Dr. Fadlo Khuri


President, American University of Beirut, Hematologist/Oncologist; lung and head/neck cancer expert. Editor-in-chief, . Opinions=my own

Se unió en diciembre de 2013

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  1. ha retwitteado

    Cancer's annual thank you to reviewers is out now. Are you on the list? If so, you have our sincere thanks.

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    The December 15 issue of Cancer is available

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    Profile on Syrian refugee Heval, once a Production Assistant at Cancer, now a Katz Fellow in Preventive Cardiology

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    Metagenomics: Interaction of microbial & host genomes affects outcomes. Via

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  5. Congratulations to all of our students, winners and runners up, for waging exemplary free and fair elections!

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  6. Dr. Fadlo Khuri siguió , y
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    AUB-Professionalism and innovation result ina faster and hack-proof student election process at AUB/ via

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    Winners of annual Founders’ Day Student Essay Contest: 2nd prize awarded to senior Elena Grissom, for her essay “A Light, Bright and Steady"

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    Winners of annual Founders’ Day Student Essay Contest: 1st prize awarded to senior Nizar Aouad, for his essay “Legacy of a Titan”

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  11. Today we announce the restoration of tenure at AUB to the University Senate for the first time in 30 years, with working plan to follow!

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  12. My thoughts are with alumni in Paris and everywhere in tragic times and with all who were injured or killed.

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  13. ha retwitteado

    : : The events of last night bring tremendous grief for the loss of two valued family members

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  14. Another huge loss, and condolences to the family of the dedicated AUB nurse, Khodr Alaadeen.

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  15. We mourn the huge loss of Shawkj Droubi, a loyal and selfless son of AUB.

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    Review from authors on advances in translational genomics of neuroblastoma

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    Does skin cancer screening save lives? Detailed analysis of mortality time trends in Schleswig-Holstein & Germany

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    Lung cancer in Chinese nonsmokers 3x higher than in US

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  19. Congrats to my pal Otis Brawley! Much deserved election to National Academy of Medicine via

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    1st Alumni Cookbook Abundance marked to be available in April 2016, Read more:

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