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In November 1944 the police raided the London offices of Freedom Press, the centre of the anarchist press in England. The police confiscated a typewriter, printed material, including a circular... [Image gallery]
British social history writing spans about seven centuries, from the medieval farmers' protests and enclosure movement to the 1984 miners' strike and the peace movement today. At the IISH both... [Collection guide]
The Campaign against Psychiatric Abuse (CAPA), British section of the Geneva initiating committee against abuses of psychiatry for political purposes struggled against the fate and treatment of... [Collection highlight]
In February 2010 the IISH received the vast archive of Walter Kendall. All his life Kendall (born in London in 1926) combined political activism with serious scholarly ambitions. At the age of 18 he... [Collection highlight]
The archive of the British anarchist and publicist Colin Ward (1924-2010) was donated to the IISH in 2010. Colin Ward became acquainted with anarchism during his military service in Glasgow. After... [Collection highlight]
The payment of wages at an inn to child-labourers of a brickyard in central England in 1871. From the accompanying text: "The masters pay the men, who afterwards pay the children. The latter are... [Collection item]
Benjamin Feigenbaum (1860-1932) was a true master of anti-religious satire. He used the religious knowledge he received from his chassidic father to propagate socialism.  [Collection item]
The Russian Social Revolutionary Party in exile in Londen also tried to gain members among the Jewish workers of the immigrant Eastside. To this end the party published their own Yiddish pamphlets... [Collection item]
The Yiddish revolutionary propagandists tried to give Jewish tradition and the traditional Jewish festivals a new and socialist definition. A good example of this kind of propaganda is a popular... [Collection item]
