
Gold Coast Suns veteran Jarrod Harbrow 'ashamed' at drink-drive charge

Senior Gold Coast defender Jarrod Harbrow has says he is "embarrassed and ashamed" after being charged with drink driving the morning after a Sunday session.

Harbrow, 28, has been suspended by the club for this week's match against Hawthorn at the MCG. Queensland police say he registered a blood alcohol level of 0.108 when he was pulled over on Monday morning.

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After a shock win over West Coast, the weekend took a bad turn for the Suns. As well as Harbrow's law-breaking, young star Jack Martin was assaulted in a separate incident. Police have charged a man and Martin, 22, has been cleared of any misconduct and is preparing to play this weekend.

Harbrow fronted the media on Tuesday afternoon and said that, although his drink driving "isn't acceptable" it was a "one-off poor decision".

He said the alcohol had impaired his thinking.

"It was a fair bit (to drink)," he said. "I had no idea at the time or I wouldn't have jumped in the car. 


"I'm incredibly embarrassed and ashamed of my actions and I want to apologise to the football club, the supporters and my family and teammates for letting them down.

"I was at home in my loungeroom having a few drinks and did step over the mark and have too many. 

"I went about my normal day on Monday morning, my alarm went off at seven, and I jumped in the car and got pulled over." 

The club has suspended Harbrow from AFL selection and will meet him and the leadership group before imposing further sanctions.

"Jarrod has expressed to us that he is extremely embarrassed by his actions and understands his poor judgement has let many people and his club down," Suns football chief Marcus Ashcroft said.

"Jarrod will have to work hard to regain the trust and respect of his teammates, peers and the wider Gold Coast community.

"On top of the legal sanctions to be imposed in due course, we can confirm that Jarrod will be unavailable for senior selection this week."

The indiscretion is ill-timed for the Suns, who face a winnable match against the Hawks on the back of a surprise victory over West Coast.