Photo: @emrata/@fiftyshadesmovie

8 real life funny sex stories to make your hump day

"We were in the living room and we heard the door open and my brother walked in."

Photo: iStock

Follow this diet? Apparently you have less sex

New research has found people who eat this go without - and no, cucumber isn't to blame. 

Photo: Stocksy

Do you suffer from post-coital dysphoria?

Feeling agitated, anxious and upset after consensual sex is actually more common than you might have realised. This is why it happens, according to science...

Photo: iStock

“I watch people have sex for a living”

It’s a legitimate job and pays up to $2 a minute. 

Photo: The Notebook

Can't shut up? Blame sex, says study

Apparently, ‘sex unleashes your tongue’.

Photo: @drnikkig

The one question to ask yourself before your next social post

And it’s not which filter, says sexologist Dr Nikki Goldstein.

Photo: Stocksy

Why you should instate a night time nudity policy

What happens when a non-naked person and her boyfriend start sleeping in the buff?

Photo: iStock

GFE, DFK, RO: The slang sex workers use, explained

Every industry speaks its own language. Can you guess the acronyms?

Photo: iStock

Are we prepared to gamble our privacy in pursuit of pleasure?

Watch out, your sex toys are spying on you, warns Australia's Sex Fairy Godmother. 

Photo: iStock

"There's only one reason I buy undies from the supermarket"

Three women share their stride of pride stories. 

Photo: iStock

“I took my boyfriend to orgasm meditation – it was as awkward as it sounds”

Here’s exactly what went down. Warning: not for wallflowers. 

Photo: iStock

Those guys at the gym are way less horny than you think

Turns out, being a workout hero kills a man’s libido.

Photo: iStock

The Sydney escort that charges $550 an hour and bedded 1100 men reveals all

She has worked in six different sex houses across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Photo: iStock

The surprising foods that boost your sex drive

Ladies, time to get out the salmon and red wine.

Photo: iStock

“Am I the only woman NOT having anal sex?”

During a mid-afternoon conversation over Yum Cha, one woman started wondering ‘Is butt sex officially on trend?’

Photo: iStock

'Why can't I orgasm on anti-depressants?'

"I was prescribed Zoloft a couple of years ago, and along with being numbed from my roller coaster of emotions, I was also numb in my lady areas....

Tziporah Malkah on I'm a Celebrity get me out of Here

Tziporah Malkah “I haven’t had a shag in six years”

This is what happens to your body when you stop having sex.

Photo: iStock

The sex trick that helps you live longer

Think you have a good sex life? You need to read this.

Photo: iStock

Everything you need to know about golden showers

An explainer on just what that #GoldenShowers hashtag means.


According to research affairs spike in January

January 9, to be exact, is the day cheaters like to “regain their freedom”.

Photo: Mad Men

The psychology behind powerful men luring women

Powerful men don’t often look like Don Draper. More often they’re short, balding and sporting a paunch.

Photo: iStock

'I had sex with my boss at our Christmas party'

It's awkward but here's how to deal, according to a sex and relationships expert.

Photo: Fifty Shades of Grey

Why does some pain feel good?

Everything from back massages or a good stretch, to Fifty Shades.

Photo: Instagram @mirandakerr @chrissyteigen

A celebrity’s guide to joining the mile-high club

Jennifer Aniston, Chrissy Teigen and Miranda Kerr are all fans. Here’s how to get a membership.

Photo: Getty

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum’s sex life is ‘primal’

The pair credit dancing for their red-hot sex.

Is Netflix the new foreplay?

Is Netflix the new foreplay?

We need to face facts. We just don’t have time for sexy time, so Netflix time will have to do.

The three things women should never do after sex

The three things women should never do after sex

While you may be at your most relaxed post-sex, there are few things that you should never do straight after a passionate liaison.

Women say sex is best at this age

Women say sex is best at this age

Proof that it's only going to get better.

How to deal when you and your partner have mismatched mojos

How to deal when you and your partner have mismatched mojos

When yours and your lover’s mojo is aligned it feels like delicious belly fireworks. But if the libido balance is skewed one way it can feel like trying ...

Why you shouldn't withhold sex to 'punish' your partner

Why you shouldn't withhold sex to 'punish' your partner

This man hasn't had sex with his wife for six years, because he withheld sex to 'motivate' her to lose her baby weight. Needless to say, it backfired.

The sex act Shailene Woodley wants to be taught in schools

The sex act Shailene Woodley wants to be taught in schools

“I’ve always had a dream of making a book called 'There’s No Right Way to Masturbate'.”

Will your taste in music improve your chances on Tinder?

Will your taste in music improve your chances on Tinder?

Tinder and Spotify team up to show off your favourite tunes to potential suitors.

A doctor tells us why sex is sometimes painful

A doctor tells us why sex is sometimes painful

Don't suffer in silence. You're not alone and help is available.

11 guys talk about how they felt during their first sexual encounter

11 guys talk about how they felt during their first sexual encounter

“I was extremely excited. And you can quote me on that.”

How to reboot your sex life

How to reboot your sex life

It's simple and requires barely any effort, according to this sexologist.

The five best things men do in bed

The five best things men do in bed

Plus, how to make them work wonders for you.

This is how many people are actually reading your sexts

This is how many people are actually reading your sexts

A new study finds that those racy texts aren’t actually ‘for your eyes only’.

Six ways to make sex sexier

Six ways to make sex sexier

Has sex gotten a little boring? Here’s how to spice things up.

The impact aggression in porn has on young people

The impact aggression in porn has on young people

A new documentary reveals why our desire for degrading sex is fuelling a $25 billion porn industry. But it comes with major pitfalls.

How to buy a sex toy

How to buy a sex toy

Danielle Colley notes the things you need to consider when looking for a buzzing lover.

So, apparently we’re having less sex than our parents

So, apparently we’re having less sex than our parents

Gross to think about. But it's science.

Can yoni mapping help you find the elusive orgasm?

Can yoni mapping help you find the elusive orgasm?

Writer Danielle Colley explores yoni mapping and benefits it can have on your sex life.

"I’m not sexually attracted to the man I love"

"I’m not sexually attracted to the man I love"

Can people be physically incompatible, but still in love? Our resident expert weighs in.

Pain during sex? This might help

Pain during sex? This might help

Dr Cris Beer gives pointers on turning OUCH! to AHHHHH!

‘My partner won’t talk about his premature ejaculation’

‘My partner won’t talk about his premature ejaculation’

How to fix a sexual relationship issue when your partner won’t even acknowledge there’s a problem, Dr Gabby responds.

'I'm struggling with boring sex in my relationship'

'I'm struggling with boring sex in my relationship'

Sex and relationship expert Dr Gabrielle Morrissey fields a confession about a sex-life gone stale.

Sneaky ways to make time for sex even if you're really busy

Sneaky ways to make time for sex even if you're really busy

In an ideal world, we'd all be able to set aside time for a long session in the bedroom but real life being the way it is, there's work, chores, more work,...

The healthy benefits of masturbation

The healthy benefits of masturbation

Can too much of a good thing be a bad thing?

Threesomes, foursomes and orgies: Is swinging healthy for a relationship?

Threesomes, foursomes and orgies: Is swinging healthy for a relationship?

'I want to swing but I don't want the experience to ruin my relationship...'

8 ways you're killing your libido

8 ways you're killing your libido

Did you know your sexual desire isn’t just a reflection of whether or not you’re attracted to someone? Our sexual desire is complex and there are thing...

5 awkward sex situations and how to recover from them

5 awkward sex situations and how to recover from them

Awkward sex happens. In fact, you can almost guarantee that it’s happening somewhere in the world right this very second – it’s that common.

6 sex tips you'll actually try

6 sex tips you'll actually try

Creativity is terrific. Variety is integral to a spicy, interesting, and stimulating sex life. But small changes can transform a sex life that’s flagging...

I get botox … in my vagina

I get botox … in my vagina

I know what you are thinking – why? Let’s start by saying it has nothing to do with appearance

Orgasms: What to do if you can't climax

Orgasms: What to do if you can't climax

Sexpert Dr Gabi Morrissey explains how there's more to sex than just the big O

Sex Tips: Improve your sex life today

Sex Tips: Improve your sex life today

Sexpert Cyndi Darnell shares her best advice on how to have great times between the sheets

Do aphrodisiacs actually work?

Do aphrodisiacs actually work?

From eating oysters by the dozen to taking herbal supplements, we look at the science behind our most talked-about bedroom go-tos

Sex lives of Australians revealed

Sex lives of Australians revealed

The results of our national survey into what’s happening under the covers have come in and the stats will surprise you

Female Viagra might not be the answer to your low sex drive after all

Female Viagra might not be the answer to your low sex drive after all

Female Viagra will only slightly increase sexual satisfaction

OMGYes: Emma Watson shares her go-to orgasm website

OMGYes: Emma Watson shares her go-to orgasm website

The sex website Emma Watson recommends

How often should you and your partner have sex?

How often should you and your partner have sex?

Everyone's sex drive is different, so nothing is 'normal'

Men With Small Penises: How do you tell your girlfriend?

Men With Small Penises: How do you tell your girlfriend?

The importance of being open about sex in a relationship

7 ways to tell if you're good in bed

7 ways to tell if you're good in bed

Bragging about being good in bed is one thing, secretly hoping you're great in the sack is another, but what really does make you good in bed? Whether you'...

Sex: The best time to have it for your age, according to science

Sex: The best time to have it for your age, according to science

And it changes depending on our age, sexperts have revealed to Rozina Sabur

10 sex myths debunked

10 sex myths debunked

There's a lot of fiction surrounding sex out there - and we're not talking about the 50 Shades variety! From who should be initiating sex to what actually ...

Sex advice you should ignore

Sex advice you should ignore

Some sex advice can do more harm than good so be careful of the sexperts you listen to.

Stress, Libido, Tension: This is what happens when you stop having sex

Stress, Libido, Tension: This is what happens when you stop having sex

Lost that lovin' feeling? Turns out it could be bad for your health.

The awkward sex moments everyone experiences but no one talks about

The awkward sex moments everyone experiences but no one talks about

The embarrassing moments that really do happen during sex

In a sex rut? How to break out of one

In a sex rut? How to break out of one

What to do when your sex life feels flat

Sex Injuries: Pain during intercourse and stuck foreign objects

Sex Injuries: Pain during intercourse and stuck foreign objects

WARNING: Adult themes Most of us have had an “accident with a vacuum cleaner” at some point in our lives.

Female Viagra: Would you take it?

Female Viagra: Would you take it?

A new pill promises to help women who are distressed by low libido, but experts say female desire is too complex for such a simple fix. Sarah Marinos inves...

Why porn for couples isn't for everyone

Why porn for couples isn't for everyone

Our expert explains what to do when one person in the relationship doesn't want to watch porn

10 strange sex facts we bet you didn’t know

10 strange sex facts we bet you didn’t know

Endlessly fascinating and always controversial, there are a million and one ways to talk about sex. But we reckon even a seasoned sexpert would still be su...

Is make-up sex important to a relationship?

Is make-up sex important to a relationship?

Is make-up sex important? Our sex expert answers

Sexting: The surprising truth you should know

Sexting: The surprising truth you should know

Why sexting could be the key to relationship satisfaction, a study reveals.

How attraction can be affected by scents

How attraction can be affected by scents

Should women be dabbing chocolate behind their ears rather than Chanel No.5? Brian Johnston sticks his nose into arousing smells

After sex: are you getting it right?

After sex: are you getting it right?

What you do after sex is often as important as what you do before. Sometimes even more so.

The key to having more sex

The key to having more sex

Libido gone AWOL? Not only is it easy to reclaim it, but you can also eat, rest and play your way to a hotter sex life.

Is your partner an egomaniac?

Is your partner an egomaniac?

A relationship can't be successful if one of you is an egomaniac.

Can women think their way to more frequent orgasms?

Can women think their way to more frequent orgasms?

A new study has found a link between sexy thoughts and the female orgasm

Why sexercise is good for your health

Why sexercise is good for your health

It’s not just the name of that risqué Kylie Minogue song. Science backs the idea of the bedroom workout being good for your health, so add some ra...

The sex that tells you he's fallen for you

The sex that tells you he's fallen for you

Six tell-tale signs that he’s in this for a long time not just a good time

The ultimate sex bucket list

The ultimate sex bucket list

How many things have you crossed off the list?

The 5 Ps of a great sex life

The 5 Ps of a great sex life

Want to take your sex life from good to great? Sexologist Dr Gabrielle Morrissey says you need five things