Police dog dropout won hearts at Government House instead

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This was published 7 years ago

Police dog dropout won hearts at Government House instead

By Amy Mitchell-Whittington

Once a police dog dropout, Gavel the German shepherd now spends his days welcoming visitors to Government House.

The pooch was fostered out to the Paddington residence of Governor of Queensland Paul de Jersey in April last year while he participated in a training program at the police dog academy.

Gavel didn't quite cut it as a police dog.

Gavel didn't quite cut it as a police dog.

Unfortunately life as a police dog was not to be after trainers ruled Gavel too sociable for the frontline.

Government House staff, left wondering what to do with the dog that had won everyone's heart, decided to give Gavel a job at the property.

Gavel as a puppy enjoying a scruff with Queensland Governor Paul de Jersey.

Gavel as a puppy enjoying a scruff with Queensland Governor Paul de Jersey.

In February this year, he was named Queensland's first official vice-regal dog.

Gavel now gets to flaunt his social prowess across a range of duties including welcoming tour groups, attending functions with the Governor and Mrs de Jersey and attending formal ceremonies.

He also makes time to sneak through many cuddles with the staff at the property and enjoys exploring Fernberg's 10 hectares of native bushland.

He is often spotted wearing his specially-made Government House coat emblazoned with the Governor's Personal Standard, the St Edward's Crown and the brolga, the official bird emblem of Queensland.

Gavel in his official coat meeting guests.

Gavel in his official coat meeting guests.

A spokesman for the Office of the Governor said Gavel had become a "valued and much-loved" part of Government House life.

"Gavel on occasions sits in on briefings with the Governor," he said.

Gavel considers himself a proud Queenslander.

Gavel considers himself a proud Queenslander.

"Gavel has also demonstrated his capacity to uphold the ceremonial importance of his role at State of Origin time."

Gavel was greeting duties at Government House's open day last Saturday.

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