Jetpack by


Keep any WordPress site secure, increase traffic, and engage your readers.

Traffic and SEO Tools

Traffic is the lifeblood of any website. Jetpack includes:

  • [free] Site stats and analytics
  • [free] Automatic sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and WhatsApp
  • [free] Related posts
  • [paid] Search engine optimization tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and
  • [paid] Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo

Security and Backup Services

Stop worrying about data loss, downtime, and hacking. Jetpack provides:

  • [free] Brute force attack protection
  • [free] Downtime and uptime monitoring
  • [free] Secured logins and two-factor authentication
  • [paid] Malware scanning, code scanning, and threat resolution
  • [paid] Site backups, restores, and migrations

Content Creation

Add rich, beautifully-presented media — no graphic design expertise necessary:

  • [free] A high-speed CDN for your images
  • [free] Carousels, slideshows, and tiled galleries
  • [free] Simple embeds from YouTube, Google Documents, Spotify and more
  • [free] Sidebar customization including Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds
  • [free] Extra sidebar widgets including blog stats, calendar, and author widgets
  • [paid] High-speed, ad-free, and high-definition video hosting

Discussion and Community

Create a connection with your readers and keep them coming back to your site with:

  • [free] Email subscriptions
  • [free] Comment login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
  • [free] Fully-customizable contact forms
  • [free] Infinite scroll for your posts

Expert Support

We have an entire team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.

Paid Services

Most of Jetpack’s features and services are free. Jetpack also provides advanced security and backup services, video hosting, site monetization, priority support, and more SEO tools in three simple and affordable plans.

Get Started

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up the free plan in minutes.


  • Dashboard: Bird’s eye view of your site stats, status, and health.
  • Safety: Protect your site and data with powerful security services.
  • Engagement: Social sharing, likes, and related posts.
  • Analytics: Actionable site stats and traffic insights.
  • Traffic: SEO Tools for Google, Twitter, Facebook and more.


Automated Installation

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.

Manual Alternatives

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.


Installation Instructions

Automated Installation

Installation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.

Manual Alternatives

Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.

Is Jetpack Free?

Yes! Jetpack’s core features are and always will be free.

These include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, and many more.

Should I purchase a paid plan?

Jetpack’s paid services include automated backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, and priority support.

If you’re interested in learning more about the extra layers of protection and advanced tools available, learn more about our paid plans.

Why do I need a account?

Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.

I already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn’t working. What’s going on?

A account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can’t, you can easily create one during installation.

How do I view my stats?

Once you’ve installed Jetpack your stats will be available on, on the official WordPress mobile apps, and on your Jetpack dashboard.

How do I contribute to Jetpack?

There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.


I Love it

I loved this plugin when I had I knew I needed for my blog, it has everything I need in it.

Excellent-Must have

After 7 month of usage i can say that it is the best plugin and also i can give my rating as 5 stars.
you should have this plugin.
i love this plugin

Great plugin


just want to add my support for this plugin, its great and it help me alot. 🙂

Read all 1،332 reviews

Contributors & Developers

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  • Release date: June 6th, 2017
  • Release post:


  • Several changes to the Jetpack dashboard and notices: alignment tweaks, code refactor, text simplification, and more.
  • Changes to the communication layer between your site and, to improve performance and allow you to do more to manage your site from
  • Social menu gets icons for Etsy, Meetup, 500px, and Goodreads.
  • Jetpack data sync now better supports WordPress updates, themes changes, widgets, and multisite networks.
  • Video is updated to be fully compatible with the upcoming Media Widget.
  • Force secure API requests for request body, remove deprecated stats methods, and add new endpoints for post listing and user invitations.
  • Jetpack’s Command Line tools can now output information about the primary Jetpack site owner. Try wp jetpack status!
  • Custom CSS now supports the animation-fill-mode, fill, and stroke properties.
  • Remove the “Menus” item from the toolbar for parity with the toolbar on
  • Improve the display of the Omnisearch results page on sites using an RTL language.
  • Trim any white space when adding new email address in the Contact Info Widget.
  • Improve the look of your recipes in search engine result pages, when you use the Recipe shortcode.

Compatibility Improvements

  • Improve the connection process for end users and hosts.
  • Improve compatibility of Jetpack data sync with WooCommerce and Pet Manager plugins.
  • Make sure Jetpack’s SEO Tools don’t conflict with other SEO plugins that may already be active on the site, like Yoast SEO or All In One SEO Pack.

Bug Fixes

  • Add a “Set Up” button when a Personal plan is purchased, but VaultPress isn’t active yet.
  • When the Ads feature is active, do not display Ads in RSS feeds.
  • Comments do not use Photon for Facebook and Twitter avatars and now avoid non-secure warnings when submitting comments on a HTTP site in Safari.
  • Contact form emails are now sent in a way that ensures they are correctly rendered as HTML.
  • Properly print the full list of modules when using the sync command in Jetpack’s Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Avoid errors when reordering a lot of Restaurant menu items at once.
  • Add a mechanism to detect broken connection states and resolve them.
  • Autosaves can now be restored as Markdown.
  • Photon no longer conflicts with Facebook’s CDN, local images, and plugins that customize reponsive images.
  • Avoid potential PHP notice in Publicize.
  • Fix bad jQuery selector in Presentations shortcode.
  • Avoid fatal errors for Social Links on sites running PHP 7.1.
  • Properly escape button attribute in spellchecker.
  • Avoid PHP notices for stats on some sites when user roles are not attributed properly.
  • No longer attempt to sync options that do not exist and avoid fatal errors when de/activating plugins.
  • Avoid errors when Social Menu functions have already been defined in the theme or in another plugin.
  • VideoPress media items now always return their unique ID, and do not trigger any PHP notice.
  • Fix style of the EU Cookie Law Widget on themes with specific positioning.
  • Use correct time constant to define an hour in Upcoming Events Widget.
  • Avoid HTML encoding issues in sitemaps.


  • Release date: May 2nd, 2017
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • New “EU Cookie Law Banner”, Flickr, and “Internet Defense League” widgets.

Slightly Less Exciting Enhancements

  • Success notices are automatically dismissed after a short period.
  • Removed unused code from “My Jetpack” interface and deprecated an XML-RPC method.
  • Contact Form now adds display names to email addresses in the To header.
  • Updated multiple unit tests to increase code coverage.
  • Development mode now also shows module list.
  • Updated the list of locales available in Jetpack.
  • Plugin auto-updates only triggered from and now trigger WordPress’ maintenance mode.

Performance Improvements

  • Record comment content modifications and moderation events to make sure comments are always up to date on
  • Sync post deletions, changes to sidebar, user events (addition, removal, and update) and theme installation.
  • We now distinguish between a new and an updated attachment.
  • Sync plugin and theme names when a related event is triggered including theme updates.

Compatibility Improvements

  • Protect avoid conflicts with other plugins hooking into the log in form.
  • Contact Form not auto-activated when Ninja Forms is active.
  • REST API now allows HTTP PUT requests.
  • Ensure that Jetpack’s Image Widget is fully compatible with the Media Widget soon to be available in WordPress 4.8.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wording in Post By Email button when no email address has been generated.
  • Fixed a notice in the subscription widget in PHP 7.1
  • Properly display VaultPress notices in the Jetpack dashboard.
  • VideoPress now included in search results for “video” and fixed positioning of search icon on mobile screens.
  • Protect supports IPv6 addresses properly.
  • Dashboard avoids API requests being cached on some hosts and avoids errors when Spellchecker is inactive.
  • Contact Form message content type is now set properly to restore compatibility with email plugins.
  • Ads not displayed in the portfolio projects custom content type.
  • Display all sites available in a network, even on large multisite installations.
  • Featured Image is always used in tweets posted via Publicize.
  • Avoid fatal errors when the exclusion parameter in Related Posts is not a string.
  • Allow the removal of all custom title settings in the SEO feature.
  • Make sure images are not distorted when Tiled Galleries uses Photon.
  • Avoid PHP warnings and errors in the Stats dashboard on Multisite.
  • Avoid errors when the Jetpack plugin is deleted.