
Looking for fiction for a special winter issue

About the ‘Our hour’ issue

Overland is seeking fiction submissions for a special online fiction edition themed around ‘Our hour’, to be guest edited by Anna Spargo-Ryan.

For this issue, we are looking for writers’ stories about identity, perception, perspective and reality. This might mean stories of home, displacement, gender, race, sexuality, physicality, ability, dysphoria, illness, altered states, or any other experience realised in your fiction. Send in stories that have listened, and that require listening to.

Online contributors for this edition will be paid $150 per story.

Submissions close 11.59pm, Sunday 11 June. The special issue will be available online in late July.

About the editor

Anna Spargo-Ryan is a Melbourne writer and fiction reader for Overland. She wrote The Gulf and The Paper House (both from Picador), and won the 2016 Horne Prize for her essay ‘The Suicide Gene’. Anna likes gut-punch realism, but also the storytelling traditions of lore and magic realism. Find her on Twitter.

Guidelines for submission

Stories can run from flash fiction to longer short stories, but the maximum word length for submissions is 4000 words.

Kindly note: writers may submit no more than two stories for consideration for this special issue.

Submit your story as a:

Current Overland subscriber?
Click here to submit your story.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? 
Click here to submit your story.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)

Read one of our previous fiction issues

  1. Natasha Batten
  2. Mandy Beaumont and Craig Bolland – The Idea of Women issue
  3. Ben Walter – Anti-/dis-/un-Australian fiction issue
  4. Rachel Hennessy
  5. Khalid Warsame
  6. Kate Goldsworthy
  7. Oliver Driscoll
  8. SJ Finn
  9. Emily Laidlaw
  10. Miranda Camboni

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate.

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