Rania Al Abdullah


A mum and a wife with a really cool day job...

Feeling very proud at Davos, His Majesty:" If someone threatens my people I have the right to defend them"

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2496 days ago

Feeling very proud at Davos, His Majesty:" If someone threatens my people I have the right to defend them"


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mileybestfan 2062 days ago

good protect him and u ur majesty

alljordanHKJ 2071 days ago

I love my King and Queen!!!!! And Jordans and I will defend you, Jordanians and Jordan with my soul, blood and children!!!!! Long live the King!!!! :D

marrowalabadi 2270 days ago

am so proud that your majesty is our king

AzzamHadhoud 2281 days ago

really we are all proud of his majesty

raklajju 2293 days ago

I belong to a country of a hundred religions...Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Sikh,D Jains, P Jains, Bramho....we understand & appreciate His Majesty!

arjunkalloor 2391 days ago

lov u his majesty.

osamaalsmadi 2393 days ago

our father majesty , we are love you and best wishes to his majesty

sanjaypothen 2395 days ago

Like o true Majesty.My best wishes to His majesty

sydneypenrith 2401 days ago

I Am So Proud To Be Origionaly Jordanian Australian, To Have AProtactive Leader To His Nation.
We Are WellKnown By Our King .
I Am Christian Orthodox, Not All Muslim Are Turrist ,And Not All Christian Are An Angel, My Best Friends Are Mu

marahalqaisi 2401 days ago

god bless u
i'm so proud of u :)

hiba1983 2401 days ago

love you our king

dana9aree7a 2402 days ago

love..love..love and proud!

dimahb 2403 days ago

proud of you king abdullah... always.

DilshanBoange 2480 days ago

The duty of a Monarch to protect and defend His people at all times is a sacred task.A King may never detract from it.I wish Your Majesty long life and good health.

DilshanBoange 2480 days ago

'A right' per say would not suffice in my view Your Majesty, as 'a right' would also entail 'a choice' of whether or not to excercise it.

DilshanBoange 2480 days ago

Your Majesty,I believe is it more than merely a 'right', it is your 'Duty' to defend your people at all times.You are their 'Soverign'. 'A right' per say would not suffice in my view Your Majesty, as 'a right' would also entail 'a choice' of whether or no

anas_qaffaf 2493 days ago

i love you my King :D
allah y7fzk

sereeno 2493 days ago

what about the sexual oral harrasement that girls get subjected to everyday in jordan? who is gonna defend them? something should be done and very quickly. It is not safe anymore to walk alone on the sreets in Jordan and in broad daylight. I have send an

jena_fuller 2494 days ago

King Abdullah is an awesome leader! I would love to visit Jordan.

MuhammadSharyri 2496 days ago

Words Can't Describe Our Love 4 His Majesty