Why I Do This

I was lucky enough to be a teenager through the eighties and I was mad on music, big hair, bad make-up and all that went with being a teenager of the times. All these years later I still have the big hair but now it is "touched" with grey and the bad make-up is gone but the tunes still play loudly in my head and even louder if they grace my radio, tv or mp3player. I will gladly admit to being a"mainstream" fan for the most part but I do have the odd liking for some of the less "played to death" bands of the time. What started all this was a drawer full of slowly decaying cassettes and a fear of losing the music that is on them. So I began to recreate them onto CD and I am loving it and finding some fantastic albums along the way.

I would like to re-dedicate this site to my late husband, he lost his long battle with cancer in 2011, he was a huge 80's fan, possibly even more so than myself. So for you my love.

Download Links

Updated 7th May 2012

Hi All, I am slowly re-adding download links to each of the original posts so please be patient and check back often. NB:Also please be aware before you download that I upload files ripped at a bitrate of 128. If you prefer a higher bitrate I am only too happy to of supplied the tracklistings to assist you in searching for those tracks at a bitrate you prefer.Thanks Meggsy

Saturday, July 7, 2012

One Off Reader Request

Along with the obvious collection of Various Artists cassettes I have many many Artist's Own cassttes and I would love to share them also but I am still trying to repair broken links thanks to the Rapidahare dilema. This week though I received an email from David, one reader who like myself is a Models fan and well the result of that email is tonight's link.  Models 1986 Album "Media",

Media [1986]

01 - Evolution
02 - Let's Kiss
03 - Hold On
04 - Beast O Mine
05 - Shootin' Train
06 - Build It Up
07 - Bitter Years
08 - Sky Went Grey
09 - I Had A Premonition
10 - Ghostworld

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Wanting to know which links I've been updating? Well to find out head on over to our Facebook page.
Have been working hard to finish off albums I'd neglected till now so stay tuned.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Updated Links So Far

Below are the albums I have uploaded to their new home over at Mediafire. I am also posting things over on the facebook page because updating the links didn't give me enough to do  :$    
So grab these albums if you don't already have them and check back for more links son.
[80] 1980 The Summer
[80] Starcall
[80] Gone Troppo
[80] Red Alert
[80] Crunchie
[81] 1981 Over The Top
[81] 1981 Rocks On
[82] 1982 In The Sun
[82] 1982 Out Of The Blue
[83] Thru The Roof '83
[84] 1984 The Beat
[87] '87 Hots Up
[88] 88 The Winners

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Problems With Rapidshare

Well I finally decide to restart my blogging just to hit one big hurdle straight up. The files that I have re-upped so far are not reachable from rapidshare (GGGRRRRR) So I shopped around for another solution and have decidd to try mediafire. So bear with me as I transfer files over to them. Thanks Guys & Gals.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Re-Upped Links

I have four re-ups for you today,

Facebook Page Up And Running

After much debate with myself I have decided to give a Facebook page for this blog a go. I'm thinking it might be a better way of contact than email as many of you may of noticed, I'm pretty crappy at responding to emails so drop on by and say Gidday here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Today I re-upped two of my earlier albums for you, Crunchie 1980 and Red Alert also from 1980. I have many broken/dead links to repair and I will get to them all eventually. Enjoy !!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Its Been A While

I have found my way back to the little blog that I started many years ago. After sifting through way too many unread emails I have been working at re-upping files, passwords etc etc. All this takes time so please be patient and to all that have emailed with password queries I will be repairing as I go also.  

So here we go, back on the 80's band wagon !!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alive And Well And Living In Boxes.

Yes I am still alive, flat out packing house at the moment, trying to buy a new one and sell two others at the same time. So not much time apart from work and this thing I think they call sleep.
So wanted to "POP" in and say Gidday and to pass on a huge thanks to Mad Danno for his fierce defense of our little blog, the guy is a real gent in my eyes.
So bye bye to Aus Pop Mix, oh and thanks so much for actually sending me links to STUFF THAT WAS MINE OR DAN'S TO BEGIN WITH YOU TWAT. Not my most lady like moment guys and to you I apologise but that kind of behaviour shits me to tears.
Subject and his blog now closed!!!!

So as they say..... stay tuned, have found some goodies as I have been packing that I am dying to share.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The New Totally Unimproved Way Of Posting or ( How To Avoid Search Crawlers)

Picture too small????? Sorry guys but you'll have to click it to see the tracks.
Password: MAD_All_That_1986