is available through our many social networks. As Alice Marwick discussed yesterday, social media allows anyone to grab their little slice of notoriety, to be come a “cewebrity.” So is White’s compulsive blogging really an outlier, or just a precursor to the way we live on social media today? Watch her interview with Ramona and check out her bio.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The infamous Globe article

Love in the time of bloggeria

Friday, December 07, 2012


stalk to me baby in the middle of the night

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


DREAMERS OF THE WORLD!!!!! love Raymi Bunny.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



MEET RAYMI BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 07, 2012

October 2012 Elle Magazine

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Drinks with Raymi the Minx with Turn on Toronto

Turn on Toronto feature on RTM: Drinks with Raymi the Minx.

Monday, November 28, 2011

socialite fireballer

FireBall gala in the G&M.;

Raymi, who needs little introduction, is one of Toronto’s hate-to-love/love-to-hate blogger queens with a global following and a few eerie copycats.

And that makes sense, since Raymi adorns a version of the poster and promotes the crap out of her involvement....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

raymitheminx press.

Raymi the Minx: in the flesh
Popular (and frequently topless) local blogger steps out from behind the keyboard to perform live burlesque tonight, as part of an ongoing strategy to push her sexed-up persona further into the public realm.


raymitheminx media

metronews breakup story covered by sofi

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ten year blog anniversary press

Mintz: Blogger takes ‘lazy' route to fame, money

Raymi Lauren White, who has been blogging for a decade as Raymi the Minx, offers some perspective upon satisfying Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule

No Ten-Year Jinx For Raymi the Minx

Raymi The Minx celebrates 10 year blogiversary

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My Toronto: Raymi the Minx

For most people, the online aftermath of a breakup is a few Facebook pokes and the odd tweet. For Lauren White, a.k.a. ultra-prolific personal blogger Raymi the Minx (raymitheminx.com), her breakup with photographer boyfriend Phil Ogynist was dissected far and wide across the Web. After spending some downtime in Burlington, the 26-year-old “blogebrity” — who has been almost obsessively documenting her voyeur-friendly life online since she was 17 — is back in Toronto, and spoke with the Post’s Barry Hertz about haters, hipsters and Hogtown.

Read more: http://network.nationalpost.com/NP/blogs/toronto/archive/2010/03/08/my-toronto-ultra-prolific-blogger-raymi-the-minx.aspx#ixzz0iObjSvnw
The National Post is now on Facebook. Join our fan community today.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

some more raymi press

Gossip Folks, by Lauren White AKA Raymi the Minx torontoist piece i wrote. a blurb.

I have been largely ignored yet secretly followed, pursued, for years. I am constantly second-guessing everything I share (I am even afraid to be typing this post right now because I know the comment suicide Torontoist can bring), but I do it anyway because I believe that it is good and appreciated and unique. Why does this post even exist at all? Who am I? To me the real story here—the big picture—is that ten years ago no one knew what a fucking blog even was, or why someone would share so much online. And now, ten years later, a national newspaper is on my case for not sharing enough.

From the Blogs to the Newspapers, Everyone Wants to Know More about Raymi the Minx shedoesthecity q&a;

Love in the time of bloggeria globeandmail article.

Facebook status updates as pixelated PDAs

I’ve only met Lauren White a couple of times, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. Her blog, Raymi The Minx (www.raymitheminx.com), has amassed an impressive following over the years. On my computer screen, she is a stunning, unsmiling woman who painstakingly documents minutiae like new outfits, found objects and elaborate meals. In person, she is sweet and smiley, funny and friendly.

some french stuff see 2

i also wrote this ages ago. when the site goes to print it'll be in the first issue.

this too.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

updated raymi press

EYE WEEKLY raymi: the greatest never

JUICEBOXdotcom worst mondays.

JUICEBOXdotcom best fridays.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

hi guise

i'm raymi and the internet hates me.

have fun at raymitheminx.com!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

hi world!

happy update!

my name is raymi (lauren white) and i am a freelance big mouth living in toronto, i'm somewhat of a tastemaker, bigtime blogger, so if you have something you want me to stop by and feature or cover, email me at raymitheminx@gmail.com and we can work something out, i'm pretty influential and my blog receives a LOT of traffic and for some reason people listen to me so that is my gift to you. if you want to advertise on my blog let'er rip! my blog has been alive and runnin' since the year 2000, i'm a pioneer and have street(blog)cred up the wazoo! i'm a blogging fossil!


Friday, January 11, 2008

hi again

i have the url raymitheminx.com back again in case you missed that. here are some articles written about me lately. i had an art show and it went really well, huge success actually, people like me, wouldn't you know it?

raymi the living art eyeweekly article.

shedoesthecity artist raymi profile.

my art hung

blogTO write-up.

2 in 2008

Saturday, August 04, 2007

hi hello there

it is 2007 august, i am 24 now, thanks for stopping by.

i guess i should make a FAQ page, does anyone care, tell me if i should.

bye i am sick right now and it's a long weekend mourn for me.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 best diarist

oh i won best diarist too everyone's been nagging about it lately saying oh she only won cos dooce never mentioned the contest on her blog, and so what, did you guys win? no. were you even nominated? double no. so fuck off already.

i'm awesome.

Friday, December 08, 2006


hi everyone guess what if you came here that means you came from the

#1 best blog in canada

and it is also the #1 best humour blog

and it is also the #1 best personal blog

that is all.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

about raymi update

hi it's me welcome to learning about me.

i no longer take zoloft. i weaned myself off of it cos i think it made me fat that's the word on the street about that drug. it's suppose to take a year to be out of yer system completely. so now i am not on any anti-depressants and i feel good i can't tell if there is a huge difference cos i was drinking all the time whilst on them anyway boring. thank you for reading my update bye.

oh yeah here is a link to how to get my book someone asked in these comments which i read once a year

here is the back of it

the cover is of a painting i did and i sold it for twenty dollars.

jamie helped put the book together he is brilliant.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hi hello

i pretty much love the crap out of myself but also extremely hate myself at the same time.

i take 75 mg of zoloft daily, that's an anti-depressant. i can't tell if it's working cos i drink so much like.

i am a manic depressive bi-polar. people who think hey man i don't like these "labels" are annoying curly haired dinks. that's what i am, i know that i am so shut up.

i wrote a couple books.

i got a piercing in my face recently i half-think it's super tacky.

sometimes before i hang up the fone i say, "peace" because i am cool.

i sew shitty little deformed felt things cos i don't know how to knit.

when i am drunk i am very generous.

i am pretty much a cult icon.

when i get sad i spend money on myself to feel better and i buy stuff for my boyfriend too. stuff he doesn't necessarily want or need.

here look.

i have a sense of humor.

i like cats.

i have catch phrases.

i studied dance for a long time, jazz modern.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

She can make origami.

Raymioke is sweeping the nation.

Raymi started raymitheminx.com in November of 1999 and her life has since then never been the same.

Raymi was kicked out of her ex-boyfriend's band two summers ago but he kept it a secret because he was a big pussy and was too afraid to tell her for three weeks and finally everyone else told her and she went to his birthday party with his present all smashed up in the box with other garbage and wrote fuck you on it and his picture was torn in half down the middle of his face.

raymi use to live in Brooklyn and she took this photo from her roof. guess what it is of.

raymi likes animals.

sometimes she thinks she is an animal.

raymi's favorite author is Douglas Coupland though there are other writers she admires.

The older Raymi gets, the dumber she feels/acts.

Raymi has been meaning to publish a book since she was 14.

Get her a book-deal because she is too busy being Raymi to write a Query letter.

Raymi can also draw, but not very well.

Raymi sings in a band with her dad and they do Beatles songs and other covers that you would like to get shithouse drunk to in a dingy basement pub and you would probably dance.

Raymi is very clumsy.