Monday, April 11, 2016

Greenhouse Infoshop Project Activities

Our Projects & Activities;
(Community Gardening, Art Workshop, Film Screening, Games Etc.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Greenhouse Infoshop Project Newsletter!

Fresh from the printer!

           After all the Food Not Bombs, Film Screenings and lots of troubles and activities we have decided to launch our first newsletter which will be distributed around the community of Granview Heights Subdivision. There will be new projects and activities to come like; Art workshops, library hours, urban gardening & solar power energy workshop. More new films, video and documentary also to be shown.

We are inviting everyone to come and visit The Greenhouse Infoshop Project Autonomous Space & Community Library, located @ Blk. 7 Lt. 13 Gladiola Street Grandview Heights Subd. Barangay Pacol Naga City Philippines.
In Solidarity!
For Autonomy & Direct Action!