Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Time and programme will follow.Connecting to the masses is critical for the success of any movement, resurrection, protest, and revolution. The communication mechanisms for this connection have some... [Event]
2017 will mark the centenary of the Russian February and October revolutions. Few events in the twentieth century at the same time evoked such indignation and such admiration. The Russian Revolution... [Event]
Dit najaar zendt de VARA de serie De Strijd uit, over de geschiedenis van de arbeider in Nederland. Hiervoor is veel onderzoek gedaan bij het IISG. Het instituut organiseert daarom drie ‘De Strijd-... [Event]
Boekpresentatie Hartog de Hartog Lémon, 1755-1813, Joodse revolutionair in de Franse tijd door Dr. Salvador Bloemgarten  Op donderdag 19 april 2007 presenteert Uitgeverij Aksant in het Internationaal... [Event]
For the Second Sadighi Annual Lecture, Prof. Asef Bayat (University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) presents his paper Revolutions Gone Viral: From Iran's Green Wave To Arab Revolts.The Dr Sadighi... [Event]
International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH) When we look back on the 68er protest movements, we are dealing with a period of two decades, the 1960s and 1970s. For the social and... [Event]
In May 1968 students in Paris occupied university buildings to launch an avalanche of protests and strikes against the authorities. This was only the beginning of a wide-ranging social and cultural... [Image gallery]
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Louise Michel's death, the IISH presented in 2005 a selection of documents of her life.As a communarde, determined revolutionary, and romantic writer, Louise... [Image gallery]
On 15 August 1750 one of the most radical socialist atheists of all times was born in Paris. Sylvain Maréchal, a poet whose Manifest of the Equals was too much even for the egalitarian conspiracy of... [Image gallery]
Paris, spring 1871. Women participate in great numbers in the Paris Commune people's rebellion. Characteristically, women figure as ambulancières, orderlies and cantinières who bring boxed food to... [Image gallery]
