What’s News

Sessions Offered to Resign Post Amid Tension With Trump

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently offered to leave his post in response to President Donald Trump’s displeasure with his decision to recuse himself from the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. 531

High-Profile Officials to Set Stage for Comey’s Senate Testimony

Top national security officials are set to testify before a Senate committee on Wednesday morning in a session likely to touch on the firing of FBI Director James Comey. 105

Anthem Exit From Ohio ACA Exchange Ups Ante for GOP

Anthem said it will pull out of the health-insurance exchange in Ohio next year, leaving a second region of the country poised to have no marketplace options under the Affordable Care Act and increasing pressure on Republicans as they seek to replace it. 1084

Spring Rally in Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Bitcoin Unnerves Investors

Stocks, bonds, gold and bitcoin—assets that rarely move in unison—have all been surging this spring, an everything rally that leaves investors confounded about how to play the plodding U.S. expansion.

Long Promised, the Global Market for Natural Gas Has Finally Arrived

Gas prices around the world are converging as more of the fuel is liquefied and moved by tanker, while producers are turning countries into consumers by helping them build new infrastructure. 210

London Investigation Focuses on Terrorists’ Wider Links

U.K. and other Western security agencies were seeking to nail down international connections of the attackers in London’s weekend rampage, as it emerged that one of them had tried to go to Syria from Italy. 476

Uber Fires More Than 20 Workers in Harassment Probe

Uber has fired more than 20 workers as a result of an investigation into claims it has an aggressive, male-dominated workplace that permits sexual harassment and sexism, according to an employee who attended a companywide meeting Tuesday. 83


Trump’s Tweets ‘Considered Official Statements’ Says Spicer


Journalists Challenge Censorship in Venezuela With 'El Bus TV'


French Police Investigate Attack at Notre Dame



Work & Family

The Curse of the Endlessly Rescheduled Meeting

How to stand up for yourself when colleagues repeatedly postpone that important get-together.

An Exhibition About Henry James and Art Speaks Volumes

Sargent’s portrait of the famed writer Henry James highlights the author’s close connections to the visual arts in an exhibition at New York’s Morgan Library and Museum.

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