Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Photos by Frits EisenloeffelJournalist Frits Eisenloeffel visited Angola in 1975 and 1976 to witness the transfer of power from the Portuguese to the Angolan liberation movement and the... [Image gallery]
A great international demonstration  shall be organized on a fixed date so that simultaneously in all countries and all towns, on the same day, the workers shall demand that the public authorities... [Collection highlight]
A meeting on the 1st of May, with a social-democratic speaker in a German concentration camp is something unprecedented, something which we never even dreamed of. The Dutch social-democratic leader... [Section]
The first May Day demonstration in the Netherlands was in 1890 and took place on Sunday, April 27th in Leeuwarden, because everywhere else holding May Day parades was forbidden. There were about 10,... [Section]
A great international demonstration  shall be organized on a fixed date so that simultaneously in all countries and all towns, on the same day, the workers shall demand that the public authorities... [Item of the Day]
By the end of the 19th century the idea was launched to make the first of May a day to fight for the eight-hour day in both the American and the European labour movements.The Italian Postal Services... [Item of the Day]