ACT News


ACT budget 2017: Big ticket infrastructure pushed back until next decade

Canberra's west will be opened up for the development of new suburbs with a realignment of an arterial road which runs from John Gorton Drive to the Tuggeranong Parkway.

About $200,000 will be spent in the next financial year to scope out the realignment of the east-west arterial road through the Molonglo Valley, it was announced in the 2017-18 ACT Budget

The total cost of the realignment is unclear but would include a bridge crossing the Molonglo River, a grade-separated interchange at the parkway and a trunk cyclepath. 

Land releases are a key measure for the government to recoup revenue, budget papers released on Tuesday said.

Mr Barr said the Molonglo Road alignment would enable further land releases in the city's west as it was "an area of considerable future growth in terms of meeting the growth in the city".

However big ticket infrastructure projects like the stadium and the swimming pool will be pushed back until next decade, Mr Barr said, as the territory government claws its way back from deficit. 


"That double-whammy of the 2014-15 Federal Budget, the Abbott governments impact on public sector employment in this city and the need to respond to the Mr Fluffy crisis, probably the single biggest fiscal shock any territory government has experienced in the history of self-government," Mr Barr said.

"We're climbing out of that difficult position and returning the budge to balance. That will be the focus of the government over the past 12 months," 

When asked when the stadium, the swimming pool and the convention centre would make it back onto the agenda, Mr Barr replied "early in the next decade".

"The swimming pool, obviously we're building a new one at Stromlo Forest Park as we speak, that will meet some immediate needs, the ANU is building a swimming pool in the CBD as well which will take the pressure of some of the ageing infrastructure we currently own," Mr Barr said.

The ageing Canberra Stadium will also get about $520,000 for upgrades as a stadium in Civic looks further and further away. 

However about $38 million will be spent on the West Basin reclamation and boardwalk, with $20 million set aside for planning and developing City Hill and West Basin as part of the City to the Lake project. 

The Canberra Liberals' accused the Barr government of prioritising its "pet projects" over these plans or measures to alleviate cost of living pressures.

"This government has poor form when it comes to managing finances and has poor form when it comes to managing projects and I think we're going to see blowouts for the capital projects which have been announced," Mr Coe said.

$98 million for capital works was rolled forward from last year's budget.

The government will put up $53.5 million for light rail design and procurement for stage two over the next four years.

About $16 million will fund a business case for getting the tram to Woden - about $3 million in the year to June and $13 million next fiscal year - down from a projected $25 million. 

Work is also set to begin on the new "SPIRE" building at the Canberra Hospital in 2019-20, with $200 million in the 2020-21 budget for construction.

The Centenary Women and Children's Hospital will also get a $70 million upgrade by 2021, with $600,000 set aside for planning in htis budget cycle. 

The government will spend $160,000 in 2017-18 to look at building multi-purpose indoor sports centres in Woden, Gungahlin and Belconnen.

The ACT government will also match the Commonwealth's $1 million commitment over the next two years to scope out a duplication of the Monaro Highway between Johnson Drive and Canberra Avenue.


The Canberra Times Assembly team have just been let out of the ACT budget lock-up and are discussing what it means for the city.

Posted by The Canberra Times on Monday, 5 June 2017