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Andrew Bolt throws punches after being sprayed with 'sticky liquid with glitter'

Conservative commentator Andrew Bolt was allegedly set upon by a gang of protesters outside a Melbourne book launch on Tuesday, and appeared to give at least as good as he got.

Footage broadcast by Bolt on his Sky News program appears to show two men attacking him outside a Carlton restaurant, with a third man wielding a camera.

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Bolt punches back in alleged assault

Set upon by three men at a book launch in Melbourne, the Sky News commentator and columnist hit back against assailants he claimed showed "the riding violence of the left".

Bolt alleged the two men "jumped" him and sprayed him in the face and body with "sticky liquid with glitter and dye" while he took a selfie with a woman.

"Bad luck for them of course - I don't do running and hiding," Bolt said, claiming to have delivered one assailant "a big bruise on the left side of his face and another bruise between his legs".

"I don't really fight nice if I'm pushed too far," he said.

Victoria Police confirmed the incident, which took place about 12.15pm on Tuesday, was under investigation and said no one was injured.


"The two males, who were wearing hooded jumpers, have thrown what is believed to be glitter and shaving cream at the victim," a police spokesman said.

"A short scuffle has taken place before the offenders fled the scene. Another male who was in the area at the time appeared to be filming or taking photos."

Bolt was at the Il Gambero restaurant on Lygon Street, Carlton for the launch of The Art of the Impossible by RMIT associate professor Steve Kates, a former chief economist for the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The book is a compilation of blog posts about the US presidential election campaign and subsequent victory of Donald Trump.

On his program, Bolt described his attackers as "left-wing fascists", though this has not been confirmed by police.

"It is another warning of the rising violence of the Left," he said.

The author, Mr Kates, was quoted by the right-wing Catallaxy Files website confirming the apparent attack.

"You hear that Andrew has been attacked and you fear only the worst but while this time they went off worse for wear, it is a true worry that this is our world now," he said.

"We are people for whom words, argument and reason are what counts, but for the psychopaths on the other side they have nothing to offer but vacuous cliches and violence."

Bolt was approached for further comment.


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