
Thought for the dayJune 7 2017

Yesterday, I suggested that the energies affecting both our hearts, and our heads, are especially strong at the moment. That makes making decisions potentially more difficult. For those whose vital organs are in agreement, it's easy enough. But what about those of us who might feel conflicted by the choices we face? If in doubt, try to conceive an alternative plan while Jupiter is stationary and making a creative aspect to Saturn. You have a strong and steady hand. Build on that.

You should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. It's as close as I can get you to a one-to-one reading with me. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20

Technological advances enable possibilities we could never have dreamed of. Who'd have thought you'd be able to have a long-distance, face-to-face conversation, through something you carry in your pocket? But there's a downside too. Our movements, our preferences and our ideologies are no longer as private as we might like. And once our information reaches corporate hands, prices are raised in response. As yet, though, no one can put a price on happiness, joy or love. Don't be afraid of the intensity of your emotions today. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!

Apr 21 - May 21

We all know the saying about living beyond one's means. It's simple: don't. Of course, this doesn't justify passing judgment on others. Nor is it a reason to be tight-fisted. Frugality is one thing, but we all deserve a little indulgence every now and then. There's little purpose in scrimping and saving if you deny yourself the occasional luxury and never splurge out on something fun. Both at work and at play, it's important to celebrate and let loose once in a while. You've been very careful recently. Now's the time to treat yourself. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!

May 22 - June 22

A few years ago, in a sci-fi movie, Scarlett Johansson was given a drug that allowed her to use 100 per cent of her brain. The storyline was based around the (baseless) idea that we only use about 10 per cent of our grey matter. The more of her brain she used, the more powerful she became. Of course, this was just a silly Hollywood fantasy. So why does it seem that, with Mercury in your sign, you could lend credence to this concept? Your ruler, coming home today, gives you the opportunity and the ideas to help you fulfil your potential. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.

Jun 23 - Jul 23

Language today is carefully structured to emphasise the gulf between humans and animals. 'Animalistic' is a word we apply to criminals and violent individuals �" members of society we want to distance ourselves from. The inference is that to be human is not to be animal. But that's not true. Our basic urges and instincts �" hunger, desire and fear �" are common to our four-legged friends too. This means that we have instincts for a reason. They may seem to be based on little, but they've kept us alive for thousands of years. Trust yours today. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!

Jul 24 - Aug 23

We're all vulnerable to external influences, but some people are extremely sensitive to them. When the clouds darken and threaten rain, these gentle souls find themselves feeling anxious. If a frost settles overnight, they wake up feeling a layer of ice over their heart. They stay out, or in, depending on the Moon. When the Sun gets up early, so do they. Their innermost emotions reflect the world around them. The forecast for your inner world is looking up regardless of what's happening outside. The Sun is breaking through the clouds. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!

Aug 24 - Sep 23

We're told that in order to build we must start at the bottom and work our way up. But I recently read about some architects who plan to place an asteroid into orbit around the Earth and suspend a building from it using a 'high strength cable'. Perhaps it's a remote possibility, but I'll believe it when I see it. Somewhere in your world, the logic of a conclusion outweighs a theory. You might be wedded to an idea, but sometimes you must accept what the world's telling you. No matter how much you're enjoying the process, remember what you started it for! Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.

Sep 24 - Oct 23

You're expecting great things, and putting a lot of faith into your expectations. Although you're confident that things will go the way you want, other people want you to explain the reasons for your hopefulness. Could they be envious of your certainty? In truth, there are no specific reasons for how you're feeling. That's just how feelings work. It's what differentiates emotion from thought. So you don't owe anyone an explanation. The good news is that whoever, or whatever, you've placed your faith in will come through for you. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!

Oct 24 - Nov 22

The obvious thing is usually the right thing. Or is it? So many people pride themselves on taking people and events at face value. They make decisions based on cold, hard facts, and facts alone. Hints, rumours and suggestions have no place in their world �" they're viewed as dangerous and serve only to lead you astray. But being able to read people and situations is a skill... and it often yields more valuable information than the obvious. Today, watch patiently and carefully. Listen for the little things. They'll yield valuable results. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!

Nov 23 - Dec 21

We have a tendency to make life more difficult than it needs to be. And if you think about it, doing this makes sense. There's nothing quite like grappling with a tough task and finally completing it. A sense of achievement is motivating. And there's something about an easy task that doesn't quite hit that spot. Nothing life-changing ever happened by taking the easy route. So, there's nothing wrong with challenging yourself. But it's worth remembering that sometimes the smart option is the easy option, and there's no shame in that. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.

Dec 22 - Jan 20

Even the simplest tasks can seem impossible when you're not in the right mood. Without motivation, we're prone to neglecting our responsibilities, and breaking promises. Especially the promises we make to ourselves; like choosing between eating a full breakfast or going to the gym. We all suffer from procrastination! And, we always know that we'd be much better off if we followed through with our plans. The trick is to remind yourself exactly what you stand to gain. Your lack of motivation today, is easier to overcome than you think. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!

Jan 21 - Feb 19

Since time began, men and women have been persecuted for speaking out against society's norms. Whether branded as witches or traitors, those with progressive views were condemned as dangerous and socially subversive. Today, though, we take for granted the values these people stood for. We can't believe that there was ever a time that they had no place in society. Right now, you're on the receiving end of some criticism. This doesn't mean you're wrong. It's more than likely that you're just slightly ahead of your time. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!

Feb 20 - Mar 20

What's done is done. 'Just let it go', they say. But it's just not as simple as that. If something's gone wrong, is it really sensible to walk away? Or would you be better off clearing up the mess first - before it starts to moulder, or leave a stain that you'll struggle to shift? It may be the last thing you want to do, but grab a cloth and get cleaning today. You'll feel better for it. There's no point in dwelling on past mistakes - you can't change history. But, once you've made amends, enjoy the spoils. Gratitude is worth a lot. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.