On Utilitarianism

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
On Utilitarianism

About two decades ago when my career as an underground conservative writer began, it became clear that the Right — which steers itself mostly by gut instincts, aesthetics and memory — was philosophically confused. This philosophical confusion leads to terms being used in a single context as absolute categories, and this creates the “football game” […]

Why No One Should Commemorate D-Day

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
Why No One Should Commemorate D-Day

Every June 6th, the media and patriotic brain-dead conservatives fawn over D-Day, the event that occurred 73 years ago when the Allied forces invaded Fortress Europe. Instead of celebrating reputable holidays, we commemorate a People’s Holiday for a war no one won. It does not require us to be National Socialists, or even to have […]

Crypto-Anarchy: Another Form Of Secession In Place

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
Crypto-Anarchy: Another Form Of Secession In Place

It becomes clear that Plato and Sam Huntington are right and that democracy has destroyed itself yet again. As people flee liberal democracy, many of them want to re-live the Confederacy by attempting to withdraw. Some want to do this either in place or in small communities, an idea called “exit” or “micro-secession.” The most […]

Breitbart Succumbs To Leftist Capture As DR3 / Magic Dirt Becomes Official Policy

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
<em>Breitbart</em> Succumbs To Leftist Capture As DR3 / Magic Dirt Becomes Official Policy

As mentioned previously on this site, Breitbart has fired Katie McHugh for stating the truth about diversity, namely that if there were not Other groups here we would not suffer their conflicts. This provoked widespread outrage among the Right, who are currently looking for an honest news source, which means one that bucks trends like […]

Consequences Of Trace Admixture In “Reality Leigh Winner”

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
Consequences Of Trace Admixture In “Reality Leigh Winner”

At this site, we warn frequently of trace admixture, or mixing between white groups. While Western Europeans have low admixture, most people in Eastern and Southern/Irish Europe have some Asian and Mediterranean admixture. Although these foreign influences are in “traces,” or amounts of one quarter or less, they are still there, and these groups have […]

Breitbart Fires Writer Katie McHugh For Stating Truth About Diversity, But She Does Not Back Down

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
Breitbart Fires Writer Katie McHugh For Stating Truth About Diversity, But She Does Not Back Down

Apparently it is offensive to state the truth: when attacked by Muslims who live in your country, it is safe to conclude that had those Muslims not been living in your country, the attack would not have happened. Leftists, including most conservatives, do not want to acknowledge the obvious, which is that it is much […]

Fallen Angels

by Brett Stevens (June 6th, 2017)
Fallen Angels

My generation inherited not a world ablaze, but the smoking embers. We knew from as soon as we could walk that we were doomed. The first clue was the fear and trembling. Adults lived in fear of death and each other. It was obvious that the weak ate the strong, because the smartest and wisest […]

Europe Fights Back Against Third World Invasion

by Brett Stevens (June 5th, 2017)
Europe Fights Back Against Third World Invasion

In times of great struggle, we take whatever we can get. The first hints of Europe awakening from its stupor show themselves in response to the most recent reason to pray, change Facebook profile picture and bravely affirm that they will not harm our democracy: “It looked like the man had been trying to intervene, […]

New Magazine Jacobite Details The Exit-Oriented Right

by Brett Stevens (June 5th, 2017)
New Magazine <em>Jacobite</em> Details The Exit-Oriented Right

A new magazine for the exit-oriented Right, or those who want to escape society into small Balkanized groups removed from the herd, picks up where the mainstream conservatives are still afraid to tread. To recognize exit is to realize that the West has fallen and most cannot be saved, but that small groups might be […]

Outliers (#55)

by Staff Account (June 5th, 2017)
Outliers (#55)

The death of the West happened before we were born. We fight now for its restoration. This requires ridding ourselves of the illusion of equality, but that is the most popular human notion because it allows each individual to think himself a king, god or tyrant. Think of this as playing the most epic RTS […]