Urban memories: share your old photos of cities around the world

From lost buildings to transformed neighbourhoods, share your pictures and memories of the changing landscapes of cities with GuardianWitness

Carnaby Street in 1968.
London’s Carnaby Street in 1968. Photograph: Robert Estall photo agency/Alamy

Urban memories: share your old photos of cities around the world

From lost buildings to transformed neighbourhoods, share your pictures and memories of the changing landscapes of cities with GuardianWitness

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Since its birth in the 19th century, photography has captured the development of cities around the world, documenting the often huge changes in the urban landscape.

As cities swiftly change, photographs can capture urban destruction, decay, genesis and renewal; buildings lost, or iconic structures being built; the trappings of daily life gone by; transformed neighbourhoods and social history.

We’d love to see your old photos capturing urban places that have since changed – whether it’s your local neighbourhood or a city you visited, five years ago or five decades ago. We’re building up an archive of readers’ photos and putting together galleries looking at cities around the world in the 1950s, ‘60s, ‘70s, and so on.

You can submit photos and stories using GuardianWitness (by clicking on the blue “contribute” button) and we’ll feature a selection on Guardian Cities. Please ensure they are photographs you have permission to share.

  • GuardianWitness is the home of readers’ content on the Guardian. Contribute your video, pictures and stories, and browse news, reviews and creations submitted by others. Posts will be reviewed prior to publication on GuardianWitness, and the best pieces will feature on the Guardian site.

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